Class CoreObjectBuilder<ABSTRACT_RECORD extends CoreAbstractRecord,​ABSTRACT_SESSION extends CoreAbstractSession,​FIELD extends CoreField,​MAPPING extends CoreMapping>

    • Constructor Detail

      • CoreObjectBuilder

        public CoreObjectBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • buildNewInstance

        public abstract Object buildNewInstance()
        Return a new instance of the receiver's javaClass.
      • createRecord

        public abstract ABSTRACT_RECORD createRecord​(ABSTRACT_SESSION session)
        Create a new row/record for the object builder. This allows subclasses to define different record types.
      • createRecordFromXMLContext

        public abstract ABSTRACT_RECORD createRecordFromXMLContext​(XMLContext context)
        Create a new row/record from XMLContext.
      • extractPrimaryKeyFromObject

        public abstract Object extractPrimaryKeyFromObject​(Object domainObject,
                                                           ABSTRACT_SESSION session)
        Extract primary key attribute values from the domainObject.
      • getMappingForField

        public abstract MAPPING getMappingForField​(FIELD field)
        Return the mapping for the specified field.