Interface HttpUpgrader

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface HttpUpgrader

HttpUpgrader prepares a HTTP request to upgrade from one protocol to another, and implements the upgrade mechanism.

The upgrade mechanism can be the HTTP/1.1 upgrade mechanism or the HTTP/2 extended CONNECT mechanism.

Given the differences among mechanism implementations, a request needs to be prepared before being sent to comply with the mechanism requirements (for example, add required headers, etc.).

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static interface 
    A factory for HttpUpgraders.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Prepares the request for the upgrade, for example by setting the HTTP method or by setting HTTP headers required for the upgrade.
    upgrade(HttpResponse response, endPoint, org.eclipse.jetty.util.Callback callback)
    Upgrades the given endPoint to a different protocol.
  • Method Details

    • prepare

      void prepare(HttpRequest request)

      Prepares the request for the upgrade, for example by setting the HTTP method or by setting HTTP headers required for the upgrade.

      request - the request to prepare
    • upgrade

      void upgrade(HttpResponse response, endPoint, org.eclipse.jetty.util.Callback callback)

      Upgrades the given endPoint to a different protocol.

      The success or failure of the upgrade should be communicated via the given callback.

      An exception thrown by this method is equivalent to failing the callback.

      response - the response with the information about the upgrade
      endPoint - the EndPoint to upgrade
      callback - a callback to notify of the success or failure of the upgrade