Class DatabaseQuery

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    DoesExistQuery, ModifyQuery, ReadQuery

    public abstract class DatabaseQuery
    extends Object
    implements Cloneable, Serializable

    Purpose: Abstract class for all database query objects. DatabaseQuery is a visible class to the EclipseLink user. Users create an appropriate query by creating an instance of a concrete subclasses of DatabaseQuery.


    • Provide a common protocol for query objects.
    • Defines a generic execution interface.
    • Provides query property values
    • Holds arguments to the query
    TOPLink/Java 1.0
    Yvon Lavoie
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final String BATCH_FETCH_PROPERTY
        INTERNAL: Property used for batch fetching in non object queries.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • name

        protected String name
        Queries can be given a name and registered with a descriptor to allow common queries to be reused.
      • arguments

        protected List<String> arguments
        Arguments can be given and specified to predefined queries to allow reuse.
      • argumentFields

        protected List<DatabaseField> argumentFields
        PERF: Argument fields are cached in prepare to avoid rebuilding on each execution.
      • argumentValues

        protected List<Object> argumentValues
        Arguments values can be given and specified to predefined queries to allow reuse.
      • argumentTypes

        protected List<Class> argumentTypes
        Needed to differentiate queries with the same name.
      • argumentTypeNames

        protected List<String> argumentTypeNames
        Used to build a list of argumentTypes by name pre-initialization
      • descriptor

        protected transient ClassDescriptor descriptor
        The descriptor cached on the prepare for object level queries.
      • descriptors

        protected List<ClassDescriptor> descriptors
        The list of descriptors this query deals with. Set via JPA processing for table per tenant queries
      • queryMechanism

        protected DatabaseQueryMechanism queryMechanism
        The query mechanism determines the mechanism on how the database will be accessed.
      • redirector

        protected QueryRedirector redirector
        A redirector allows for a queries execution to be the execution of a piece of code.
      • doNotRedirect

        protected boolean doNotRedirect
        Can be set to true in the case there is a redirector or a default redirector but the user does not want the query redirected.
      • shouldMaintainCache

        protected boolean shouldMaintainCache
        Flag used for a query to bypass the identitymap and unit of work.
      • shouldRetrieveBypassCache

        protected boolean shouldRetrieveBypassCache
        JPA flags to control the shared cache
      • shouldStoreBypassCache

        protected boolean shouldStoreBypassCache
      • properties

        protected Map<Object,​Object> properties
        Internally used by the mappings as a temporary store.
      • session

        protected transient AbstractSession session
        Only used after the query is cloned for execution to store the session under which the query was executed.
      • executionSession

        protected transient AbstractSession executionSession
        Only used after the query is cloned for execution to store the execution session under which the query was executed.
      • accessors

        protected transient Collection<Accessor> accessors
        Connection to use for database access, required for server session connection pooling. There can be multiple connections with partitioning and replication.
      • translationRow

        protected AbstractRecord translationRow
        Mappings and the descriptor use parameterized mechanisms that will be translated with the data from the row.
      • isUserDefined

        protected boolean isUserDefined
        Internal flag used to bypass user define queries when executing one for custom sql/query support.
      • isUserDefinedSQLCall

        protected boolean isUserDefinedSQLCall
        Internal flag used to bypass user define queries when executing one for custom sql/query support.
      • cascadePolicy

        protected int cascadePolicy
        Policy that determines how the query will cascade to its object's parts.
      • sessionName

        protected String sessionName
        Used to override the default session in the session broker.
      • isPrepared

        protected boolean isPrepared
        Queries prepare common stated in themselves.
      • shouldCloneCall

        protected boolean shouldCloneCall
        Used to indicate whether or not the call needs to be cloned.
      • shouldPrepare

        protected boolean shouldPrepare
        Allow for the prepare of queries to be turned off, this allow for dynamic non-pre SQL generated queries.
      • nullableArguments

        protected List<DatabaseField> nullableArguments
        List of arguments to check for null. If any are null, the query needs to be re-prepared.
      • shouldBindAllParameters

        protected Boolean shouldBindAllParameters
        Bind all arguments to the SQL statement.
      • shouldCacheStatement

        protected Boolean shouldCacheStatement
        Cache the prepared statement, this requires full parameter binding as well.
      • shouldUseWrapperPolicy

        protected boolean shouldUseWrapperPolicy
        Use the WrapperPolicy for the objects returned by the query
      • sourceMapping

        protected DatabaseMapping sourceMapping
        Table per class requires multiple query executions. Internally we prepare those queries and cache them against the source mapping's selection query. When queries are executed they are cloned so we need a mechanism to keep a reference back to the actual selection query so that we can successfully look up and chain query executions within a table per class inheritance hierarchy.
      • queryTimeout

        protected int queryTimeout
        queryTimeout has three possible settings: DefaultTimeout, NoTimeout, and 1..N This applies to both DatabaseQuery.queryTimeout and DescriptorQueryManager.queryTimeout DatabaseQuery.queryTimeout: - DefaultTimeout: get queryTimeout from DescriptorQueryManager - NoTimeout, 1..N: overrides queryTimeout in DescriptorQueryManager DescriptorQueryManager.queryTimeout: - DefaultTimeout: get queryTimeout from parent DescriptorQueryManager. If there is no parent, default to NoTimeout - NoTimeout, 1..N: overrides parent queryTimeout
      • queryTimeoutUnit

        protected TimeUnit queryTimeoutUnit
      • shouldReturnGeneratedKeys

        protected boolean shouldReturnGeneratedKeys
      • hintString

        protected String hintString
        Used for adding hints to the query string in oracle
      • flushOnExecute

        protected Boolean flushOnExecute
      • isExecutionClone

        protected boolean isExecutionClone
        PERF: Determines if the query has already been cloned for execution, to avoid duplicate cloning.
      • isCustomQueryUsed

        protected volatile Boolean isCustomQueryUsed
        PERF: Store if this query will use the descriptor custom query.
      • isNativeConnectionRequired

        protected boolean isNativeConnectionRequired
        Allow connection unwrapping to be configured.
      • monitorName

        protected transient String monitorName
        Return the name to use for the query in performance monitoring.
      • shouldValidateUpdateCallCacheUse

        protected boolean shouldValidateUpdateCallCacheUse
        Allow additional validation to be performed before using the update call cache
      • partitioningPolicy

        protected PartitioningPolicy partitioningPolicy
        Allow queries to be targeted at specific connection pools.
      • parameterDelimiter

        protected String parameterDelimiter
        Allow the reserved pound char used to delimit bind parameters to be overridden
    • Constructor Detail

      • DatabaseQuery

        public DatabaseQuery()
        PUBLIC: Initialize the state of the query
    • Method Detail

      • getPartitioningPolicy

        public PartitioningPolicy getPartitioningPolicy()
        PUBLIC: Return the query's partitioning policy.
      • setPartitioningPolicy

        public void setPartitioningPolicy​(PartitioningPolicy partitioningPolicy)
        PUBLIC: Set the query's partitioning policy. A PartitioningPolicy is used to partition, load-balance or replicate data across multiple difference databases or across a database cluster such as Oracle RAC. Partitioning can provide improved scalability by allowing multiple database machines to service requests. Setting a policy on a query will override the descriptor and session defaults.
      • getMonitorName

        public String getMonitorName()
        INTERNAL: Return the name to use for the query in performance monitoring.
      • resetMonitorName

        public void resetMonitorName()
        INTERNAL: Return the name to use for the query in performance monitoring.
      • addArgument

        public void addArgument​(String argumentName)
        PUBLIC: Add the argument named argumentName. This will cause the translation of references of argumentName in the receiver's expression, with the value of the argument as supplied to the query in order from executeQuery()
      • addArgument

        public void addArgument​(String argumentName,
                                Class type)
        PUBLIC: Add the argument named argumentName and its class type. This will cause the translation of references of argumentName in the receiver's expression, with the value of the argument as supplied to the query in order from executeQuery(). Specifying the class type is important if identically named queries are used but with different argument lists.
      • addArgument

        public void addArgument​(String argumentName,
                                Class type,
                                DatabaseQuery.ParameterType parameterType)
        INTERNAL: Add the argument named argumentName. This method was added to maintain information about whether parameters are positional or named for JPQL query introspeciton API
      • addArgument

        public void addArgument​(String argumentName,
                                Class type,
                                boolean nullable)
        PUBLIC: Add the argument named argumentName and its class type. This will cause the translation of references of argumentName in the receiver's expression, with the value of the argument as supplied to the query in order from executeQuery(). Specifying the class type is important if identically named queries are used but with different argument lists. If the argument can be null, and null must be treated differently in the generated SQL, then nullable should be set to true.
      • addArgument

        public void addArgument​(String argumentName,
                                Class type,
                                DatabaseQuery.ParameterType argumentParameterType,
                                boolean nullable)
        INTERNAL: Add the argument named argumentName. This method was added to maintain information about whether parameters are positional or named for JPQL query introspeciton API
      • addArgument

        public void addArgument​(String argumentName,
                                String typeAsString)
        PUBLIC: Add the argument named argumentName and its class type. This will cause the translation of references of argumentName in the receiver's expression, with the value of the argument as supplied to the query in order from executeQuery(). Specifying the class type is important if identically named queries are used but with different argument lists.
      • addArgumentByTypeName

        public void addArgumentByTypeName​(String argumentName,
                                          String typeAsString)
        INTERNAL: Add an argument to the query, but do not resolve the class yet. This is useful for building a query without putting the domain classes on the classpath for the Mapping Workbench.
      • addArgumentValue

        public void addArgumentValue​(Object argumentValue)
        PUBLIC: Add the argumentValue. Argument values must be added in the same order the arguments are defined.
      • addArgumentValues

        public void addArgumentValues​(List theArgumentValues)
        PUBLIC: Add the argumentValues to the query. Argument values must be added in the same order the arguments are defined.
      • addCall

        public void addCall​(Call call)
        PUBLIC: Used to define a store procedure or SQL query. This may be used for multiple SQL executions to be mapped to a single query. This cannot be used for cursored selects, delete alls or does exists.
      • addStatement

        public void addStatement​(SQLStatement statement)
        PUBLIC: Used to define a statement level query. This may be used for multiple SQL executions to be mapped to a single query. This cannot be used for cursored selects, delete all(s) or does exists.
      • bindAllParameters

        public void bindAllParameters()
        PUBLIC: Bind all arguments to any SQL statement.
      • buildSelectionCriteria

        protected void buildSelectionCriteria​(AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: In the case of EJBQL, an expression needs to be generated. Build the required expression.
      • cacheStatement

        public void cacheStatement()
        PUBLIC: Cache the prepared statements, this requires full parameter binding as well.
      • cascadeAllParts

        public void cascadeAllParts()
        PUBLIC: Cascade the query and its properties on the queries object(s) and all objects related to the queries object(s). This includes private and independent relationships, but not read-only relationships. This will still stop on uninstantiated indirection objects except for deletion. Great caution should be used in using the property as the query may effect a large number of objects. This policy is used by the unit of work to ensure persistence by reachability.
      • cascadeByMapping

        public void cascadeByMapping()
        PUBLIC: Cascade the query and its properties on the queries object(s) and all related objects where the mapping has been set to cascade the merge.
      • cascadeOnlyDependentParts

        public void cascadeOnlyDependentParts()
        INTERNAL: Used by unit of work, only cascades constraint dependencies.
      • cascadePrivateParts

        public void cascadePrivateParts()
        PUBLIC: Cascade the query and its properties on the queries object(s) and all privately owned objects related to the queries object(s). This is the default for write and delete queries. This policy should normally be used for refreshing, otherwise you could refresh half of any object.
      • checkEarlyReturn

        public Object checkEarlyReturn​(AbstractSession session,
                                       AbstractRecord translationRow)
        INTERNAL: Check to see if this query already knows the return value without performing any further work.
      • checkForCustomQuery

        protected DatabaseQuery checkForCustomQuery​(AbstractSession session,
                                                    AbstractRecord translationRow)
        INTERNAL: Check to see if a custom query should be used for this query. This is done before the query is copied and prepared/executed. null means there is none.
      • checkPrepare

        public void checkPrepare​(AbstractSession session,
                                 AbstractRecord translationRow)
        INTERNAL: Check to see if this query needs to be prepare and prepare it. The prepare is done on the original query to ensure that the work is not repeated.
      • prepareInternal

        public void prepareInternal​(AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Call the prepare on the query.
      • checkPrepare

        public void checkPrepare​(AbstractSession session,
                                 AbstractRecord translationRow,
                                 boolean force)
        INTERNAL: Check to see if this query needs to be prepare and prepare it. The prepare is done on the original query to ensure that the work is not repeated.
      • clone

        public Object clone()
        INTERNAL: Clone the query
        clone in class Object
      • clonedQueryExecutionComplete

        protected void clonedQueryExecutionComplete​(DatabaseQuery query,
                                                    AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL Used to give the subclasses opportunity to copy aspects of the cloned query to the original query.
      • convertClassNamesToClasses

        public void convertClassNamesToClasses​(ClassLoader classLoader)
        INTERNAL: Convert all the class-name-based settings in this query to actual class-based settings This method is implemented by subclasses as necessary.
        classLoader -
      • dontBindAllParameters

        public void dontBindAllParameters()
        PUBLIC: Do not Bind all arguments to any SQL statement.
      • dontCacheStatement

        public void dontCacheStatement()
        PUBLIC: Don't cache the prepared statements, this requires full parameter binding as well.
      • dontCascadeParts

        public void dontCascadeParts()
        PUBLIC: Do not cascade the query and its properties on the queries object(s) relationships. This does not effect the queries private parts but only the object(s) direct row-level attributes. This is the default for read queries and can be used in writing if it is known that only row-level attributes changed, or to resolve circular foreign key dependencies.
      • dontMaintainCache

        public void dontMaintainCache()
        PUBLIC: Set for the identity map (cache) to be ignored completely. The cache check will be skipped and the result will not be put into the identity map. This can be used to retrieve the exact state of an object on the database. By default the identity map is always maintained.
      • executeInUnitOfWork

        public Object executeInUnitOfWork​(UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork,
                                          AbstractRecord translationRow)
                                   throws DatabaseException,
        INTERNAL: Override query execution where Session is a UnitOfWork.

        If there are objects in the cache return the results of the cache lookup.

        unitOfWork - - the session in which the receiver will be executed.
        translationRow - - the arguments
        An object, the result of executing the query.
        DatabaseException - - an error has occurred on the database.
        OptimisticLockException - - an error has occurred using the optimistic lock feature.
      • extractRemoteResult

        public Object extractRemoteResult​(Transporter transporter)
        INTERNAL: Extract the correct query result from the transporter.
      • getAccessor

        public Accessor getAccessor()
        INTERNAL: Return the accessor.
      • getAccessors

        public Collection<Accessor> getAccessors()
        INTERNAL: Return the accessors.
      • getArguments

        public List<String> getArguments()
        INTERNAL: Return the arguments for use with the pre-defined query option
      • getArgumentParameterTypes

        public List<DatabaseQuery.ParameterType> getArgumentParameterTypes()
        INTERNAL: Used to calculate parameter types in JPQL
      • getArgumentTypes

        public List<Class> getArgumentTypes()
        INTERNAL: Return the argumentTypes for use with the pre-defined query option
      • getArgumentTypeNames

        public List<String> getArgumentTypeNames()
        INTERNAL: Return the argumentTypeNames for use with the pre-defined query option These are used pre-initialization to construct the argumentTypes list.
      • setArgumentTypes

        public void setArgumentTypes​(List<Class> argumentTypes)
        INTERNAL: Set the argumentTypes for use with the pre-defined query option
      • setArgumentTypeNames

        public void setArgumentTypeNames​(List<String> argumentTypeNames)
        INTERNAL: Set the argumentTypes for use with the pre-defined query option
      • setArguments

        public void setArguments​(List<String> arguments)
        INTERNAL: Set the arguments for use with the pre-defined query option. Maintain the argumentTypes as well.
      • getArgumentValues

        public List<Object> getArgumentValues()
        INTERNAL: Return the argumentValues for use with argumented queries.
      • setArgumentValues

        public void setArgumentValues​(List<Object> theArgumentValues)
        INTERNAL: Set the argumentValues for use with argumented queries.
      • getCall

        public DatabaseCall getCall()
        OBSOLETE: Return the call for this query. This call contains the SQL and argument list.
        See Also:
      • getDatasourceCall

        public Call getDatasourceCall()
        ADVANCED: Return the call for this query. This call contains the SQL and argument list.
        See Also:
        prepareCall(Session, Record)
      • getDatasourceCalls

        public List getDatasourceCalls()
        ADVANCED: Return the calls for this query. This method can be called for queries with multiple calls This call contains the SQL and argument list.
        See Also:
        prepareCall(Session, Record)
      • getCascadePolicy

        public int getCascadePolicy()
        INTERNAL: Return the cascade policy.
      • getDescriptor

        public ClassDescriptor getDescriptor()
        INTERNAL: Return the descriptor assigned with the reference class
      • getDescriptors

        public List<ClassDescriptor> getDescriptors()
        INTERNAL: This is here only for JPA queries and currently only populated for JPA queries. JPAQuery is a jpa class and currently not part of the core.
      • getDomainClassNounName

        public String getDomainClassNounName​(String sessionName)
        INTERNAL: TopLink_sessionName_domainClass. Cached in properties
      • getName

        public String getName()
        PUBLIC: Return the name of the query
      • getParameterDelimiter

        public String getParameterDelimiter()
        INTERNAL: Return the String used to delimit an SQL parameter.
      • getParameterDelimiterChar

        public char getParameterDelimiterChar()
        INTERNAL: Return the char used to delimit an SQL parameter.
      • getProperties

        public Map<Object,​Object> getProperties()
        INTERNAL: Property support for use by mappings.
      • getProperty

        public Object getProperty​(Object property)
        INTERNAL: Property support used by mappings to store temporary stuff in the query.
      • getQueryNounName

        public String getQueryNounName​(String sessionName)
        INTERNAL: TopLink_sessionName_domainClass_queryClass_queryName (if exist). Cached in properties
      • getQueryMechanism

        public DatabaseQueryMechanism getQueryMechanism()
        INTERNAL: Return the mechanism assigned to the query
      • hasQueryMechanism

        public boolean hasQueryMechanism()
        INTERNAL: Check if the mechanism has been set yet, used for lazy init.
      • getQueryTimeout

        public int getQueryTimeout()
        PUBLIC: Return the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement to execute to the given number of seconds.
        See Also:
      • getDefaultRedirector

        protected QueryRedirector getDefaultRedirector()
        INTERNAL: Returns the specific default redirector for this query type. There are numerous default query redirectors. See ClassDescriptor for their types.
      • getRedirectorForQuery

        public QueryRedirector getRedirectorForQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return the query redirector. A redirector can be used in a query to replace its execution with the execution of code. This can be used for named or parameterized queries to allow dynamic configuration of the query base on the query arguments.
        See Also:
      • getRedirector

        public QueryRedirector getRedirector()
        PUBLIC: Return the query redirector. A redirector can be used in a query to replace its execution with the execution of code. This can be used for named or parameterized queries to allow dynamic configuration of the query base on the query arguments.
        See Also:
      • getReferenceClass

        public Class getReferenceClass()
        PUBLIC: Return the domain class associated with this query. By default this is null, but should be overridden in subclasses.
      • getReferenceClassName

        public String getReferenceClassName()
        INTERNAL: return the name of the reference class. Added for Mapping Workbench removal of classpath dependency. Overridden by subclasses.
      • getSelectionCriteria

        public Expression getSelectionCriteria()
        PUBLIC: Return the selection criteria of the query. This should only be used with expression queries, null will be returned for others.
      • getSensorName

        public String getSensorName​(String operationName,
                                    String sessionName)
        INTERNAL: TopLink_sessionName_domainClass_queryClass_queryName (if exist)_operationName (if exist). Cached in properties
      • getSession

        public AbstractSession getSession()
        INTERNAL: Return the current session.
      • getExecutionSession

        public AbstractSession getExecutionSession()
        INTERNAL: Return the execution session. This is the session used to build objects returned by the query.
      • setExecutionSession

        protected void setExecutionSession​(AbstractSession executionSession)
        INTERNAL: Set the execution session. This is the session used to build objects returned by the query.
      • getSessionName

        public String getSessionName()
        PUBLIC: Return the name of the session that the query should be executed under. This can be with the session broker to override the default session.
      • getSQLStatement

        public SQLStatement getSQLStatement()
        PUBLIC: Return the SQL statement of the query. This can only be used with statement queries.
      • getJPQLString

        public String getJPQLString()
        PUBLIC: Return the JPQL string of the query.
      • getEJBQLString

        public String getEJBQLString()
        PUBLIC: Return the EJBQL string of the query.
      • getHintString

        public String getHintString()
        PUBLIC: Return the current database hint string of the query.
      • getSQLString

        public String getSQLString()
        ADVANCED: Return the SQL string of the query. This can be used for SQL queries. This can also be used for normal queries if they have been prepared, (i.e. query.prepareCall()).
        See Also:
        prepareCall(Session, Record)
      • getSQLStrings

        public List getSQLStrings()
        ADVANCED: Return the SQL strings of the query. Used for queries with multiple calls This can be used for SQL queries. This can also be used for normal queries if they have been prepared, (i.e. query.prepareCall()).
        See Also:
        prepareCall(Session, Record)
      • getShouldBindAllParameters

        public Boolean getShouldBindAllParameters()
        INTERNAL: Returns the internal tri-state value of shouldBindParameters used far cascading these settings
      • getTranslatedSQLStrings

        public List getTranslatedSQLStrings​(Session session,
                                            Record translationRow)
        ADVANCED: This can be used to access a queries translated SQL if they have been prepared, (i.e. query.prepareCall()). This method can be used for queries with multiple calls.
        See Also:
        prepareCall(Session, Record)
      • getTranslationRow

        public AbstractRecord getTranslationRow()
        INTERNAL: Return the row for translation
      • hasAccessor

        public boolean hasAccessor()
        INTERNAL: returns true if the accessor has already been set. The getAccessor() will attempt to lazily initialize it.
      • hasProperties

        public boolean hasProperties()
        INTERNAL: Return if any properties exist in the query.
      • hasArguments

        public boolean hasArguments()
        INTERNAL: Return if any arguments exist in the query.
      • hasSessionName

        public boolean hasSessionName()
        PUBLIC: Return if a name of the session that the query should be executed under has been specified. This can be with the session broker to override the default session.
      • ignoreBindAllParameters

        public void ignoreBindAllParameters()
        PUBLIC: Session's shouldBindAllParameters() defines whether to bind or not (default setting)
      • ignoreCacheStatement

        public void ignoreCacheStatement()
        PUBLIC: Session's shouldCacheAllStatements() defines whether to cache or not (default setting)
      • isCallQuery

        public boolean isCallQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this query uses SQL, a stored procedure, or SDK call.
      • isCascadeOfAggregateDelete

        public boolean isCascadeOfAggregateDelete()
        INTERNAL: Returns true if this query has been created as the result of cascading a delete of an aggregate collection in a UnitOfWork CR 2811
      • isDataModifyQuery

        public boolean isDataModifyQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return if this is a data modify query.
      • isDataReadQuery

        public boolean isDataReadQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return if this is a data read query.
      • isValueReadQuery

        public boolean isValueReadQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return if this is a value read query.
      • isDirectReadQuery

        public boolean isDirectReadQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return if this is a direct read query.
      • isDeleteAllQuery

        public boolean isDeleteAllQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return if this is a delete all query.
      • isDeleteObjectQuery

        public boolean isDeleteObjectQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return if this is a delete object query.
      • isExpressionQuery

        public boolean isExpressionQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this query uses an expression query mechanism
      • isModifyAllQuery

        public boolean isModifyAllQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this is a modify all query.
      • isModifyQuery

        public boolean isModifyQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this is a modify query.
      • isUpdateAllQuery

        public boolean isUpdateAllQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this is an update all query.
      • isUpdateObjectQuery

        public boolean isUpdateObjectQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this is an update object query.
      • getFlushOnExecute

        public Boolean getFlushOnExecute()
        PUBLIC: If executed against a RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork if this attribute is true EclipseLink will write changes to the database before executing the query.
      • isInsertObjectQuery

        public boolean isInsertObjectQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this is an insert object query.
      • isObjectLevelModifyQuery

        public boolean isObjectLevelModifyQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this is an object level modify query.
      • isObjectLevelReadQuery

        public boolean isObjectLevelReadQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this is an object level read query.
      • isObjectBuildingQuery

        public boolean isObjectBuildingQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return if this is an object building query.
      • isPrepared

        public boolean isPrepared()
        INTERNAL: Queries are prepared when they are executed and then do not need to be prepared on subsequent executions. This method returns true if this query has been prepared. Updating the settings on a query will 'un-prepare' the query.
      • isReadAllQuery

        public boolean isReadAllQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this is a read all query.
      • isReadObjectQuery

        public boolean isReadObjectQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this is a read object query.
      • isReadQuery

        public boolean isReadQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this is a read query.
      • isReportQuery

        public boolean isReportQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this is a report query.
      • isResultSetMappingQuery

        public boolean isResultSetMappingQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this is a result set mapping query.
      • isSQLCallQuery

        public boolean isSQLCallQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this query uses an SQL query mechanism .
      • isJPQLCallQuery

        public boolean isJPQLCallQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this query uses an JPQL query mechanism .
      • isUserDefined

        public boolean isUserDefined()
        INTERNAL: Return true if the query is a custom user defined query.
      • isUserDefinedSQLCall

        public boolean isUserDefinedSQLCall()
        INTERNAL: Return true if the query is a custom user defined SQL call query.
      • isDefaultPropertiesQuery

        public boolean isDefaultPropertiesQuery()
        INTERNAL: Return true if the query uses default properties. This is used to determine if this query is cacheable. i.e. does not use any properties that may conflict with another query with the same EJBQL or selection criteria.
      • isWriteObjectQuery

        public boolean isWriteObjectQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return true if this is a write object query.
      • maintainCache

        public void maintainCache()
        PUBLIC: Set for the identity map (cache) to be maintained. This is the default.
      • prepare

        protected void prepare()
                        throws QueryException
        INTERNAL: This is different from 'prepareForExecution' in that this is called on the original query, and the other is called on the copy of the query. This query is copied for concurrency so this prepare can only setup things that will apply to any future execution of this query. Resolve the queryTimeout using the DescriptorQueryManager if required.
      • copyFromQuery

        public void copyFromQuery​(DatabaseQuery query)
        INTERNAL: Copy all setting from the query. This is used to morph queries from one type to the other. By default this calls prepareFromQuery, but additional properties may be required to be copied as prepareFromQuery only copies properties that affect the SQL.
      • prepareFromQuery

        public void prepareFromQuery​(DatabaseQuery query)
        INTERNAL: Prepare the query from the prepared query. This allows a dynamic query to prepare itself directly from a prepared query instance. This is used in the JPQL parse cache to allow preparsed queries to be used to prepare dynamic queries. This only copies over properties that are configured through JPQL.
      • prepareCustomQuery

        protected void prepareCustomQuery​(DatabaseQuery customQuery)
        INTERNAL: Set the properties needed to be cascaded into the custom query.
      • prepareForExecution

        public void prepareForExecution()
                                 throws QueryException
        INTERNAL: Prepare the receiver for execution in a session. In particular, set the descriptor of the receiver to the ClassDescriptor for the appropriate class for the receiver's object.
      • prepareForRemoteExecution

        protected void prepareForRemoteExecution()
      • remoteExecute

        protected Object remoteExecute()
      • removeProperty

        public void removeProperty​(Object property)
        INTERNAL: Property support used by mappings.
      • replaceValueHoldersIn

        public Map replaceValueHoldersIn​(Object object,
                                         RemoteSessionController controller)
        INTERNAL: replace the value holders in the specified result object(s)
      • retrieveBypassCache

        public void retrieveBypassCache()
        ADVANCED: JPA flag used to control the behavior of the shared cache. This flag specifies the behavior when data is retrieved by the find methods and by the execution of queries. Calling this method will set a retrieve bypass to true.
      • buildArgumentFields

        public List<DatabaseField> buildArgumentFields()
        INTERNAL: Build the list of arguments fields from the argument names and types.
      • setAccessors

        public void setAccessors​(Collection<Accessor> accessors)
        INTERNAL: Set the list of connection accessors to execute the query on.
      • setAccessor

        public void setAccessor​(Accessor accessor)
        INTERNAL: Set the accessor, the query must always use the same accessor for database access. This is required to support connection pooling.
      • setDatasourceCall

        public void setDatasourceCall​(Call call)
        PUBLIC: Used to define a store procedure or SQL query.
      • setCall

        public void setCall​(Call call)
        PUBLIC: Used to define a store procedure or SQL query.
      • setCascadePolicy

        public void setCascadePolicy​(int policyConstant)
        INTERNAL: Set the cascade policy.
      • setDescriptor

        public void setDescriptor​(ClassDescriptor descriptor)
        INTERNAL: Set the descriptor for the query.
      • setJPQLString

        public void setJPQLString​(String jpqlString)
        PUBLIC: Set the JPQL string of the query. If arguments are required in the string they will be preceded by ":" then the argument name. The JPQL arguments must also be added as argument to the query.
      • setEJBQLString

        public void setEJBQLString​(String ejbqlString)
        PUBLIC: Set the EJBQL string of the query. If arguments are required in the string they will be preceded by "?" then the argument number.
      • setFlushOnExecute

        public void setFlushOnExecute​(Boolean flushMode)
        PUBLIC: If executed against a RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork if this attribute is true EclipseLink will write changes to the database before executing the query.
      • setHintString

        public void setHintString​(String newHintString)
        Used to set a database hint string on the query. This should be the full hint string including the comment delimiters. The hint string will be generated into the SQL string after the SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE instruction.


         readAllQuery.setHintString("/*+ index(scott.emp ix_emp) * /");
        would result in SQL like:
        select /*+ index(scott.emp ix_emp) * / from scott.emp emp_alias

        This method will cause a query to re-prepare if it has already been executed.

        newHintString - the hint string to be added into the SQL call.
      • setIsPrepared

        public void setIsPrepared​(boolean isPrepared)
        INTERNAL: If changes are made to the query that affect the derived SQL or Call parameters the query needs to be prepared again.

        Automatically called internally.

      • isExecutionClone

        public boolean isExecutionClone()
        INTERNAL: PERF: Return if the query is an execution clone. This allow the clone during execution to be avoided in the cases when the query has already been clone elsewhere.
      • setIsExecutionClone

        public void setIsExecutionClone​(boolean isExecutionClone)
        INTERNAL: PERF: Set if the query is an execution clone. This allow the clone during execution to be avoided in the cases when the query has already been clone elsewhere.
      • isCustomQueryUsed

        public Boolean isCustomQueryUsed()
        INTERNAL: PERF: Return if this query will use the descriptor custom query instead of executing itself.
      • isCustomSelectionQuery

        protected boolean isCustomSelectionQuery()
        INTERNAL: If the query mechanism is a call query mechanism and there are no arguments on the query then it must be a foreign reference custom selection query.
      • setIsCustomQueryUsed

        protected void setIsCustomQueryUsed​(boolean isCustomQueryUsed)
        INTERNAL: PERF: Set if this query will use the descriptor custom query instead of executing itself.
        isCustomQueryUsed - Custom query flag as boolean.
      • setIsUserDefined

        public void setIsUserDefined​(boolean isUserDefined)
        INTERNAL: Set if the query is a custom user defined query.
      • setIsUserDefinedSQLCall

        public void setIsUserDefinedSQLCall​(boolean isUserDefinedSQLCall)
        INTERNAL: Set if the query is a custom user defined sql call query.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String queryName)
        PUBLIC: Set the query's name. Queries can be named and added to a descriptor or the session and then referenced by name.
      • setParameterDelimiter

        public void setParameterDelimiter​(String aParameterDelimiter)
        INTERNAL: Set the String char used to delimit an SQL parameter.
      • setProperties

        public void setProperties​(Map<Object,​Object> properties)
        INTERNAL: Property support used by mappings.
      • setProperty

        public void setProperty​(Object property,
                                Object value)
        INTERNAL: Property support used by mappings to store temporary stuff.
      • setQueryMechanism

        protected void setQueryMechanism​(DatabaseQueryMechanism queryMechanism)
        Set the query mechanism for the query.
      • setQueryTimeout

        public void setQueryTimeout​(int queryTimeout)
        PUBLIC: Set the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement to execute to the given number of seconds. If the limit is exceeded, a DatabaseException is thrown. queryTimeout - the new query timeout limit in seconds; DefaultTimeout is the default, which redirects to DescriptorQueryManager's queryTimeout.
        See Also:
      • setQueryTimeoutUnit

        public void setQueryTimeoutUnit​(TimeUnit queryTimeoutUnit)
      • setRedirector

        public void setRedirector​(QueryRedirector redirector)
        PUBLIC: Set the query redirector. A redirector can be used in a query to replace its execution with the execution of code. This can be used for named or parameterized queries to allow dynamic configuration of the query base on the query arguments.
        See Also:
      • setSelectionCriteria

        public void setSelectionCriteria​(Expression expression)
        PUBLIC: To any user of this object. Set the selection criteria of the query. This method be used when dealing with expressions.
      • setSession

        public void setSession​(AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Set the session for the query
      • setSessionName

        public void setSessionName​(String sessionName)
        PUBLIC: Set the name of the session that the query should be executed under. This can be with the session broker to override the default session.
      • setShouldBindAllParameters

        public void setShouldBindAllParameters​(boolean shouldBindAllParameters)
        PUBLIC: Bind all arguments to any SQL statement.
      • setShouldBindAllParameters

        public void setShouldBindAllParameters​(Boolean bindAllParams)
        INTERNAL: Sets the internal tri-state value of shouldBindAllParams Used to cascade this value to other queries
      • setShouldCacheStatement

        public void setShouldCacheStatement​(boolean shouldCacheStatement)
        PUBLIC: Cache the prepared statements, this requires full parameter binding as well.
      • setShouldMaintainCache

        public void setShouldMaintainCache​(boolean shouldMaintainCache)
        PUBLIC: Set if the identity map (cache) should be used or not. If not the cache check will be skipped and the result will not be put into the identity map. By default the identity map is always maintained.
      • setShouldPrepare

        public void setShouldPrepare​(boolean shouldPrepare)
        PUBLIC: Set if the query should be prepared. EclipseLink automatically prepares queries to generate their SQL only once, one each execution of the query the SQL does not need to be generated again only the arguments need to be translated. This option is provide to disable this optimization as in can cause problems with certain types of queries that require dynamic SQL based on their arguments.

        These queries include:

        • Expressions that make use of 'equal' where the argument value has the potential to be null, this can cause problems on databases that require IS NULL, instead of = NULL.
        • Expressions that make use of 'in' and that use parameter binding, this will cause problems as the in values must be bound individually.
      • setShouldRetrieveBypassCache

        public void setShouldRetrieveBypassCache​(boolean shouldRetrieveBypassCache)
        ADVANCED: JPA flag used to control the behavior of the shared cache. This flag specifies the behavior when data is retrieved by the find methods and by the execution of queries.
      • setShouldReturnGeneratedKeys

        public void setShouldReturnGeneratedKeys​(boolean shouldReturnGeneratedKeys)
        ADVANCED: JPA flag used to control the behavior of IDENTITY generation. This flag specifies the behavior when data is retrieved by the find methods and by the execution of queries.

        This flag is only applicable to Insert queries and will only apply if the database platform supports Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS

      • setShouldStoreBypassCache

        public void setShouldStoreBypassCache​(boolean shouldStoreBypassCache)
        ADVANCED: JPA flag used to control the behavior of the shared cache. This flag specifies the behavior when data is read from the database and when data is committed into the database.
      • setShouldValidateUpdateCallCacheUse

        public void setShouldValidateUpdateCallCacheUse​(boolean shouldCheckUpdateCallCacheUse)
        INTERNAL: Set if additional validation should be performed before the query uses the update call cache.
      • setShouldUseWrapperPolicy

        public void setShouldUseWrapperPolicy​(boolean shouldUseWrapperPolicy)
        ADVANCED: The wrapper policy can be enable on a query.
      • setSourceMapping

        public void setSourceMapping​(DatabaseMapping sourceMapping)
      • setSQLStatement

        public void setSQLStatement​(SQLStatement sqlStatement)
        PUBLIC: To any user of this object. Set the SQL statement of the query. This method should only be used when dealing with statement objects.
      • setSQLString

        public void setSQLString​(String sqlString)
        PUBLIC: To any user of this object. Set the SQL string of the query. This method should only be used when dealing with user defined SQL strings. If arguments are required in the string they will be preceded by "#" then the argument name. Warning: Allowing an unverified SQL string to be passed into this method makes your application vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.
      • setTranslationRow

        public void setTranslationRow​(AbstractRecord translationRow)
        INTERNAL: Set the row for translation
      • shouldBindAllParameters

        public boolean shouldBindAllParameters()
        PUBLIC: Bind all arguments to any SQL statement.
      • shouldAllowNativeSQLQuery

        public boolean shouldAllowNativeSQLQuery​(boolean projectAllowsNativeQueries)
        INTERNAL: Return true if this individual query should allow native a SQL call to be issued.
      • shouldCacheStatement

        public boolean shouldCacheStatement()
        PUBLIC: Cache the prepared statements, this requires full parameter binding as well.
      • shouldCascadeAllParts

        public boolean shouldCascadeAllParts()
        PUBLIC: Flag used to determine if all parts should be cascaded
      • shouldCascadeByMapping

        public boolean shouldCascadeByMapping()
        PUBLIC: Mappings should be checked to determined if the current operation should be cascaded to the objects referenced.
      • shouldCascadeOnlyDependentParts

        public boolean shouldCascadeOnlyDependentParts()
        INTERNAL: Flag used for unit of works cascade policy.
      • shouldCascadeParts

        public boolean shouldCascadeParts()
        PUBLIC: Flag used to determine if any parts should be cascaded
      • shouldCascadePrivateParts

        public boolean shouldCascadePrivateParts()
        PUBLIC: Flag used to determine if any private parts should be cascaded
      • shouldCloneCall

        public boolean shouldCloneCall()
        INTERNAL: Flag used to determine if the call needs to be cloned.
      • shouldIgnoreBindAllParameters

        public boolean shouldIgnoreBindAllParameters()
        PUBLIC: Local shouldBindAllParameters() should be ignored, Session's shouldBindAllParameters() should be used.
      • shouldIgnoreCacheStatement

        public boolean shouldIgnoreCacheStatement()
        PUBLIC: Local shouldCacheStatement() should be ignored, Session's shouldCacheAllStatements() should be used.
      • shouldMaintainCache

        public boolean shouldMaintainCache()
        PUBLIC: Return if the identity map (cache) should be used or not. If not the cache check will be skipped and the result will not be put into the identity map. By default the identity map is always maintained.
      • shouldPrepare

        public boolean shouldPrepare()
        PUBLIC: Return if the query should be prepared. EclipseLink automatically prepares queries to generate their SQL only once, one each execution of the query the SQL does not need to be generated again only the arguments need to be translated. This option is provide to disable this optimization as in can cause problems with certain types of queries that require dynamic SQL based on their arguments.

        These queries include:

        • Expressions that make use of 'equal' where the argument value has the potential to be null, this can cause problems on databases that require IS NULL, instead of = NULL.
        • Expressions that make use of 'in' and that use parameter binding, this will cause problems as the in values must be bound individually.
      • shouldPrepare

        public boolean shouldPrepare​(AbstractRecord translationRow,
                                     AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Check if the query should be prepared, or dynamic, depending on the arguments. This allows null parameters to affect the SQL, such as stored procedure default values, or IS NULL, or insert defaults.
      • shouldRetrieveBypassCache

        public boolean shouldRetrieveBypassCache()
        ADVANCED: JPA flag used to control the behavior of the shared cache. This flag specifies the behavior when data is retrieved by the find methods and by the execution of queries.
      • shouldReturnGeneratedKeys

        public boolean shouldReturnGeneratedKeys()
        ADVANCED: JPA flag used to control the behavior of IDENTITY generation. This flag specifies the behavior when data is retrieved by the find methods and by the execution of queries.

        This flag is only applicable to Insert queries and will only apply if the database platform supports Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS

      • shouldStoreBypassCache

        public boolean shouldStoreBypassCache()
        ADVANCED: JPA flag used to control the behavior of the shared cache. This flag specifies the behavior when data is read from the database and when data is committed into the database.
      • shouldUseWrapperPolicy

        public boolean shouldUseWrapperPolicy()
        ADVANCED: The wrapper policy can be enabled on a query.
      • shouldValidateUpdateCallCacheUse

        public boolean shouldValidateUpdateCallCacheUse()
        ADVANCED: Return true if additional validation should be performed before the query uses the update call cache, false otherwise.
      • storeBypassCache

        public void storeBypassCache()
        ADVANCED: JPA flag used to control the behavior of the shared cache. This flag specifies the behavior when data is read from the database and when data is committed into the database. Calling this method will set a store bypass to true. Note: For a cache store mode of REFRESH, see refreshIdentityMapResult() from ObjectLevelReadQuery.
      • setIsNativeConnectionRequired

        public void setIsNativeConnectionRequired​(boolean isNativeConnectionRequired)
        ADVANCED: Set if the descriptor requires usage of a native (unwrapped) JDBC connection. This may be required for some Oracle JDBC support when a wrapping DataSource is used.
      • isNativeConnectionRequired

        public boolean isNativeConnectionRequired()
        ADVANCED: Return if the descriptor requires usage of a native (unwrapped) JDBC connection. This may be required for some Oracle JDBC support when a wrapping DataSource is used.
      • getDoNotRedirect

        public boolean getDoNotRedirect()
        This method is used in combination with redirected queries. If a redirector is set on the query or there is a default redirector on the Descriptor setting this value to true will force EclipseLink to ignore the redirector during execution. This setting will be used most often when reexecuting the query within a redirector.
      • setDoNotRedirect

        public void setDoNotRedirect​(boolean doNotRedirect)
        This method is used in combination with redirected queries. If a redirector is set on the query or there is a default redirector on the Descriptor setting this value to true will force EclipseLink to ignore the redirector during execution. This setting will be used most often when reexecuting the query within a redirector.
      • getBatchObjects

        public Map<Object,​Object> getBatchObjects()
        INTERNAL: Return temporary map of batched objects.
      • setBatchObjects

        public void setBatchObjects​(Map<Object,​Object> batchObjects)
        INTERNAL: Set temporary map of batched objects.
      • setAllowNativeSQLQuery

        public void setAllowNativeSQLQuery​(Boolean allowNativeSQLQuery)
        INTERNAL: Set to true if this individual query should be marked to bypass a persistence unit level disallow SQL queries flag.
      • hasNullableArguments

        public boolean hasNullableArguments()
        INTERNAL: Return if the query has any nullable arguments.
      • getNullableArguments

        public List<DatabaseField> getNullableArguments()
        INTERNAL: Return the list of arguments to check for null. If any are null, the query needs to be re-prepared.
      • setNullableArguments

        public void setNullableArguments​(List<DatabaseField> nullableArguments)
        INTERNAL: Set the list of arguments to check for null. If any are null, the query needs to be re-prepared.