Interface BinaryDataCollectionMapping<ABSTRACT_SESSION extends CoreAbstractSession,​ATTRIBUTE_ACCESSOR extends CoreAttributeAccessor,​CONTAINER_POLICY extends CoreContainerPolicy,​CONVERTER extends CoreConverter,​DESCRIPTOR extends CoreDescriptor,​FIELD extends CoreField,​MARSHALLER extends Marshaller,​MIME_TYPE_POLICY extends MimeTypePolicy,​SESSION extends CoreSession,​UNMARSHALLER extends Unmarshaller,​XML_RECORD extends XMLRecord>

    • Method Detail

      • getAttributeElementClass

        Class getAttributeElementClass()
      • getMimeType

        String getMimeType()
      • isSwaRef

        boolean isSwaRef()
      • isWriteOnly

        boolean isWriteOnly()
      • setAttributeElementClass

        void setAttributeElementClass​(Class attributeElementClass)
        Set the class each element in the object's collection should be converted to, before the collection is inserted into the object. This is optional - if left null, the elements will be added to the object's collection unconverted.
      • setField

        void setField​(FIELD theField)
        ADVANCED: Set the field in the mapping. This can be used for advanced field types, such as XML nodes, or to set the field type.
      • setIsWriteOnly

        void setIsWriteOnly​(boolean b)
      • setMimeTypePolicy

        void setMimeTypePolicy​(MIME_TYPE_POLICY aPolicy)
        Allow implementer to set the MimeTypePolicy class FixedMimeTypePolicy or AttributeMimeTypePolicy (dynamic)
        aPolicy - MimeTypePolicy
      • setNullPolicy

        void setNullPolicy​(AbstractNullPolicy aNullPolicy)
        Set the AbstractNullPolicy on the mapping
        The default policy is NullPolicy.
        aNullPolicy -
      • setShouldInlineBinaryData

        void setShouldInlineBinaryData​(boolean b)
      • setSwaRef

        void setSwaRef​(boolean swaRef)
      • setValueConverter

        void setValueConverter​(CONVERTER valueConverter)
        Set the converter on the mapping. A converter can be used to convert between the direct collection's object value and database value.
      • shouldInlineBinaryData

        boolean shouldInlineBinaryData()
      • useCollectionClassName

        void useCollectionClassName​(String concreteContainerClassName)