Class UnaryTableSequence

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable

    public class UnaryTableSequence
    extends QuerySequence

    Purpose: Defines sequencing through using a singleton sequence table.

    Description This is similar to the TableSequence but the sequence table only stores a single row defining a single sequence.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • counterFieldName

        protected String counterFieldName
        Hold the name of the only column in multiple single-column tables
      • updateString1

        protected String updateString1
      • updateString2

        protected String updateString2
      • selectString1

        protected String selectString1
      • selectString2

        protected String selectString2
      • updateStringBufferSize

        protected int updateStringBufferSize
      • selectStringBufferSize

        protected int selectStringBufferSize
    • Constructor Detail

      • UnaryTableSequence

        public UnaryTableSequence()
      • UnaryTableSequence

        public UnaryTableSequence​(String name)
        Create a new sequence with the name.
      • UnaryTableSequence

        public UnaryTableSequence​(String name,
                                  int size)
        Create a new sequence with the name and sequence pre-allocation size.
      • UnaryTableSequence

        public UnaryTableSequence​(String name,
                                  String counterFieldName)
      • UnaryTableSequence

        public UnaryTableSequence​(String name,
                                  int size,
                                  String counterFieldName)