Class DataVolume

  • public class DataVolume
    extends Object
    Data volume definition of the tenant resource limits.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DataVolume

        public DataVolume()
    • Method Detail

      • getEffectiveSince

        public final Instant getEffectiveSince()
        Gets the point in time on which the data volume limit came into effect.
        The instant on which the data volume limit came into effective or null if not set.
      • setEffectiveSince

        public final DataVolume setEffectiveSince​(Instant effectiveSince)
        Sets the point in time on which the data volume limit came into effect.
        effectiveSince - the point in time on which the data volume limit came into effect and it comply to the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME.
        a reference to this for fluent use.
      • getPeriod

        public final ResourceLimitsPeriod getPeriod()
        Gets the period for the data usage calculation.
        The period for the data usage calculation.
      • setPeriod

        public final DataVolume setPeriod​(ResourceLimitsPeriod period)
        Sets the period for the data usage calculation.
        period - The period for the data usage calculation.
        a reference to this for fluent use.