Class AbstractGlobalJsonParsableRegistry<T,​A extends Annotation>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The superclass of all classes that should be deserialized by this registry.
    A - The type of the annotation that holds the information to build an annotation based json parsable.
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    JsonParsable<T>, JsonParsableRegistry<T>
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AbstractGlobalJsonParsableRegistry<T,​A extends Annotation>
    extends AbstractJsonParsableRegistry<T>
    Responsible for collecting all AnnotationBasedJsonParsable for subclasses of T.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractGlobalJsonParsableRegistry

        protected AbstractGlobalJsonParsableRegistry​(Class<T> parsedClass,
                                                     Class<A> annotationClass,
                                                     AbstractAnnotationBasedJsonParsableFactory<T,​A> annotationBasedJsonParsableFactory)
        Creates a new instance.
        parsedClass - the superclass of all classes that should be deserialized by this registry.
        annotationClass - the type of the annotation that holds the information to build an annotation based json parsable.
        annotationBasedJsonParsableFactory - the factory used to create AnnotationBasedJsonParsable based on a given annotation.
      • AbstractGlobalJsonParsableRegistry

        protected AbstractGlobalJsonParsableRegistry​(Class<T> parsedClass,
                                                     Class<A> annotationClass,
                                                     AbstractAnnotationBasedJsonParsableFactory<T,​A> annotationBasedJsonParsableFactory,
                                                     Map<String,​JsonParsable<T>> parseStrategies)
        Creates a new instance.
        parsedClass - the superclass of all classes that should be deserialized by this registry.
        annotationClass - the type of the annotation that holds the information to build an annotation based json parsable.
        annotationBasedJsonParsableFactory - the factory used to create AnnotationBasedJsonParsable based on a given annotation.
        parseStrategies - individual strategies that should be added to the annotation based strategies. Annotation based strategies will be overridden if they have the same key.