Class Context.ContextState<ABSTRACT_SESSION extends CoreAbstractSession,​DESCRIPTOR extends Descriptor,​PROJECT extends CoreProject,​SESSION extends CoreSession,​SESSION_EVENT_LISTENER extends CoreSessionEventListener>

    • Method Detail

      • addDescriptorByQName

        public void addDescriptorByQName​(QName qName,
                                         DESCRIPTOR descriptor)
      • getSession

        protected SESSION getSession()
      • getSession

        protected ABSTRACT_SESSION getSession​(Class clazz)
        INTERNAL: Return the session corresponding to this class. Since the class may be mapped by more that one of the projects used to create the Context, this method will return the first match.
      • getSession

        protected ABSTRACT_SESSION getSession​(DESCRIPTOR descriptor)
        INTERNAL: Return the session corresponding to this Descriptor. Since the class may be mapped by more that one of the projects used to create the Context, this method will return the first match.
      • getSession

        protected ABSTRACT_SESSION getSession​(Object object)
        INTERNAL: Return the session corresponding to this object. Since the object may be mapped by more that one of the projects used to create the Context, this method will return the first match.
      • setupSession

        protected void setupSession​(SESSION session)
      • storeDescriptorsByQName

        public void storeDescriptorsByQName​(CoreSession session)