Interface FeatureDefinition

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Iterable<DefinitionIdentifier>, org.eclipse.ditto.model.base.json.Jsonifiable<org.eclipse.ditto.json.JsonArray>

    public interface FeatureDefinition
    extends Iterable<DefinitionIdentifier>, org.eclipse.ditto.model.base.json.Jsonifiable<org.eclipse.ditto.json.JsonArray>
    A FeatureDefinition is a list of fully qualified DefinitionIdentifiers. A FeatureDefinition is guaranteed to contain at least one DefinitionIdentifier. Each Identifier is unique, i. e. a Feature Definition does not contain duplicates.
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eclipse.ditto.model.base.json.Jsonifiable

        org.eclipse.ditto.model.base.json.Jsonifiable.WithFieldSelector, org.eclipse.ditto.model.base.json.Jsonifiable.WithFieldSelectorAndPredicate<T extends Object>, org.eclipse.ditto.model.base.json.Jsonifiable.WithPointer<J extends org.eclipse.ditto.json.JsonValue>, org.eclipse.ditto.model.base.json.Jsonifiable.WithPredicate<J extends org.eclipse.ditto.json.JsonValue,​T extends Object>
    • Method Detail

      • fromIdentifier

        static FeatureDefinition fromIdentifier​(CharSequence identifier,
                                                CharSequence... furtherIdentifiers)
        Parses the specified CharSequence to an Identifier and returns an immutable FeatureDefinition containing that Identifier.
        identifier - CharSequence-representation of the first Identifier of the returned FeatureDefinition.
        furtherIdentifiers - optional further Identifiers of the returned FeatureDefinition.
        the instance.
        NullPointerException - if any argument is null.
        DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException - if any argument is invalid.
      • fromJson

        static FeatureDefinition fromJson​(String jsonArrayAsString)
        Returns a new immutable FeatureDefinition which is initialised with the values of the given JSON string. This string is required to be a valid JsonArray.
        jsonArrayAsString - provides the initial values of the result.
        the new immutable initialised FeatureDefinition.
        NullPointerException - if jsonArrayAsString is null.
        org.eclipse.ditto.model.base.exceptions.DittoJsonException - if jsonArrayAsString cannot be parsed to FeatureDefinition.
        FeatureDefinitionEmptyException - if the JSON array is empty.
        DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException - if any Identifier of the JSON array is invalid.
      • fromJson

        static FeatureDefinition fromJson​(org.eclipse.ditto.json.JsonArray jsonArray)
        Returns a new immutable FeatureDefinition which is initialised with the values of the given JSON array.
        jsonArray - provides the initial values of the result.
        the new immutable initialised FeatureDefinition.
        NullPointerException - if jsonArray is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if jsonArray is empty.
        DefinitionIdentifierInvalidException - if any Identifier of jsonArray is invalid.
      • getFirstIdentifier

        DefinitionIdentifier getFirstIdentifier()
        Returns the first Identifier of this Feature Definition which is guaranteed to exist.
        the Identifier.
      • getSize

        int getSize()
        Returns the count of Identifiers of this Feature Definition. The size is guaranteed to be at least one.
        the size.
      • stream

        Stream<DefinitionIdentifier> stream()
        Returns a sequential Stream with the Identifiers of this Feature Definition as its source.
        a sequential stream of the Identifiers of this Feature Definition.