Class ModifyNode

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    DeleteNode, UpdateNode

    public abstract class ModifyNode
    extends QueryNode
    INTERNAL: ModifyNode is the superclass for UpdateNode and DeleteNode
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModifyNode

        public ModifyNode()
    • Method Detail

      • validate

        public void validate​(ParseTreeContext context)
        INTERNAL Validate node and calculate its type.
        validate in class Node
      • getAbstractSchemaName

        public String getAbstractSchemaName()
      • setAbstractSchemaName

        public void setAbstractSchemaName​(String abstractSchemaName)
      • getAbstractSchemaIdentifier

        public String getAbstractSchemaIdentifier()
      • setAbstractSchemaIdentifier

        public void setAbstractSchemaIdentifier​(String identifierName)
      • getCanonicalAbstractSchemaIdentifier

        public String getCanonicalAbstractSchemaIdentifier()
        INTERNAL: Returns the canonical name of abstract schema identifier. If the identifier is not specified(unqualified attribute scenario), the canonical name of abstract schema is returned.
      • resolveClass

        public Class resolveClass​(GenerationContext context)
        resolveClass: Answer the class which corresponds to my variableName. This is the class for an alias, where the variableName is registered to an alias.
        Specified by:
        resolveClass in class QueryNode