Class DatabaseField

    • Field Detail

      • scale

        protected int scale
        Variables used for generating DDL
      • length

        protected int length
      • precision

        protected int precision
      • isUnique

        protected boolean isUnique
      • isNullable

        protected boolean isNullable
      • isUpdatable

        protected boolean isUpdatable
      • isInsertable

        protected boolean isInsertable
      • isCreatable

        protected boolean isCreatable
      • isPrimaryKey

        protected boolean isPrimaryKey
      • columnDefinition

        protected String columnDefinition
      • name

        protected String name
        Column name of the field.
      • qualifiedName

        protected String qualifiedName
        PERF: Cache fully qualified table.field-name.
      • table

        protected DatabaseTable table
        Fields table (encapsulates name + creator).
      • type

        public transient Class type
        Respective Java type desired for the field's value, used to optimize performance and for binding. PERF: Allow direct variable access from getObject.
      • typeName

        public String typeName
      • sqlType

        public int sqlType
        Respective JDBC type of the field's value. This overrides the class type, which the JDBC type is normally computed from. PERF: Allow direct variable access from getObject.
      • index

        public int index
        Store normal index of field in result set to optimize performance. PERF: Allow direct variable access from getIndicatingNoEntry.
      • useDelimiters

        protected boolean useDelimiters
      • nameForComparisons

        protected String nameForComparisons
        If this is set, it will be used in determining equality (unless delimiters are used) and the hashcode.
        See Also:
      • useUpperCaseForComparisons

        protected boolean useUpperCaseForComparisons
        setting to true will cause getNameForComparisons to lazy initialize nameForComparisons using the value from getName().toUpperCase().

        public static final int NULL_SQL_TYPE
        used to represent the value when it has not being defined
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • isTranslated

        protected boolean isTranslated
        Returns true if this field was translated.
      • keepInRow

        public boolean keepInRow
        Indicates whether the field should be kept in the record after the object is created. Used by ObjectLevelReadQuery ResultSetAccessOptimization.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DatabaseField

        public DatabaseField()
      • DatabaseField

        public DatabaseField​(String qualifiedName)
      • DatabaseField

        public DatabaseField​(String qualifiedName,
                             String startDelimiter,
                             String endDelimiter)
      • DatabaseField

        public DatabaseField​(String fieldName,
                             String tableName)
    • Method Detail

      • initDDLFields

        public void initDDLFields()
        Inits the DDL generation fields with our defaults. Note: we used to initialize the length to the JPA default of 255 but since this default value should only apply for string fields we set it to 0 to indicate that it was not specified and rely on the default (255) to come from individual platforms.
      • clone

        public DatabaseField clone()
        The table is not cloned because it is treated as an automatic value.
        clone in class Object
      • convertClassNamesToClasses

        public void convertClassNamesToClasses​(ClassLoader classLoader)
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object object)
        Determine whether the receiver is equal to a DatabaseField. Return true if the receiver and field have the same name and table. Also return true if the table of the receiver or field are unspecified, ie. have no name.
        equals in class Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(DatabaseField field)
        Determine whether the receiver is equal to a DatabaseField. Return true if the receiver and field have the same name and table. Also return true if the table of the receiver or field are unspecified, ie. have no name.
      • getColumnDefinition

        public String getColumnDefinition()
        Get the SQL fragment that is used when generating the DDL for the column.
      • getIndex

        public int getIndex()
        Return the expected index that this field will occur in the result set row. This is used to optimize performance of database row field lookups.
      • getLength

        public int getLength()
        Used to specify the column length when generating DDL.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Return the unqualified name of the field.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface CoreField
      • getNameDelimited

        public String getNameDelimited​(DatasourcePlatform platform)
        Returns this fields name with database delimiters if useDelimiters is true. This method should be called any time the field name is requested for writing SQL.
      • getPrecision

        public int getPrecision()
        Returns the precision for a decimal column when generating DDL.
      • getQualifiedName

        public String getQualifiedName()
      • getQualifiedNameDelimited

        public String getQualifiedNameDelimited​(DatasourcePlatform platform)
        Return the qualified name of the field. PERF: Cache the qualified name.
      • getScale

        public int getScale()
        Returns the scale for a decimal column when generating DDL.
      • getTableName

        public String getTableName()
      • setTableName

        public void setTableName​(String tableName)
      • getTypeName

        public String getTypeName()
      • setTypeName

        public void setTypeName​(String typeName)
      • getSqlType

        public int getSqlType()
        Return the JDBC type that corresponds to the field. The JDBC type is normally determined from the class type, but this allows it to be overridden for types that do not match directly to a Java type, such as MONEY or ARRAY, STRUCT, XMLTYPE, etc. This can be used for binding or stored procedure usage.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Return the hashcode of the name, because it is fairly unique.
        hashCode in class Object
      • hasTableName

        public boolean hasTableName()
      • isObjectRelationalDatabaseField

        public boolean isObjectRelationalDatabaseField()
        PUBLIC: Return if this is an ObjectRelationalDatabaseField.
      • isInsertable

        public boolean isInsertable()
        Used to specify whether the column should be included in SQL UPDATE statements.
      • isNullable

        public boolean isNullable()
        Used for generating DDL. Returns true if the database column is nullable.
      • isPrimaryKey

        public boolean isPrimaryKey()
        Used to specify whether the column should be included in the primary on the database table.
      • isTranslated

        public boolean isTranslated()
        Return true if this database field is a translation.
      • isUnique

        public boolean isUnique()
        Used for generating DDL. Returns true if the field is a unique key.
      • isReadOnly

        public boolean isReadOnly()
        Returns true is this database field should be read only.
      • keepInRow

        public boolean keepInRow()
      • isUpdatable

        public boolean isUpdatable()
        Returns whether the column should be included in SQL INSERT statements.
      • resetQualifiedName

        public void resetQualifiedName​(String qualifiedName)
        Reset the field's name and table from the qualified name.
      • setColumnDefinition

        public void setColumnDefinition​(String columnDefinition)
        Set the SQL fragment that is used when generating the DDL for the column.
      • setIndex

        public void setIndex​(int index)
        Set the expected index that this field will occur in the result set row. This is used to optimize performance of database row field lookups.
      • setInsertable

        public void setInsertable​(boolean isInsertable)
        Used to specify whether the column should be included in SQL UPDATE statements.
      • setKeepInRow

        public void setKeepInRow​(boolean keepInRow)
      • setIsTranslated

        public void setIsTranslated​(boolean isTranslated)
        Set the isTranslated flag.
      • setLength

        public void setLength​(int length)
        Used to specify the column length when generating DDL.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Set the unqualified name of the field.
        Specified by:
        setName in interface CoreField
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name,
                            DatasourcePlatform platform)
        Set the unqualified name of the field. If the name contains database delimiters, they will be stripped and a flag will be set to have them added when the DatabaseField is written to SQL
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name,
                            String startDelimiter,
                            String endDelimiter)
        Set the unqualified name of the field. If the name contains database delimiters, they will be stripped and a flag will be set to have them added when the DatabaseField is written to SQL
      • setNullable

        public void setNullable​(boolean isNullable)
        Used for generating DDL. Set to true if the database column is nullable.
      • setPrecision

        public void setPrecision​(int precision)
        Used to specify the precision for a decimal column when generating DDL.
      • setPrimaryKey

        public void setPrimaryKey​(boolean isPrimaryKey)
        Used to specify whether the column should be included in primary key on the database table.
      • setScale

        public void setScale​(int scale)
        Used to specify the scale for a decimal column when generating DDL.
      • setSqlType

        public void setSqlType​(int sqlType)
        Set the JDBC type that corresponds to the field. The JDBC type is normally determined from the class type, but this allows it to be overridden for types that do not match directly to a Java type, such as MONEY or ARRAY, STRUCT, XMLTYPE, etc. This can be used for binding or stored procedure usage.
      • setTable

        public void setTable​(DatabaseTable table)
        Set the table for the field.
      • setType

        public void setType​(Class type)
        Set the Java class type that corresponds to the field. The JDBC type is determined from the class type, this is used to optimize performance, and for binding.
        Specified by:
        setType in interface CoreField
      • setUnique

        public void setUnique​(boolean isUnique)
        Used for generating DDL. Set to true if the field is a unique key.
      • setUpdatable

        public void setUpdatable​(boolean isUpdatable)
        Used to specify whether the column should be included in SQL INSERT statements.
      • setUseDelimiters

        public void setUseDelimiters​(boolean useDelimiters)
      • shouldUseDelimiters

        public boolean shouldUseDelimiters()
      • useUpperCaseForComparisons

        public void useUpperCaseForComparisons​(boolean useUpperCaseForComparisons)
        INTERNAL: Sets the useUpperCaseForComparisons flag which is used to force using the uppercase version of the field's name to determine field equality and its hashcode, but will still use the original name when writing/printing operations. If this isn't a change, it is ignored, otherwise it sets the nameForComparisons to null.
      • getUseUpperCaseForComparisons

        public boolean getUseUpperCaseForComparisons()
      • setNameForComparisons

        public void setNameForComparisons​(String name)
        INTERNAL: sets the string to be used for equality checking and determining the hashcode of this field. This will overwrite the useUpperCaseForEquality setting with the passed in string.
      • isCreatable

        public boolean isCreatable()
      • setCreatable

        public void setCreatable​(boolean isCreatable)
      • getNameForComparisons

        public String getNameForComparisons()
        INTERNAL: gets the string used for comparisons and in determining the hashcode.