Enum UnmarshalKeepAsElementPolicy

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<UnmarshalKeepAsElementPolicy>, UnmarshalKeepAsElementPolicy

    public enum UnmarshalKeepAsElementPolicy
    extends Enum<UnmarshalKeepAsElementPolicy>
    implements UnmarshalKeepAsElementPolicy

    Purpose: Used in conjunction with XMLAnyObject/CollectionMapping and XMLCompositeObject/CollectionMapping to specify when (if at all) to keep parts of the unmarshalled document as nodes.

    KEEP_ALL_AS_ELEMENT Any xml matching this mapping will be brough into the object model as a node.
    KEEP_UNKNOWN_AS_ELEMENT Any XML with an unknown type that matches the mapping in question will be a kept as an element. Those with a known type will be processed normally.
    KEEP_NONE_AS_ELEMENT No xml shall be brought into the object as an element. Elements with unknown types will be ignored