Interface DirectCollectionMapping<ABSTRACT_SESSION extends CoreAbstractSession,​ATTRIBUTE_ACCESSOR extends CoreAttributeAccessor,​CONTAINER_POLICY extends CoreContainerPolicy,​CONVERTER extends CoreConverter,​DESCRIPTOR extends CoreDescriptor,​FIELD extends CoreField,​MARSHALLER extends Marshaller,​SESSION extends CoreSession,​UNMARSHALLER extends Unmarshaller,​XML_RECORD extends XMLRecord>

    • Method Detail

      • getAttributeElementClass

        Class getAttributeElementClass()
        Return the class each element in the object's collection should be converted to, before the collection is inserted into the object. This is optional - if left null, the elements will be added to the object's collection unconverted.
      • getValueConverter

        CONVERTER getValueConverter()
        Return the converter on the mapping. A converter can be used to convert between the direct collection's object value and database value.
      • isCDATA

        boolean isCDATA()
      • isCollapsingStringValues

        boolean isCollapsingStringValues()
      • isNormalizingStringValues

        boolean isNormalizingStringValues()
      • setAttributeElementClass

        void setAttributeElementClass​(Class attributeElementClass)
        Set the class each element in the object's collection should be converted to, before the collection is inserted into the object. This is optional - if left null, the elements will be added to the object's collection unconverted.
      • setCollapsingStringValues

        void setCollapsingStringValues​(boolean collapse)
        Indicates that this mapping should collapse all string values before adding them to the collection on unmarshal. Collapse removes leading and trailing whitespaces, and replaces any sequence of whitespace characters with a single space.
        collapse -
      • setField

        void setField​(FIELD field)
        Set the field that holds the nested collection.
      • setFieldElementClass

        void setFieldElementClass​(Class fieldElementClass)
        PUBLIC: Set the class each element in the database row's collection should be converted to, before the collection is inserted into the database. This is optional - if left null, the elements will be added to the database row's collection unconverted.
      • setIsCDATA

        void setIsCDATA​(boolean CDATA)
      • setIsWriteOnly

        void setIsWriteOnly​(boolean b)
      • setNormalizingStringValues

        void setNormalizingStringValues​(boolean normalize)
        Indicates that this mapping should normalize all string values before adding them to the collection on unmarshal. Normalize replaces any CR, LF or Tab characters with a single space character.
        normalize -
      • setUsesSingleNode

        void setUsesSingleNode​(boolean usesSingleNode)
        Sets whether the mapping uses a single node.
        usesSingleNode - True if the items in the collection are in a single node or false if each of the items in the collection is in its own node
      • setValueConverter

        void setValueConverter​(CONVERTER valueConverter)
        Set the converter on the mapping. A converter can be used to convert between the direct collection's object value and database value.
      • setXPath

        void setXPath​(String xpathString)
        Set the Mapping field name attribute to the given XPath String
        xpathString - String
      • useCollectionClassName

        void useCollectionClassName​(String concreteContainerClassName)
      • usesSingleNode

        boolean usesSingleNode()
        Checks whether the mapping uses a single node.
        True if the items in the collection are in a single node or false if each of the items in the collection is in its own node.
      • setNullValue

        void setNullValue​(Object nullValue)
      • getNullValue

        Object getNullValue()