Interface XMLContainerMapping

    • Field Detail


        static final boolean EMPTY_CONTAINER_DEFAULT
        This is the default setting for the defaultEmptyContainer property. This can be overridden at the mapping level.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getReuseContainer

        boolean getReuseContainer()
        Return true if a pre-initialized container already set on the field/property should be used. If false a new container will always be created.
      • getWrapperNullPolicy

        AbstractNullPolicy getWrapperNullPolicy()
        Get the Wrapper NullPolicy from the Mapping.
      • isDefaultEmptyContainer

        boolean isDefaultEmptyContainer()
        Return true if an empty container should be set on the object if there is no presence of the collection in the XML document.
      • setDefaultEmptyContainer

        void setDefaultEmptyContainer​(boolean defaultEmptyContainer)
        Indicate whether by default an empty container should be set on the field/property if the collection is not present in the XML document.
      • setReuseContainer

        void setReuseContainer​(boolean reuseContainer)
        Specify if a pre-existing container on the field/property should be used.
      • setWrapperNullPolicy

        void setWrapperNullPolicy​(AbstractNullPolicy policy)
        Set the Wrapper NullPolicy on the Mapping.