Class AuthenticatingClientConfigProperties

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class AuthenticatingClientConfigProperties
    extends AbstractConfig
    Common configuration properties required for accessing and authenticating to a remote server.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthenticatingClientConfigProperties

        public AuthenticatingClientConfigProperties()
        Creates new properties with default values.
      • AuthenticatingClientConfigProperties

        public AuthenticatingClientConfigProperties​(AuthenticatingClientConfigProperties otherProperties)
        Creates properties based on other properties.
        otherProperties - The properties to copy.
    • Method Detail

      • getHost

        public final String getHost()
        Gets the name or literal IP address of the host that the client is configured to connect to.

        The default value of this property is localhost.

        The host name.
      • setHost

        public final void setHost​(String host)
        Sets the name or literal IP address of the host that the client should connect to.

        The default value of this property is localhost.

        host - The host name or IP address.
        NullPointerException - if host is null.
      • getPort

        public final int getPort()
        Gets the TCP port of the server that this client is configured to connect to.

        The default value of this property is Constants.PORT_AMQPS.

        The port number.
      • setPort

        public final void setPort​(int port)
        Sets the TCP port of the server that this client should connect to.

        The default value of this property is Constants.PORT_AMQPS.

        port - The port number.
        IllegalArgumentException - if port < 1000 or port > 65535.
      • getUsername

        public final String getUsername()
        Gets the user name that is used when authenticating to the Hono server.

        This method returns the value set using the setUsername method if the value is not null. Otherwise, the user name is read from the properties file indicated by the credentialsPath property (if not null).

        The user name or null if not set.
      • setUsername

        public final void setUsername​(String username)
        Sets the user name to use when authenticating to the Hono server.

        If not set then this client will not try to authenticate to the server.

        username - The user name.
      • getPassword

        public final String getPassword()
        Gets the password that is used when authenticating to the Hono server.

        This method returns the value set using the setPassword method if the value is not null. Otherwise, the password is read from the properties file indicated by the credentialsPath property (if not null).

        The password or null if not set.
      • setPassword

        public final void setPassword​(String password)
        Sets the password to use in conjunction with the user name when authenticating to the Hono server.

        If not set then this client will not try to authenticate to the server.

        password - The password.
      • getCredentialsPath

        public final String getCredentialsPath()
        Gets the file system path to a properties file containing the credentials for authenticating to the server.

        The file is expected to contain a username and a password property, e.g.

        The path or null if not set.
      • setCredentialsPath

        public final void setCredentialsPath​(String path)
        Sets the file system path to a properties file containing the credentials for authenticating to the server.

        The file is expected to contain a username and a password property, e.g.

        path - The path to the properties file.
      • isHostnameVerificationRequired

        public final boolean isHostnameVerificationRequired()
        Checks if the host property must match the distinguished or any of the alternative names asserted by the server's certificate when connecting using TLS.
        true if the host name will be matched against the asserted names.
      • setHostnameVerificationRequired

        public final void setHostnameVerificationRequired​(boolean hostnameVerificationRequired)
        Sets whether the host property must match the distinguished or any of the alternative names asserted by the server's certificate when connecting using TLS.

        Verification is enabled by default, i.e. the connection will be established only if the server presents a certificate that has been signed by one of the client's trusted CAs and one of the asserted names matches the host name that the client used to connect to the server.

        hostnameVerificationRequired - true if the host name should be matched.
      • isTlsEnabled

        public final boolean isTlsEnabled()
        Checks if the client should use TLS to verify the server's identity and encrypt the connection.

        Verification is disabled by default. Setting the trustStorePath property enables verification of the server identity implicitly and the value of this property is ignored.

        true if TLS should be used.
      • setTlsEnabled

        public final void setTlsEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Sets whether the client should use TLS to verify the server's identity and encrypt the connection.

        Verification is disabled by default. Setting the trustStorePath property enables verification of the server identity implicitly and the value of this property is ignored.

        This property should be set to true if the server uses a certificate that has been signed by a CA that is contained in the standard trust store that the JVM is configured to use. In this case the trustStorePath does not need to be set.

        enabled - true if the server identity should be verified.
      • setServerRole

        public final void setServerRole​(String roleName)
        Sets the name of the role that the server plays from the client's perspective.

        The default value of this property is unknown.

        roleName - The name.
        NullPointerException - if name is null.
      • getServerRole

        public final String getServerRole()
        Gets the name of the role that the server plays from the client's perspective.

        The default value of this property is unknown.

        The name.