Interface ExecutionContextTenantAndAuthIdProvider<T extends ExecutionContext>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type of ExecutionContext used.

    public interface ExecutionContextTenantAndAuthIdProvider<T extends ExecutionContext>
    Provides a method to determine the tenant and auth-id of a protocol adapter request from the given ExecutionContext.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        io.vertx.core.Future<TenantObjectWithAuthId> get​(T context,
                                                         io.opentracing.SpanContext spanContext)
        Get the tenant and auth-id from the given ExecutionContext.
        context - The execution context.
        spanContext - The OpenTracing context to use for tracking the operation (may be null).
        A future indicating the outcome of the operation.

        The future will fail if tenant and auth-id information could not be retrieved from the ExecutionContext or if there was an error obtaining the tenant object. In the latter case the future will be failed with a org.eclipse.hono.client.ServiceInvocationException.

        Otherwise the future will contain the created TenantObjectWithAuthId.