Interface ChoiceCollectionMapping<ABSTRACT_SESSION extends CoreAbstractSession,​ATTRIBUTE_ACCESSOR extends CoreAttributeAccessor,​CONTAINER_POLICY extends CoreContainerPolicy,​CONVERTER extends CoreConverter,​DESCRIPTOR extends CoreDescriptor,​FIELD extends CoreField,​MARSHALLER extends Marshaller,​SESSION extends CoreSession,​UNMARSHALLER extends Unmarshaller,​XML_FIELD extends Field,​XML_MAPPING extends Mapping,​XML_RECORD extends XMLRecord>

    • Method Detail

      • addChoiceElement

        void addChoiceElement​(String xpath,
                              String elementTypeName)
      • addChoiceElement

        void addChoiceElement​(String srcXpath,
                              String elementTypeName,
                              String tgtXpath)
      • addChoiceElement

        void addChoiceElement​(XML_FIELD field,
                              String elementTypeName)
      • getMixedContentMapping

        XML_MAPPING getMixedContentMapping()
      • isMixedContent

        boolean isMixedContent()
      • setConverter

        void setConverter​(CONVERTER converter)
        Set the converter on the mapping. A converter can be used to convert between the object's value and database value of the attribute.
      • setIsWriteOnly

        void setIsWriteOnly​(boolean b)
      • setMixedContent

        void setMixedContent​(boolean mixed)
        Allows the user to indicate that this mapping should also allow for mixed content in addition to any of the elements in the choice.
        EclipseLink 2.3.1
      • setMixedContent

        void setMixedContent​(String groupingElement)
        Allows the user to indicate that this mapping should also allow for mixed content in addition to any of the elements in the choice. The grouping element parameter is used in the case that there is a common grouping element to all the other elements in this choice. If so, that grouping element can be specified here to allow the mixed content to be written/detected inside the wrapper element.
        EclipseLink 2.3.1
      • useCollectionClassName

        void useCollectionClassName​(String concreteContainerClassName)
      • isAny

        boolean isAny()