Interface Callback

    • Method Detail

      • addPathItem

        Callback addPathItem​(String name,
                             PathItem pathItem)
        Adds the given PathItem to this Callback's list of PathItems using the string as its key. The key that identifies the Path Item Object is a runtime expression that can be evaluated in the context of a runtime HTTP request/response to identify the URL to be used for the callback request. A simple example might be $request.body#/url. However, using a runtime expression the complete HTTP message can be accessed. This includes accessing any part of a body that a JSON Pointer RFC6901 can reference.
        name - a runtime expression that can be evaluated in the context of a runtime HTTP request/response
        pathItem - a path to add to this Callback's list of PathItems. null values will be rejected (implementation will throw an exception) or ignored.
        the current Callback instance
      • removePathItem

        void removePathItem​(String name)
        Removes the given path item of the Callback PathItems.
        name - a path name that will be removed.
      • getPathItems

        Map<String,​PathItem> getPathItems()
        Returns a copy map (potentially immutable) of the path items.
        all items
      • setPathItems

        void setPathItems​(Map<String,​PathItem> items)
        Set the path items map to this Callback.
        items - a map containing the list of paths.
      • hasPathItem

        default boolean hasPathItem​(String name)
        Check whether a path item is present to the map. This is a convenience method for getPathItems().containsKey(name)
        name - a path name in the format valid for a Paths object.
        a boolean to indicate if the path item is present or not.
      • getPathItem

        default PathItem getPathItem​(String name)
        Returns a path item for a given name. This is a convenience method for getPathItems().get(name)
        name - a path name in the format valid for a Paths object.
        the corresponding path item or null.