Class ContextHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Handler, HandlerContainer, org.eclipse.jetty.util.Attributes, org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Container, org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Destroyable, org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Dumpable, org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Graceful, org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.LifeCycle
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    @ManagedObject("URI Context")
    public class ContextHandler
    extends ScopedHandler
    implements org.eclipse.jetty.util.Attributes, org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Graceful

    This handler wraps a call to handle by setting the context and servlet path, plus setting the context classloader.

    If the context init parameter org.eclipse.jetty.server.context.ManagedAttributes is set to a comma separated list of names, then they are treated as context attribute names, which if set as attributes are passed to the servers Container so that they may be managed with JMX.

    The maximum size of a form that can be processed by this context is controlled by the system properties org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.maxFormKeys and org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.maxFormContentSize. These can also be configured with setMaxFormContentSize(int) and setMaxFormKeys(int)

    The executor is made available via a context attributed org.eclipse.jetty.server.Executor.

    By default, the context is created with alias checkers for AllowSymLinkAliasChecker (unix only) and ContextHandler.ApproveNonExistentDirectoryAliases. If these alias checkers are not required, then clearAliasChecks() or setAliasChecks(List) should be called.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ContextHandler

        public ContextHandler()
      • ContextHandler

        public ContextHandler​(java.lang.String contextPath)
      • ContextHandler

        public ContextHandler​(HandlerContainer parent,
                              java.lang.String contextPath)
    • Method Detail

      • getCurrentContext

        public static ContextHandler.Context getCurrentContext()
        Get the current ServletContext implementation.
        ServletContext implementation
      • getContextHandler

        public static ContextHandler getContextHandler​(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext context)
      • getServerInfo

        public static java.lang.String getServerInfo()
      • setServerInfo

        public static void setServerInfo​(java.lang.String serverInfo)
      • dump

        public void dump​(java.lang.Appendable out,
                         java.lang.String indent)
        Specified by:
        dump in interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Dumpable
        dump in class org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle
      • getAllowNullPathInfo

        @ManagedAttribute("Checks if the /context is not redirected to /context/")
        public boolean getAllowNullPathInfo()
        the allowNullPathInfo true if /context is not redirected to /context/
      • setAllowNullPathInfo

        public void setAllowNullPathInfo​(boolean allowNullPathInfo)
        allowNullPathInfo - true if /context is not redirected to /context/
      • isUsingSecurityManager

        public boolean isUsingSecurityManager()
      • setUsingSecurityManager

        public void setUsingSecurityManager​(boolean usingSecurityManager)
      • setVirtualHosts

        public void setVirtualHosts​(java.lang.String[] vhosts)
        Set the virtual hosts for the context. Only requests that have a matching host header or fully qualified URL will be passed to that context with a virtual host name. A context with no virtual host names or a null virtual host name is available to all requests that are not served by a context with a matching virtual host name.
        vhosts - Array of virtual hosts that this context responds to. A null/empty array means any hostname is acceptable. Host names may be String representation of IP addresses. Host names may start with '*.' to wildcard one level of names. Hosts and wildcard hosts may be followed with '@connectorname', in which case they will match only if the the Connector.getName() for the request also matches. If an entry is just '@connectorname' it will match any host if that connector was used. Note - In previous versions if one or more connectorname only entries existed and non of the connectors matched the handler would not match regardless of any hostname entries. If there is one or more connectorname only entries and one or more host only entries but no hostname and connector entries we assume the old behavior and will log a warning. The warning can be removed by removing the host entries that were previously being ignored, or modifying to include a hostname and connectorname entry.
      • addVirtualHosts

        public void addVirtualHosts​(java.lang.String[] virtualHosts)
        Either set virtual hosts or add to an existing set of virtual hosts.
        virtualHosts - Array of virtual hosts that this context responds to. A null/empty array means any hostname is acceptable. Host names may be String representation of IP addresses. Host names may start with '*.' to wildcard one level of names. Hosts and wildcard hosts may be followed with '@connectorname', in which case they will match only if the the Connector.getName() for the request also matches. If an entry is just '@connectorname' it will match any host if that connector was used. Note - In previous versions if one or more connectorname only entries existed and non of the connectors matched the handler would not match regardless of any hostname entries. If there is one or more connectorname only entries and one or more host only entries but no hostname and connector entries we assume the old behavior and will log a warning. The warning can be removed by removing the host entries that were previously being ignored, or modifying to include a hostname and connectorname entry.
      • removeVirtualHosts

        public void removeVirtualHosts​(java.lang.String[] virtualHosts)
        Removes an array of virtual host entries, if this removes all entries the _vhosts will be set to null
        virtualHosts - Array of virtual hosts that this context responds to. A null/empty array means any hostname is acceptable. Host names may be String representation of IP addresses. Host names may start with '*.' to wildcard one level of names. Hosts and wildcard hosts may be followed with '@connectorname', in which case they will match only if the the Connector.getName() for the request also matches. If an entry is just '@connectorname' it will match any host if that connector was used. Note - In previous versions if one or more connectorname only entries existed and non of the connectors matched the handler would not match regardless of any hostname entries. If there is one or more connectorname only entries and one or more host only entries but no hostname and connector entries we assume the old behavior and will log a warning. The warning can be removed by removing the host entries that were previously being ignored, or modifying to include a hostname and connectorname entry.
      • getVirtualHosts

        @ManagedAttribute(value="Virtual hosts accepted by the context",
        public java.lang.String[] getVirtualHosts()
        Get the virtual hosts for the context. Only requests that have a matching host header or fully qualified URL will be passed to that context with a virtual host name. A context with no virtual host names or a null virtual host name is available to all requests that are not served by a context with a matching virtual host name.
        Array of virtual hosts that this context responds to. A null/empty array means any hostname is acceptable. Host names may be String representation of IP addresses. Host names may start with '*.' to wildcard one level of names. Hosts and wildcard hosts may be followed with '@connectorname', in which case they will match only if the the Connector.getName() for the request also matches. If an entry is just '@connectorname' it will match any host if that connector was used. Note - In previous versions if one or more connectorname only entries existed and non of the connectors matched the handler would not match regardless of any hostname entries. If there is one or more connectorname only entries and one or more host only entries but no hostname and connector entries we assume the old behavior and will log a warning. The warning can be removed by removing the host entries that were previously being ignored, or modifying to include a hostname and connectorname entry.
      • getAttribute

        public java.lang.Object getAttribute​(java.lang.String name)
        Specified by:
        getAttribute in interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.Attributes
      • getAttributeNames

        public java.util.Enumeration<java.lang.String> getAttributeNames()
        Specified by:
        getAttributeNames in interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.Attributes
      • getAttributeNameSet

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getAttributeNameSet()
        Specified by:
        getAttributeNameSet in interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.Attributes
      • getAttributes

        public org.eclipse.jetty.util.Attributes getAttributes()
        Returns the attributes.
      • getClassLoader

        public java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader()
        Returns the classLoader.
      • getClassPath

        @ManagedAttribute("The file classpath")
        public java.lang.String getClassPath()
        Make best effort to extract a file classpath from the context classloader
        Returns the classLoader.
      • getContextPath

        @ManagedAttribute("True if URLs are compacted to replace the multiple \'/\'s with a single \'/\'")
        public java.lang.String getContextPath()
        Returns the contextPath.
      • getContextPathEncoded

        public java.lang.String getContextPathEncoded()
        Returns the encoded contextPath.
      • getInitParameter

        public java.lang.String getInitParameter​(java.lang.String name)
      • setInitParameter

        public java.lang.String setInitParameter​(java.lang.String name,
                                                 java.lang.String value)
      • getInitParameterNames

        public java.util.Enumeration<java.lang.String> getInitParameterNames()
      • getInitParams

        @ManagedAttribute("Initial Parameter map for the context")
        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getInitParams()
        Returns the initParams.
      • getDisplayName

        @ManagedAttribute(value="Display name of the Context",
        public java.lang.String getDisplayName()
      • addEventListener

        public boolean addEventListener​(java.util.EventListener listener)
        Add a context event listeners.
        Specified by:
        addEventListener in interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Container
        Specified by:
        addEventListener in interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.LifeCycle
        addEventListener in class org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle
        listener - the event listener to add
        true if the listener was added
        See Also:
        ContextHandler.ContextScopeListener, ServletContextListener, ServletContextAttributeListener, ServletRequestListener, ServletRequestAttributeListener
      • removeEventListener

        public boolean removeEventListener​(java.util.EventListener listener)
        Specified by:
        removeEventListener in interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Container
        Specified by:
        removeEventListener in interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.LifeCycle
        removeEventListener in class org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle
      • addProgrammaticListener

        protected void addProgrammaticListener​(java.util.EventListener listener)
        Apply any necessary restrictions on a programmatic added listener.
        listener - the programmatic listener to add
      • isProgrammaticListener

        public boolean isProgrammaticListener​(java.util.EventListener listener)
      • isDurableListener

        public boolean isDurableListener​(java.util.EventListener listener)
      • isShutdown

        @ManagedAttribute("true for graceful shutdown, which allows existing requests to complete")
        public boolean isShutdown()
        Specified by:
        isShutdown in interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Graceful
        true if this context is shutting down
      • shutdown

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> shutdown()
        Set shutdown status. This field allows for graceful shutdown of a context. A started context may be put into non accepting state so that existing requests can complete, but no new requests are accepted.
        Specified by:
        shutdown in interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Graceful
      • isAvailable

        public boolean isAvailable()
        false if this context is unavailable (sends 503)
      • setAvailable

        public void setAvailable​(boolean available)
        Set Available status.
        available - true to set as enabled
      • getLogger

        public org.slf4j.Logger getLogger()
      • setLogger

        public void setLogger​(org.slf4j.Logger logger)
      • doStart

        protected void doStart()
                        throws java.lang.Exception
        doStart in class ScopedHandler
      • startContext

        protected void startContext()
                             throws java.lang.Exception
        Extensible startContext. this method is called from doStart() instead of a call to super.doStart(). This allows derived classes to insert additional handling (Eg configuration) before the call to super.doStart by this method will start contained handlers.
        java.lang.Exception - if unable to start the context
        See Also:
      • contextInitialized

        public void contextInitialized()
                                throws java.lang.Exception
        Call the ServletContextListeners contextInitialized methods. This can be called from a ServletHandler during the proper sequence of initializing filters, servlets and listeners. However, if there is no ServletHandler, the ContextHandler will call this method during doStart().
      • contextDestroyed

        public void contextDestroyed()
                              throws java.lang.Exception
        Call the ServletContextListeners with contextDestroyed. This method can be called from a ServletHandler in the proper sequence of destroying filters, servlets and listeners. If there is no ServletHandler, the ContextHandler must ensure these listeners are called instead.
      • stopContext

        protected void stopContext()
                            throws java.lang.Exception
      • callContextInitialized

        protected void callContextInitialized​(jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener l,
                                              jakarta.servlet.ServletContextEvent e)
      • callContextDestroyed

        protected void callContextDestroyed​(jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener l,
                                            jakarta.servlet.ServletContextEvent e)
      • doStop

        protected void doStop()
                       throws java.lang.Exception
        doStop in class AbstractHandler
      • checkVirtualHost

        public boolean checkVirtualHost​(Request baseRequest)
      • checkContextPath

        public boolean checkContextPath​(java.lang.String uri)
      • checkContext

        public boolean checkContext​(java.lang.String target,
                                    Request baseRequest,
                                    jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
      • requestInitialized

        protected void requestInitialized​(Request baseRequest,
                                          jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      • requestDestroyed

        protected void requestDestroyed​(Request baseRequest,
                                        jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      • enterScope

        protected void enterScope​(Request request,
                                  java.lang.Object reason)
        request - A request that is applicable to the scope, or null
        reason - An object that indicates the reason the scope is being entered.
      • exitScope

        protected void exitScope​(Request request)
        request - A request that is applicable to the scope, or null
      • handle

        public void handle​(Request request,
                           java.lang.Runnable runnable)
        Handle a runnable in the scope of this context and a particular request
        request - The request to scope the thread to (may be null if no particular request is in scope)
        runnable - The runnable to run.
      • handle

        public void handle​(java.lang.Runnable runnable)
      • setProtectedTargets

        public void setProtectedTargets​(java.lang.String[] targets)
        targets - Array of URL prefix. Each prefix is in the form /path and will match either /path exactly or /path/anything
      • getProtectedTargets

        public java.lang.String[] getProtectedTargets()
      • removeAttribute

        public void removeAttribute​(java.lang.String name)
        Specified by:
        removeAttribute in interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.Attributes
      • setAttribute

        public void setAttribute​(java.lang.String name,
                                 java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        setAttribute in interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.Attributes
      • setAttributes

        public void setAttributes​(org.eclipse.jetty.util.Attributes attributes)
        attributes - The attributes to set.
      • clearAttributes

        public void clearAttributes()
        Specified by:
        clearAttributes in interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.Attributes
      • setClassLoader

        public void setClassLoader​(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
        classLoader - The classLoader to set.
      • setDefaultContextPath

        public void setDefaultContextPath​(java.lang.String contextPath)
        Set the default context path. A default context path may be overriden by a default-context-path element in a web.xml
        contextPath - The _contextPath to set.
      • setDefaultRequestCharacterEncoding

        public void setDefaultRequestCharacterEncoding​(java.lang.String encoding)
      • getDefaultRequestCharacterEncoding

        public java.lang.String getDefaultRequestCharacterEncoding()
      • setDefaultResponseCharacterEncoding

        public void setDefaultResponseCharacterEncoding​(java.lang.String encoding)
      • getDefaultResponseCharacterEncoding

        public java.lang.String getDefaultResponseCharacterEncoding()
      • isContextPathDefault

        public boolean isContextPathDefault()
        True if the current contextPath is from default settings
      • setContextPath

        public void setContextPath​(java.lang.String contextPath)
        contextPath - The _contextPath to set.
      • setDisplayName

        public void setDisplayName​(java.lang.String servletContextName)
        servletContextName - The servletContextName to set.
      • getBaseResource

        public org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource getBaseResource()
        Returns the resourceBase.
      • getResourceBase

        @ManagedAttribute("document root for context")
        public java.lang.String getResourceBase()
        Returns the base resource as a string.
      • setBaseResource

        public void setBaseResource​(org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource base)
        Set the base resource for this context.
        base - The resource used as the base for all static content of this context.
        See Also:
      • setResourceBase

        public void setResourceBase​(java.lang.String resourceBase)
        Set the base resource for this context.
        resourceBase - A string representing the base resource for the context. Any string accepted by Resource.newResource(String) may be passed and the call is equivalent to setBaseResource(newResource(resourceBase));
      • getMimeTypes

        public org.eclipse.jetty.http.MimeTypes getMimeTypes()
        Returns the mimeTypes.
      • setMimeTypes

        public void setMimeTypes​(org.eclipse.jetty.http.MimeTypes mimeTypes)
        mimeTypes - The mimeTypes to set.
      • setWelcomeFiles

        public void setWelcomeFiles​(java.lang.String[] files)
      • getWelcomeFiles

        @ManagedAttribute(value="Partial URIs of directory welcome files",
        public java.lang.String[] getWelcomeFiles()
        The names of the files which the server should consider to be welcome files in this context.
        See Also:
        The Servlet Specification, setWelcomeFiles(java.lang.String[])
      • getErrorHandler

        @ManagedAttribute("The error handler to use for the context")
        public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
        Returns the errorHandler.
      • setErrorHandler

        public void setErrorHandler​(ErrorHandler errorHandler)
        errorHandler - The errorHandler to set.
      • getMaxFormContentSize

        @ManagedAttribute("The maximum content size")
        public int getMaxFormContentSize()
      • setMaxFormContentSize

        public void setMaxFormContentSize​(int maxSize)
        Set the maximum size of a form post, to protect against DOS attacks from large forms.
        maxSize - the maximum size of the form content (in bytes)
      • getMaxFormKeys

        public int getMaxFormKeys()
      • setMaxFormKeys

        public void setMaxFormKeys​(int max)
        Set the maximum number of form Keys to protect against DOS attack from crafted hash keys.
        max - the maximum number of form keys
      • isCompactPath

        public boolean isCompactPath()
        True if URLs are compacted to replace multiple '/'s with a single '/'
      • setCompactPath

        public void setCompactPath​(boolean compactPath)
        compactPath - True if URLs are compacted to replace multiple '/'s with a single '/'
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle
      • loadClass

        public java.lang.Class<?> loadClass​(java.lang.String className)
                                     throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
      • addLocaleEncoding

        public void addLocaleEncoding​(java.lang.String locale,
                                      java.lang.String encoding)
      • getLocaleEncoding

        public java.lang.String getLocaleEncoding​(java.lang.String locale)
      • getLocaleEncoding

        public java.lang.String getLocaleEncoding​(java.util.Locale locale)
        Get the character encoding for a locale. The full locale name is first looked up in the map of encodings. If no encoding is found, then the locale language is looked up.
        locale - a Locale value
        a String representing the character encoding for the locale or null if none found.
      • getLocaleEncodings

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getLocaleEncodings()
        Get all of the locale encodings
        a map of all the locale encodings: key is name of the locale and value is the char encoding
      • getResource

        public org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource getResource​(java.lang.String path)
      • checkAlias

        public boolean checkAlias​(java.lang.String path,
                                  org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource resource)
        path - the path to check the alias for
        resource - the resource
        True if the alias is OK
      • newResource

        public org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource newResource​( url)
        Convert URL to Resource wrapper for Resource.newResource(URL) enables extensions to provide alternate resource implementations.
        url - the url to convert to a Resource
        the Resource for that url
        Throws: - if unable to create a Resource from the URL
      • newResource

        public org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource newResource​( uri)
        Convert URL to Resource wrapper for Resource.newResource(URL) enables extensions to provide alternate resource implementations.
        uri - the URI to convert to a Resource
        the Resource for that URI
        Throws: - if unable to create a Resource from the URL
      • newResource

        public org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource newResource​(java.lang.String urlOrPath)
        Convert a URL or path to a Resource. The default implementation is a wrapper for Resource.newResource(String).
        urlOrPath - The URL or path to convert
        The Resource for the URL/path
        Throws: - The Resource could not be created.
      • getResourcePaths

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getResourcePaths​(java.lang.String path)
      • addAliasCheck

        public void addAliasCheck​(ContextHandler.AliasCheck check)
        Add an AliasCheck instance to possibly permit aliased resources
        check - The alias checker
      • setAliasChecks

        public void setAliasChecks​(java.util.List<ContextHandler.AliasCheck> checks)
        checks - list of AliasCheck instances
      • clearAliasChecks

        public void clearAliasChecks()
        clear the list of AliasChecks