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AccessControlList - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
AccessControlListBuilder - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
AccessControlListModelFactory - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
ACL - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing.JsonFields
JSON field containing the Thing's Access Control List (ACL).
AclEntry - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
AclEntryInvalidException - Exception in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
AclEntryInvalidException.Builder - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder with a fluent API for a AclEntryInvalidException.
AclInvalidException - Exception in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
AclInvalidException.Builder - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder with a fluent API for a AclInvalidException.
AclNotAllowedException - Exception in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
AclNotAllowedException.Builder - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder with a fluent API for a AclNotAllowedException.
AclValidator - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
ACTIVE - org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingLifecycle
Signals that a Thing is active.
add(CharSequence) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinitionBuilder
Adds the specified Identifier to this builder if it is not already present.
addAll(Iterable<T>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinitionBuilder
Adds all of the Identifiers in the specified Iterable to this builder if they're not already present.
ADMINISTRATE - org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Permission
Permission to grant and revoke Permissions to other Authorization Subjects.
allPermissions() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a new mutable Permissions containing all available permissions.
allPermissions() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
allToString() - Static method in enum org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Permission
Returns all permissions concatenated as one String.
Attributes - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
Attributes describe other entities (e.
ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing.JsonFields
JSON field containing the Thing's attributes.
AttributesBuilder - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder for a Attributes with a fluent API.
AttributesModelFactory - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
Factory that creates new attributes objects.


build() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListBuilder
Returns a new immutable AccessControlList which contains all the entries which were set to this builder beforehand.
build() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Creates a new Attributes object containing all values which were set to this builder beforehand.
build() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureBuilder.FeatureBuildable
Creates a new Feature object based on the data which were set to this builder beforehand.
build() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureBuilder.FromCopyBuildable
Creates a new Feature object based on the data which was provided to this builder.
build() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinitionBuilder
Returns an immutable instance of FeatureDefinition containing the Identifiers which were provided to this builder so far.
build() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Creates a new FeatureProperties object containing all values which were set to this builder beforehand.
build() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturesBuilder
Creates a new Features object containing all features which were set to this builder beforehand.
build() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Creates a new Thing object based on the data which was provided to this builder.
build() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Creates a new immutable Thing containing all properties which were set to this builder beforehand.


contains(AuthorizationSubject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Indicates whether this ACL contains permissions for the specified authorization subject.
contains(Permission) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclEntry
Indicates whether this ACL entry contains the specified permission or in other words if the Authorization Subject of this entry is granted the specified permission.
contains(Permission, Permission...) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Permissions
Indicates whether this set of permissions contains the specified permission(s).
containsAll(Collection<Permission>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclEntry
Indicates whether this ACL entry contains the specified permissions or in other words if the Authorization Subject of this entry is granted each of the specified permissions.


definition(FeatureDefinition) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureBuilder.FromCopyBuildable
Sets the specified Definition to the Feature to be built.
definition(FeatureDefinition) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureBuilder.FromScratchBuildable
Sets the specified Definition to the Feature to be built.
DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature.JsonFields
JSON field definition for the Feature's Definition as JsonArray.
DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing.JsonFields
JSON field containing the Thing's definition.
DefinitionIdentifier - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
This interface represents a single fully qualified Identifier of a Definition both used for Thing and Feature.
DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException - Exception in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
This exception is thrown if an Identifier of a Feature Definition has an invalid structure.
DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException(CharSequence) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException
Constructs a new DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException object.
DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException.Builder - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException.
DELETED - org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingLifecycle
Signals that a Thing is deleted.
doBuild(DittoHeaders, String, String, Throwable, URI) - Method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclEntryInvalidException.Builder
doBuild(DittoHeaders, String, String, Throwable, URI) - Method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclInvalidException.Builder
doBuild(DittoHeaders, String, String, Throwable, URI) - Method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclNotAllowedException.Builder
doBuild(DittoHeaders, String, String, Throwable, URI) - Method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException.Builder
doBuild(DittoHeaders, String, String, Throwable, URI) - Method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinitionEmptyException.Builder
doBuild(DittoHeaders, String, String, Throwable, URI) - Method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.PolicyIdMissingException.Builder
doBuild(DittoHeaders, String, String, Throwable, URI) - Method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingIdInvalidException.Builder
doBuild(DittoHeaders, String, String, Throwable, URI) - Method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingTooLargeException.Builder
dummy() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingId
Returns a dummy ThingId.


emptyAcl() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a new empty immutable AccessControlList.
emptyAcl() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
emptyAttributes() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesModelFactory
Returns a new immutable empty Attributes.
emptyAttributes() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable empty Attributes.
emptyFeatureProperties() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable empty FeatureProperties.
emptyFeatures() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable empty Features.
ENTITY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingConstants
The type of a Thing entity.
ERROR_CODE - Static variable in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclEntryInvalidException
Error code of this exception.
ERROR_CODE - Static variable in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclInvalidException
Error code of this exception.
ERROR_CODE - Static variable in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclNotAllowedException
Error code of this exception.
ERROR_CODE - Static variable in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException
Error code of this exception.
ERROR_CODE - Static variable in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinitionEmptyException
Error code of this exception.
ERROR_CODE - Static variable in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.PolicyIdMissingException
Error code of this exception.
ERROR_CODE - Static variable in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingIdInvalidException
Error code of this exception.
ERROR_CODE - Static variable in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingTooLargeException
Error code of this exception.
ERROR_CODE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingException
Error code prefix of errors related to things.


Feature - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A Feature is used to manage all data and functionality of a Thing that can be clustered in an outlined technical context.
Feature.JsonFields - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
An enumeration of the known JsonFields of a Feature.
FeatureBuilder - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder for for a Feature which uses Object Scoping and Method Chaining to provide a fluent API.
FeatureBuilder.FeatureBuildable - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
This interface eventually allows create a new Feature object.
FeatureBuilder.FromCopyBuildable - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable Feature.
FeatureBuilder.FromJsonBuildable - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
This interface enables the creation of a Feature object from JSON.
FeatureBuilder.FromScratchBuildable - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
This interface enables the creation of a Feature object from scratch.
FeatureDefinition - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A FeatureDefinition is a list of fully qualified DefinitionIdentifiers.
FeatureDefinitionBuilder - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable FeatureDefinition.
FeatureDefinitionEmptyException - Exception in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
This exception is thrown if a Feature Definition was set to an empty array.
FeatureDefinitionEmptyException() - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinitionEmptyException
Constructs a new FeatureDefinitionEmptyException object.
FeatureDefinitionEmptyException.Builder - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable FeatureDefinitionEmptyException.
FeatureProperties - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
Represents data related to Features.
FeaturePropertiesBuilder - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder for a FeatureProperties with a fluent API.
Features - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A collection of a Thing's Features.
FEATURES - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing.JsonFields
JSON field containing the Thing's features.
FeaturesBuilder - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder for a Feature with a fluent API.
forName(String) - Static method in enum org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingLifecycle
Returns the ThingLifecycle with the given name.
fromIdentifier(CharSequence, CharSequence...) - Static method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinition
Parses the specified CharSequence to an Identifier and returns an immutable FeatureDefinition containing that Identifier.
fromJson(String) - Static method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinition
Returns a new immutable FeatureDefinition which is initialised with the values of the given JSON string.
fromJson(JsonArray) - Static method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinition
Returns a new immutable FeatureDefinition which is initialised with the values of the given JSON array.
fromJson(JsonObject, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclEntryInvalidException
Constructs a new AclEntryInvalidException object with the exception message extracted from the given JSON object.
fromJson(JsonObject, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclInvalidException
Constructs a new AclInvalidException object with the exception message extracted from the given JSON object.
fromJson(JsonObject, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclNotAllowedException
Constructs a new AclNotAllowedException object with the exception message extracted from the given JSON object.
fromJson(JsonObject, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException
Constructs a new DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException object with the exception message extracted from the given JSON object.
fromJson(JsonObject, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinitionEmptyException
Constructs a new FeatureDefinitionEmptyException object with the exception message extracted from the given JSON object.
fromJson(JsonObject, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.PolicyIdMissingException
Constructs a new PolicyIdMissingException object with the exception message and description extracted from the given JSON object.
fromJson(JsonObject, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingIdInvalidException
Constructs a new ThingIdInvalidException object with the exception message extracted from the given JSON object.
fromJson(JsonObject, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingTooLargeException
Deserialize from a JSON object.
fromMessage(String, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclEntryInvalidException
Constructs a new AclEntryInvalidException object with the given exception message.
fromMessage(String, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclInvalidException
Constructs a new AclInvalidException object with the given exception message.
fromMessage(String, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclNotAllowedException
Constructs a new AclNotAllowedException object with the given exception message.
fromMessage(String, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException
Constructs a new DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException object with the given exception message.
fromMessage(String, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinitionEmptyException
Constructs a new FeatureDefinitionEmptyException object with the given exception message.
fromMessage(String, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingIdInvalidException
Constructs a new ThingIdInvalidException object with the given exception message.
fromThingIdOnCreate(ThingId, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.PolicyIdMissingException
Constructs a new PolicyIdMissingException object with an exception message for a thing-create scenario.
fromThingIdOnUpdate(ThingId, DittoHeaders) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.PolicyIdMissingException
Constructs a new PolicyIdMissingException object with an exception message for a thing-update scenario.


generateRandom() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingId
Generates a new thing ID with the default namespace placeholder and a unique name.
generateRandomThingId() - Static method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder
generateRandomTypedThingId() - Static method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder
get(CharSequence) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturesBuilder
Returns the Feature with the specified identifier from this builder or an empty Optional if such a Feature is unknown to this builder.
getAccessControlList() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
getAttributes() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Returns the attributes of this Thing.
getAuthorizationSubject() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclEntry
Returns the Authorization Subject of this entry.
getAuthorizedSubjectsFor(Permission, Permission...) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Returns all authorization subjects for the specified permission(s), i.
getAuthorizedSubjectsFor(Permissions) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Returns all authorization subjects for the specified permissions, i.
getDefinition() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Returns the attached Definition of this Feature.
getDefinition() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Gets the definition of this Thing.
getEntityId() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
getEntityType() - Method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingId
Returns the entity type of a Thing.
getEntriesSet() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Returns the entries of this ACL as set.
getEntryFor(AuthorizationSubject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Returns an ACL entry for the specified authorization subject.
getFeature(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Returns the Feature with the given ID or an empty optional.
getFeatures() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Returns the Features of this Thing.
getFirstIdentifier() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinition
Returns the first Identifier of this Feature Definition which is guaranteed to exist.
getFirstIdentifier() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinitionBuilder
Returns the first Identifier of this builder or null if an intermediate state of this builder does not contain any Identifiers - however this should be an utterly exception.
getId() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Returns the ID of this Feature.
getImplementedSchemaVersion() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
getLifecycle() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Returns the current lifecycle of this Thing.
getName() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.DefinitionIdentifier
Returns the name of this Identifier.
getNamespace() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.DefinitionIdentifier
Returns the namespace of ths Identifier.
getNamespace() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Returns the namespace this Thing was created in.
getPermissions() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclEntry
Returns the permissions of this entry.
getPermissionsOf(AuthorizationSubject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Returns all permissions for the specified authorization subject.
getPolicyEntityId() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Returns the Policy ID of this Thing.
getPolicyId() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Policy ID of the thing is now typed. Use Thing.getPolicyEntityId() instead.
getProperties() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Returns the properties of this Feature.
getProperty(CharSequence) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Gets the property value which is referred by the given JSON Pointer.
getProperty(JsonPointer) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Gets the property value which is referred by the given JSON Pointer.
getReason() - Method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclValidator
getReason() - Method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingAclValidator
getSize() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Returns the amount of entries this ACL has.
getSize() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinition
Returns the count of Identifiers of this Feature Definition.
getSize() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinitionBuilder
Returns the count of Identifiers of this builder.
getSize() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Returns the size of this Features, i.
getSupportedSchemaVersions() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
AccessControlList is only available in JsonSchemaVersion V_1.
getSupportedSchemaVersions() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclEntry
AclEntry is only available in JsonSchemaVersion V_1.
getSupportedSchemaVersions() - Method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclEntryInvalidException
getSupportedSchemaVersions() - Method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclInvalidException
getSupportedSchemaVersions() - Method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclNotAllowedException
getSupportedSchemaVersions() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Permissions
Permissions is only available in JsonSchemaVersion V_1.
getSupportedSchemaVersions() - Method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.PolicyIdMissingException
getThingEntityId() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.WithThingId
getThingId() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.WithThingId
The thing ID is now typed. Use getThingEntityId() instead.
getVersion() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.DefinitionIdentifier
Returns the version of this Identifier.


hasLifecycle(ThingLifecycle) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Indicates whether this Thing has the given lifecycle.
hasPermission(AuthorizationContext, Permission, Permission...) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Indicates whether any AuthorizationSubject contained in the passed AuthorizationContext has at least all of the specified permissions.
hasPermission(AuthorizationSubject, Permission, Permission...) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Indicates whether the given AuthorizationSubject has at least all of the specified permissions.


ID - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing.JsonFields
JSON field containing the Thing's ID.
inDefaultNamespace(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingId
Returns an instance of this class with default namespace placeholder.
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Indicates whether this ACL is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Indicates whether this Features is empty.
isNull() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Indicates whether this Features are equivalent to semantic null.
isValid() - Method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclValidator
Validates the AccessControlList which was provided to the static factory method of this class.
isValid() - Method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingAclValidator
Validates the AccessControlList which was provided to the static factory method of this class.


LIFECYCLE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing.JsonFields
JSON field containing the Thing's lifecycle.


merge(AuthorizationSubject, Permission, Permission...) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Creates an association between the specified authorization subject and one or more permissions.
merge(AclEntry) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Adds the specified entry to this ACL.
merge(Permission, AuthorizationSubject, AuthorizationSubject...) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Creates an associated between the specified permission and one or more authorization subjects.
MIN_REQUIRED_PERMISSIONS - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
MODIFIED - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing.JsonFields
JSON field containing the Thing's modified timestamp in ISO-8601 format.


NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing.JsonFields
JSON field containing the Thing's namespace.
newAcl(Iterable<AclEntry>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Access Control List (ACL) which is initialised with the specified entries.
newAcl(Iterable<AclEntry>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
newAcl(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Access Control List (ACL) based on the given JSON string.
newAcl(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
newAcl(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Access Control List (ACL) based on the given JSON object.
newAcl(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
newAcl(AclEntry, AclEntry...) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Access Control List (ACL) which is initialised with the specified entries.
newAcl(AclEntry, AclEntry...) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
newAclBuilder() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable AccessControlList.
newAclBuilder() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
newAclBuilder(Iterable<AclEntry>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable AccessControlList.
newAclBuilder(Iterable<AclEntry>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
newAclBuilder(Optional<? extends Iterable<AclEntry>>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable AccessControlList.
newAclBuilder(Optional<? extends Iterable<AclEntry>>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
newAclEntry(CharSequence, JsonValue) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a new immutable AclEntry with the given authorization subject identifier and the given JSON value which provides the permissions.
newAclEntry(CharSequence, JsonValue) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
newAclEntry(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a new immutable AclEntry based on the given JSON object.
newAclEntry(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
newAclEntry(AuthorizationSubject, Iterable<Permission>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a new immutable AclEntry with the given authorization subject and permissions.
newAclEntry(AuthorizationSubject, Iterable<Permission>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
newAclEntry(AuthorizationSubject, Permission, Permission...) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a new immutable AclEntry with the given authorization subject and permissions.
newAclEntry(AuthorizationSubject, Permission, Permission...) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
newAttributes(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Attributes which is initialised with the values of the given JSON string.
newAttributes(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Attributes which is initialised with the values of the given JSON string.
newAttributes(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Attributes which is initialised with the values of the given JSON object.
newAttributes(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Attributes which is initialised with the values of the given JSON object.
newAttributesBuilder() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesModelFactory
Returns a new empty builder for a Attributes.
newAttributesBuilder() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new empty builder for a Attributes.
newAttributesBuilder(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesModelFactory
Returns a new builder for a Attributes which is initialised with the values of the given JSON object.
newAttributesBuilder(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new builder for a Attributes which is initialised with the values of the given JSON object.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Returns a mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable AccessControlList.
newBuilder() - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclEntryInvalidException
A mutable builder for a AclEntryInvalidException.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Attributes
Returns a new empty builder for a Attributes.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Returns a new empty builder for an immutable Feature.
newBuilder() - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinitionEmptyException
Returns a mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable FeatureDefinitionEmptyException.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureProperties
Returns a new empty builder for an immutable FeatureProperties.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Returns a new mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable Features.
newBuilder() - Static method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Returns a mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable Thing from scratch.
newBuilder(long, long) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingTooLargeException
A mutable builder for a ThingTooLargeException.
newBuilder(CharSequence) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException
Returns a mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException.
newBuilder(CharSequence) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingIdInvalidException
A mutable builder for a ThingIdInvalidException.
newBuilder(ThingId) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclInvalidException
A mutable builder for a AclInvalidException.
newBuilder(ThingId) - Static method in exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclNotAllowedException
A mutable builder for a AclNotAllowedException.
newDefinition(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable ThingDefinition which is initialised with the parsed thingDefinition.
newFeature(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Feature with the given ID.
newFeature(String, FeatureDefinition) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Feature with the given ID, properties and Definition.
newFeature(String, FeatureDefinition, FeatureProperties) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Feature with the given ID, properties and Definition.
newFeature(String, FeatureProperties) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Feature with the given ID and properties.
newFeatureBuilder() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new builder for an immutable Feature from scratch with a fluent API.
newFeatureBuilder(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new builder for an immutable Feature which is initialised with the values of the given JSON string.
newFeatureBuilder(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new builder for an immutable Feature which is initialised with the values of the given JSON object.
newFeatureBuilder(Feature) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new builder for an immutable Feature which is initialised with the values of the given Feature.
newFeatureDefinition(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable FeatureDefinition which is initialised with the values of the given JSON string.
newFeatureDefinition(JsonArray) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Parses the specified JsonArray and returns an immutable instance of FeatureDefinition which is initialised with the values of the given JSON array.
newFeatureDefinitionBuilder(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Parses the specified CharSequence and returns a mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable FeatureDefinition.
newFeatureDefinitionBuilder(JsonArray) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new builder for an immutable FeatureDefinition which is initialised with the values of the given JSON array.
newFeatureDefinitionIdentifier(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Parses the specified CharSequence and returns an immutable instance of DefinitionIdentifier.
newFeatureDefinitionIdentifier(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns an immutable instance of DefinitionIdentifier.
newFeatureProperties(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable FeatureProperties which is initialised with the values of the given JSON string.
newFeatureProperties(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable FeatureProperties which is initialised with the values of the given JSON object.
newFeaturePropertiesBuilder() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new empty builder for an immutable FeatureProperties.
newFeaturePropertiesBuilder(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new builder for an immutable FeatureProperties which is initialised with the values of the given JSON object.
newFeatures(Iterable<Feature>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Features which is initialised with the features of the given Iterable.
newFeatures(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Features based on the given JSON string.
newFeatures(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Features based on the given JSON object.
newFeatures(Feature, Feature...) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Features which is initialised with the given features.
newFeaturesBuilder() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable Features.
newFeaturesBuilder(Iterable<Feature>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable Features.
newInstance(long) - Static method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingRevision
Returns a new immutable ThingRevision which is initialised with the given revision number.
newInstance(AuthorizationSubject, Iterable<Permission>) - Static method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclEntry
Returns a new immutable AclEntry with the given authorization subject and permissions.
newInstance(AuthorizationSubject, Permission, Permission...) - Static method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclEntry
Returns a new immutable AclEntry with the given authorization subject and permissions.
newInstance(AccessControlList) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingAclValidator
Creates a new ThingAclValidator instance.
newInstance(AccessControlList, Permissions) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclValidator
Creates a new AclValidator instance.
newInstance(Permission, Permission...) - Static method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Permissions
Returns a new mutable Permissions containing the given permissions.
newPermissions(Collection<Permission>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a new mutable Permissions containing the given permissions.
newPermissions(Collection<Permission>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
newPermissions(Permission, Permission...) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a new mutable Permissions containing the given permissions.
newPermissions(Permission, Permission...) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
newThing(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Thing based on the given JSON string.
newThing(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Thing based on the given JSON object.
newThingBuilder() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable Thing from scratch.
newThingBuilder(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable Thing based on the given JSON string.
newThingBuilder(JsonObject) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable Thing based on the given JSON object.
newThingBuilder(Thing) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable Thing.
newThingRevision(long) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable ThingRevision which is initialised with the given revision number.
newUnmodifiablePermissions(Permission, Permission...) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a new unmodifiable Permissions containing the given permissions.
newUnmodifiablePermissions(Permission, Permission...) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
noPermissions() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListModelFactory
Returns a new empty mutable Permissions.
noPermissions() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
nullAttributes() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Attributes which represents null.
nullAttributes() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Attributes which represents null.
nullDefinition() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable ThingDefinition which represents null.
nullFeature(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Feature which represents null.
nullFeatureDefinition() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable FeatureDefinition which represents null.
nullFeatureProperties() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable FeatureProperties which represents null.
nullFeatures() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingsModelFactory
Returns a new immutable Features which represents null.


of(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingId
Returns an instance of this class based on the given CharSequence.
of(String, String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingId
Returns an instance of this class with the given namespace and name.
org.eclipse.ditto.model.things - package org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
Contains the Things framework around the cornerstone of this package: Thing.


Permission - Enum in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
Permissions - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
POLICY_ID - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing.JsonFields
JSON field containing the Thing's Policy ID.
PolicyIdMissingException - Exception in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
This exception indicates that a Thing's JsonSchemaVersion requires a policyId.
PolicyIdMissingException.Builder - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder with a fluent API for a PolicyIdMissingException.
properties(Function<FeatureProperties, FeatureProperties>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureBuilder.FromCopyBuildable
Calls the given transform function with the currently set properties of this builder.
properties(JsonObject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureBuilder.FromCopyBuildable
Sets the properties of the Feature.
properties(JsonObject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureBuilder.FromScratchBuildable
Sets the properties of the Feature.
properties(FeatureProperties) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureBuilder.FromCopyBuildable
Sets the properties of the Feature.
properties(FeatureProperties) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureBuilder.FromScratchBuildable
Sets the properties of the Feature.
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature.JsonFields
JSON field definition for the Feature's properties as JsonObject.


READ - org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Permission
Permission to read an entity, for example a Thing.
remove(CharSequence) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Attributes
remove(CharSequence) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Removes the attribute from the Attributes to be built which is associated with the given name.
remove(CharSequence) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinitionBuilder
Removes the specified Identifier from this builder if it is present.
remove(CharSequence) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureProperties
remove(CharSequence) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Removes the property from the FeatureProperties to be built which is associated with the given name.
remove(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturesBuilder
Removes the Feature with the given ID from this builder.
remove(JsonFieldDefinition) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Removes the attribute from the Attributes to be built which is associated with the pointer of the specified JSON field definition.
remove(JsonFieldDefinition) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Removes the property from the @code FeatureProperties} to be built which is associated with the pointer of the specified JSON field definition.
remove(AuthorizationSubject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListBuilder
Removes the entry from this builder which has the given authorization subject.
remove(AclEntry) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListBuilder
Removes the given entry from this builder.
remove(Feature) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturesBuilder
Removes the given Feature from this builder.
removeAll() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Removes all fields from the Attributes to be built.
removeAll() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Removes all fields from the FeatureProperties to be built.
removeAll() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturesBuilder
Removes all previously set Features.
removeAll(Iterable<AclEntry>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListBuilder
Removes all entries from this builder which have the same authorization subject like the given entries.
removeAll(Iterable<T>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinitionBuilder
Removes from this builder all of its Identifiers that are contained in the specified Iterable.
removeAllAttributes() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Removes all attributes from this builder.
removeAllAttributes() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Removes all attributes from this builder.
removeAllAttributes(Predicate<Attributes>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Removes all attributes from this builder.
removeAllFeatures() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Removes all features from this builder.
removeAllFeatures() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Removes all features from this builder.
removeAllFeatures(Predicate<Features>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Removes all features from this builder.
removeAllPermissions() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
removeAllPermissions() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
removeAllPermissions(Predicate<AccessControlList>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
removeAllPermissionsOf(AuthorizationSubject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Removes all permissions which are associated to the specified authorization subject in this ACL.
removeAllPermissionsOf(AuthorizationSubject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
removeAttribute(CharSequence) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Removes the attribute at the given path from a copy of this Thing.
removeAttribute(Predicate<Attributes>, JsonPointer) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Removes the attribute at the given path from this builder.
removeAttribute(JsonPointer) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Removes the attribute at the given path from a copy of this Thing.
removeAttribute(JsonPointer) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Removes the attribute at the given path from this builder.
removeAttribute(JsonPointer) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Removes the attribute at the given path from this builder.
removeAttributes() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Removes all attributes from a copy of this Thing.
removeDefinition() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Removes the Definition from a copy of this Feature.
removeDefinition() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Removes the Thing's definition on a copy of this Thing.
removeDefinition() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Removes the ThingDefinition from this builder.
removeDefinition() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Removes the Definition from this builder.
removeDefinition(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Removes the definition from the Feature with the given ID from a copy of this Features.
removeEntry(AclEntry) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Removes the specified entry from this ACL.
removeFeature(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Removes the Feature with the given ID from a copy of this Features.
removeFeature(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Removes the Feature with the specified ID from a copy of this Thing.
removeFeature(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Removes the Feature with the given ID from this builder.
removeFeature(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Removes the Feature with the given ID from this builder.
removeFeature(Predicate<Features>, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Removes the Feature with the given ID from this builder.
removeFeatureDefinition(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Removes the definition from the Feature of this thing with the specified feature ID.
removeFeatureDefinition(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Removes the definition from Feature with the given identifier on this builder.
removeFeatureDefinition(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Removes the definition from Feature with the given identifier on this builder.
removeFeatureProperties(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Removes all properties from the given Feature on a copy of this Thing.
removeFeatureProperties(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Removes all properties from the Feature with the given ID on this builder.
removeFeatureProperties(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Removes all properties from the Feature with the given ID on this builder.
removeFeatureProperties(Predicate<Features>, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Removes all properties from the Feature with the given ID on this builder.
removeFeatureProperty(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Removes the given property from a Feature on a copy of this Thing.
removeFeatureProperty(String, JsonPointer) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Removes the given property from a Feature on a copy of this Thing.
removeFeatureProperty(String, JsonPointer) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Removes the given property from the Feature with the given ID on this builder.
removeFeatureProperty(String, JsonPointer) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Removes the given property from the Feature with the given ID on this builder.
removeFeatureProperty(Predicate<Features>, String, JsonPointer) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Removes the given property from the Feature with the given ID on this builder.
removeFeatures() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Removes all Features from a copy of this Thing.
removePermission(AuthorizationSubject, Permission, Permission...) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Removes the given permission(s) from the entry of this ACL which has the given authorization subject.
removePermissionsOf(Predicate<AccessControlList>, AuthorizationSubject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
removePermissionsOf(AuthorizationSubject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
removePermissionsOf(AuthorizationSubject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
removePolicyId() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Removes the Policy ID from this builder.
removePolicyId() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Removes the Policy ID from this builder.
removeProperties() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Removes all properties on a copy of this Feature.
removeProperties(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Removes all properties of the Feature with the given ID from a copy of this Features.
removeProperty(CharSequence) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Removes the property specified by a JSON Pointer from a copy of this Feature.
removeProperty(String, JsonPointer) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Removes the property which is referred by the given JSON Pointer from the Feature with the given ID on a copy of this Features..
removeProperty(JsonPointer) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Removes the property specified by a JSON Pointer from a copy of this Feature.
REVISION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing.JsonFields
JSON field containing the Thing's revision.


SCHEMA_VERSION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature.JsonFields
JSON field definition for the Feature's JsonSchemaVersion as int.
SCHEMA_VERSION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing.JsonFields
JSON field containing the JsonSchemaVersion.
set(CharSequence, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets a new boolean value attribute to the Attributes to be built.
set(CharSequence, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets a new boolean property to the FeatureProperties to be built.
set(CharSequence, boolean, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets a new boolean value attribute to the Attributes to be built if the specified predicate evaluates to true.
set(CharSequence, boolean, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets a new boolean property to the FeatureProperties to be built if the specified predicate evaluates to true.
set(CharSequence, double) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets a new double value attribute to the Attributes to be built.
set(CharSequence, double) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets a new double property to the FeatureProperties to be built.
set(CharSequence, double, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets a new double value attribute to the Attributes to be built if the specified predicate evaluates to true.
set(CharSequence, double, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets a new double property to the FeatureProperties to be built if the specified predicate evaluates to true.
set(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets a new int attribute to the Attributes to be built.
set(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets a new int property to the FeatureProperties to be built.
set(CharSequence, int, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets a new int attribute to the Attributes to be built if the specified predicate evaluates to true.
set(CharSequence, int, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets a new int property to the FeatureProperties to be built if the specified predicate evaluates to true.
set(CharSequence, long) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets a new long attribute to the Attributes to be built.
set(CharSequence, long) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets a new long property to the FeatureProperties to be built.
set(CharSequence, long, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets a new long attribute to the Attributes to be built if the specified predicate evaluates to true.
set(CharSequence, long, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets a new long property to the FeatureProperties to be built if the specified predicate evaluates to true.
set(CharSequence, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets a new string value attribute to the Attributes to be built.
set(CharSequence, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets a new string property to the FeatureProperties to be built.
set(CharSequence, String, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets a new string value attribute to the Attributes to be built if the specified predicate evaluates to true.
set(CharSequence, String, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets a new string property to the FeatureProperties to be built if the specified predicate evaluates to true.
set(CharSequence, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets a new JsonValue attribute to the Attributes to be built.
set(CharSequence, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets a new JsonValue property to the FeatureProperties to be built.
set(CharSequence, JsonValue, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets a new JsonValue attribute to the Attributes to be built if the specified predicate evaluates to true.
set(CharSequence, JsonValue, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets a new JsonValue property to the FeatureProperties to be built if the specified predicate evaluates to true.
set(JsonField) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Attributes
set(JsonField) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets the specified attribute to the Attributes to be built.
set(JsonField) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureProperties
set(JsonField) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets the specified property to the FeatureProperties to be built.
set(JsonFieldDefinition<T>, T) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
set(JsonFieldDefinition<T>, T) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
set(JsonFieldDefinition<T>, T, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
set(JsonFieldDefinition<T>, T, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
set(JsonField, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets the specified attribute to the Attributes to be built if the specified predicate evaluates to true.
set(JsonField, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets the specified property to the FeatureProperties to be built if the specified predicate evaluates to true.
set(AclEntry) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListBuilder
Sets the given entry to this builder.
set(Feature) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturesBuilder
Sets the given Feature to this builder.
setAccessControlList(AccessControlList) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setAclEntry(AclEntry) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setAll(Iterable<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Attributes
setAll(Iterable<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets the given JsonFields to the Attributes to be built.
setAll(Iterable<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureProperties
setAll(Iterable<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets the given JsonFields to the FeatureProperties to be built.
setAll(Iterable<JsonField>, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AttributesBuilder
Sets the given JsonFields to the Attributes to be built.
setAll(Iterable<JsonField>, Predicate<JsonField>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturePropertiesBuilder
Sets the given JsonFields to the FeatureProperties to be built.
setAll(Iterable<AclEntry>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlListBuilder
Sets the given entries to this builder.
setAll(Iterable<Feature>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeaturesBuilder
Sets all given Features to this builder.
setAttribute(CharSequence, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given attribute on a copy of this Thing.
setAttribute(CharSequence, double) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given attribute on a copy of this Thing.
setAttribute(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given attribute on a copy of this Thing.
setAttribute(CharSequence, long) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given attribute on a copy of this Thing.
setAttribute(CharSequence, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given attribute on a copy of this Thing.
setAttribute(CharSequence, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given attribute on a copy of this Thing.
setAttribute(Predicate<Attributes>, JsonPointer, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given attribute to this builder.
setAttribute(JsonPointer, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given attribute on a copy of this Thing.
setAttribute(JsonPointer, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given attribute to this builder.
setAttribute(JsonPointer, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the given attribute to this builder.
setAttributes(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the attributes to this builder.
setAttributes(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the attributes to this builder.
setAttributes(Predicate<Attributes>, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the attributes to this builder.
setAttributes(Predicate<Attributes>, JsonObject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the attributes to this builder.
setAttributes(Predicate<Attributes>, Attributes) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given attributes to this builder.
setAttributes(JsonObject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the attributes to this builder.
setAttributes(JsonObject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the attributes to this builder.
setAttributes(Attributes) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the attributes on a copy of this Thing.
setAttributes(Attributes) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given attributes to this builder.
setAttributes(Attributes) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the given attributes to this builder.
setDefinition(CharSequence) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the definition on a copy of this Thing.
setDefinition(String, FeatureDefinition) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Sets the given definition for the Feature with the given ID on a copy of this Features.
setDefinition(FeatureDefinition) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Sets the specified Definition to a copy of this Feature.
setDefinition(ThingDefinition) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given definition to this builder.
setDefinition(ThingDefinition) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the given ThingDefinition to this builder.
setEmptyAttributes() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets empty attributes to this builder.
setEmptyFeatures() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets empty features to this builder.
setEntry(AclEntry) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Sets the specified entry to a copy this ACL.
setFeature(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets a Feature with the given ID to this builder.
setFeature(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets a Feature with the given ID to this builder.
setFeature(String, FeatureDefinition, FeatureProperties) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets a Feature with the given ID and properties to this builder.
setFeature(String, FeatureDefinition, FeatureProperties) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets a Feature with the given ID and properties to this builder.
setFeature(String, FeatureProperties) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets a Feature with the given ID and properties to this builder.
setFeature(String, FeatureProperties) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets a Feature with the given ID and properties to this builder.
setFeature(Predicate<Features>, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets a Feature with the given ID to this builder.
setFeature(Predicate<Features>, String, FeatureDefinition, FeatureProperties) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets a Feature with the given ID and properties to this builder.
setFeature(Predicate<Features>, String, FeatureProperties) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets a Feature with the given ID and properties to this builder.
setFeature(Predicate<Features>, Feature) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given Feature to this builder.
setFeature(Feature) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Sets the given Feature to a copy of this Features.
setFeature(Feature) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given Feature to a copy of this Thing.
setFeature(Feature) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given Feature to this builder.
setFeature(Feature) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the given Feature to this builder.
setFeatureDefinition(String, FeatureDefinition) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given definition of a Feature on a copy of this Thing.
setFeatureDefinition(String, FeatureDefinition) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given definition to the Feature with the given ID on this builder.
setFeatureDefinition(String, FeatureDefinition) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the given definition to the Feature with the given ID on this builder.
setFeatureDefinition(Predicate<Features>, String, FeatureDefinition) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given definition to the Feature with the given ID on this builder.
setFeatureProperties(String, FeatureProperties) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given properties of a Feature on a copy of this Thing.
setFeatureProperties(String, FeatureProperties) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given properties to the Feature with the given ID on this builder.
setFeatureProperties(String, FeatureProperties) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the given properties to the Feature with the given ID on this builder.
setFeatureProperties(Predicate<Features>, String, FeatureProperties) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given properties to the Feature with the given ID on this builder.
setFeatureProperty(String, CharSequence, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given property to the Feature with the given ID on a copy of this Thing.
setFeatureProperty(String, CharSequence, double) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given property to the Feature with the given ID on a copy of this Thing.
setFeatureProperty(String, CharSequence, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given property to the Feature with the given ID on a copy of this Thing.
setFeatureProperty(String, CharSequence, long) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given property to the Feature with the given ID on a copy of this Thing.
setFeatureProperty(String, CharSequence, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given property to the Feature with the given ID on a copy of this Thing.
setFeatureProperty(String, CharSequence, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given property to the Feature with the given ID on a copy of this Thing.
setFeatureProperty(String, JsonPointer, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given property to the Feature with the given ID on a copy of this Thing.
setFeatureProperty(String, JsonPointer, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given property to the Feature with the given ID on this builder.
setFeatureProperty(String, JsonPointer, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the given property to the Feature with the given ID on this builder.
setFeatureProperty(Predicate<Features>, String, JsonPointer, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given property to the Feature with the given ID on this builder.
setFeatures(Iterable<Feature>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given Features to this builder.
setFeatures(Iterable<Feature>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the given Features to this builder.
setFeatures(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the Features of the Thing based on the given JSON object.
setFeatures(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the Features of the Thing based on the given JSON object.
setFeatures(Predicate<Features>, Iterable<Feature>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given Features to this builder.
setFeatures(Predicate<Features>, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the Features of the Thing based on the given JSON object.
setFeatures(Predicate<Features>, JsonObject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the features to this builder.
setFeatures(JsonObject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the features to this builder.
setFeatures(JsonObject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the features to this builder.
setFeatures(Features) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given Features to a copy of this Thing.
setForAllAuthorizationSubjects(Permissions) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Sets the specified permissions to all authorization subjects of this ACL.
setGeneratedId() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets a generated Thing ID to this builder.
setGeneratedId() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets a generated Thing ID to this builder.
setGeneratedId(Predicate<ThingId>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets a generated Thing ID to this builder.
setId(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureBuilder.FromCopyBuildable
Sets the given Feature ID to this builder.
setId(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Thing ID is now typed. Use ThingBuilder.FromCopy.setId(ThingId) instead.
setId(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
thing ID is now typed. Use ThingBuilder.FromScratch.setId(ThingId) instead.
setId(Predicate<String>, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureBuilder.FromCopyBuildable
Sets the given Feature ID to this builder.
setId(Predicate<String>, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
setId(Predicate<ThingId>, ThingId) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given Thing ID to this builder.
setId(ThingId) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given Thing ID to this builder.
setId(ThingId) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the given Thing ID to this builder.
setLifecycle(Predicate<ThingLifecycle>, ThingLifecycle) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given lifecycle to this builder.
setLifecycle(ThingLifecycle) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given lifecycle to a copy of this Thing.
setLifecycle(ThingLifecycle) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given lifecycle to this builder.
setLifecycle(ThingLifecycle) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the given lifecycle to this builder.
setModified(Instant) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given modified to this builder.
setModified(Instant) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the given modified to this builder.
setModified(Predicate<Instant>, Instant) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given modified to this builder.
setNullAttributes() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets attributes to this builder which represent semantically null.
setNullAttributes() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets attributes to this builder which represent semantically null.
setNullDefinition() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the ThingDefinition to this builder which represent semantically null.
setNullDefinition() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the ThingDefinition to this builder which represent semantically null.
setNullFeatures() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets features to this builder which represents semantically null.
setNullFeatures() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets features to this builder which represents semantically null.
setPermissions(Iterable<AclEntry>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(Iterable<AclEntry>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(Predicate<AccessControlList>, Iterable<AclEntry>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(Predicate<AccessControlList>, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(Predicate<AccessControlList>, JsonObject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(Predicate<AccessControlList>, AuthorizationSubject, Permission, Permission...) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(Predicate<AccessControlList>, AuthorizationSubject, Permissions) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(Predicate<AccessControlList>, AclEntry, AclEntry...) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(JsonObject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(JsonObject) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(AuthorizationSubject, Permission, Permission...) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(AuthorizationSubject, Permission, Permission...) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(AuthorizationSubject, Permissions) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(AuthorizationSubject, Permissions) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(AclEntry, AclEntry...) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPermissions(AclEntry, AclEntry...) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Permissions belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
setPolicyId(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Policy ID of the thing is now typed. Use Thing.setPolicyId(PolicyId) ()} instead.
setPolicyId(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Policy ID of the Thing is now typed. Use ThingBuilder.FromCopy.setPolicyId(PolicyId) instead.
setPolicyId(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Policy ID of the Thing is now typed. Use ThingBuilder.FromScratch.setPolicyId(PolicyId) instead.
setPolicyId(PolicyId) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Sets the given Policy ID on a copy of this Thing.
setPolicyId(PolicyId) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given Policy ID to this builder.
setPolicyId(PolicyId) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the given Policy ID to this builder.
setProperties(String, FeatureProperties) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Sets the given properties for the Feature with the given ID on a copy of this Features.
setProperties(FeatureProperties) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Sets the given properties to a copy of this Feature.
setProperty(CharSequence, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Sets the value of a property which is referred by the given JSON Pointer.
setProperty(CharSequence, double) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Sets the value of a property which is referred by the given JSON Pointer.
setProperty(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Sets the value of a property which is referred by the given JSON Pointer.
setProperty(CharSequence, long) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Sets the value of a property which is referred by the given JSON Pointer.
setProperty(CharSequence, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Sets the value of a property which is referred by the given JSON Pointer.
setProperty(CharSequence, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Sets the value of a property which is referred by the given JSON Pointer.
setProperty(String, JsonPointer, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Sets the value of the property which is referred by the given JSON Pointer of the Feature with the given ID on a copy of this Features.
setProperty(JsonPointer, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Sets the value of a property which is referred by the given JSON Pointer.
setRevision(long) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given revision number to this builder.
setRevision(long) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the given revision number to this builder.
setRevision(Predicate<ThingRevision>, long) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given revision number to this builder.
setRevision(Predicate<ThingRevision>, ThingRevision) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given revision to this builder.
setRevision(ThingRevision) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromCopy
Sets the given revision to this builder.
setRevision(ThingRevision) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingBuilder.FromScratch
Sets the given revision to this builder.
setValue(CharSequence, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Attributes
setValue(CharSequence, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureProperties
setValue(CharSequence, double) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Attributes
setValue(CharSequence, double) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureProperties
setValue(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Attributes
setValue(CharSequence, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureProperties
setValue(CharSequence, long) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Attributes
setValue(CharSequence, long) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureProperties
setValue(CharSequence, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Attributes
setValue(CharSequence, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureProperties
setValue(CharSequence, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Attributes
setValue(CharSequence, JsonValue) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureProperties
stream() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Returns a sequential Stream with the entries of this ACL as its source.
stream() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinition
Returns a sequential Stream with the Identifiers of this Feature Definition as its source.
stream() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureDefinitionBuilder
Returns a sequential Stream with the Identifiers of this builder as its source.
stream() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Returns a sequential Stream with the values of this Features as its source.


Thing - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A generic entity which can be used as a "handle" for multiple Features belonging to this Thing.
Thing.JsonFields - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
An enumeration of the known JsonFields of a Thing.
ThingAclValidator - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
AccessControlLists belong to deprecated API version 1. Use API version 2 with policies instead.
ThingBuilder - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
Builder for instances of Thing which uses Object Scoping and Method Chaining to provide a convenient usage experience.
ThingBuilder.FromCopy - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable Thing.
ThingBuilder.FromScratch - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable Thing from scratch.
ThingConstants - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
Constants to support working with Thing.
ThingDefinition - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A ThingDefinition represents a single fully qualified DefinitionIdentifier.
ThingException - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
Aggregates all DittoRuntimeExceptions which are related to a Thing.
ThingId - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
Java representation of a validated Thing ID.
ThingIdInvalidException - Exception in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
Thrown if the Thing's ID is not valid (for example if it does not comply to the Thing ID REGEX).
ThingIdInvalidException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingIdInvalidException
Constructs a new ThingIdInvalidException object.
ThingIdInvalidException.Builder - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder with a fluent API for a ThingIdInvalidException.
ThingLifecycle - Enum in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
An enumeration of a Thing's lifecycle.
ThingRevision - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
Represents the current revision of a Thing.
ThingsModelFactory - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
Factory that creates new things objects.
ThingTooLargeException - Exception in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
This exception indicates the content of a Thing is too large to be processed by a backend.
ThingTooLargeException.Builder - Class in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
A mutable builder with a fluent API for a ThingTooLargeException.
toBuilder() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Returns a mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable AccessControlList.
toBuilder() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Attributes
Returns a mutable builder with a fluent API for immutable Attributes.
toBuilder() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Returns a new builder for an immutable Feature which is initialised with the values of the this Feature object.
toBuilder() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureProperties
Returns a new builder for an immutable FeatureProperties which is initialised with the values of the this FeatureProperties object.
toBuilder() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Returns a new mutable builder with a fluent API for an immutable Features.
toBuilder() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
Returns a mutable builder with a fluent API for immutable Thing.
toJson() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
Returns all non hidden marked fields of this ACL.
toJson() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclEntry
Returns all non hidden marked fields of this ACL entry.
toJson() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
Returns all non hidden marked fields of this Feature.
toJson() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
Returns all non hidden marked fields of this Features.
toJson() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Permissions
Returns all non hidden marked fields of this permissions.
toJson(JsonSchemaVersion, JsonFieldSelector) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AccessControlList
toJson(JsonSchemaVersion, JsonFieldSelector) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.AclEntry
toJson(JsonSchemaVersion, JsonFieldSelector) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Attributes
toJson(JsonSchemaVersion, JsonFieldSelector) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Feature
toJson(JsonSchemaVersion, JsonFieldSelector) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureProperties
toJson(JsonSchemaVersion, JsonFieldSelector) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Features
toJson(JsonSchemaVersion, JsonFieldSelector) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Permissions
toJsonKey() - Method in enum org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Permission
Returns this Permission constant as JsonKey.
toString() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.DefinitionIdentifier
Returns the string representation of this Identifier with the following structure: "namespace:name:version"


useId(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureBuilder.FromJsonBuildable
Sets the provided Feature ID.


validate(DittoHeaders) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Thing
this method does nothing anymore. IDs are now typed and already validated.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Permission
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingLifecycle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Permission
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.ThingLifecycle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withId(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.FeatureBuilder.FromScratchBuildable
Sets the provided ID instead of the one which was possibly contained in the Feature's JSON.
WithThingId - Interface in org.eclipse.ditto.model.things
Implementations of this interface are associated to a Thing identified by the value returned from getThingEntityId() ()}.
WRITE - org.eclipse.ditto.model.things.Permission
Permission to write/change an entity.
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