Class DirectQueryKey

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable

    public class DirectQueryKey
    extends QueryKey

    Purpose: Define an alias to a database field.


    • Define the field that is being aliased.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • DirectQueryKey

        public DirectQueryKey()
    • Method Detail

      • getField

        public DatabaseField getField()
        INTERNAL: Return the field for the query key.
      • getFieldName

        public String getFieldName()
        PUBLIC: Return the field name for the query key.
      • getQualifiedFieldName

        public String getQualifiedFieldName()
        PUBLIC: Return the qualified field name for the query key.
      • initialize

        public void initialize​(ClassDescriptor descriptor)
        INTERNAL: Initialize any information in the receiver that requires its descriptor. Set the receiver's descriptor back reference.
        initialize in class QueryKey
        descriptor - is the owner descriptor of the receiver.
      • isDirectQueryKey

        public boolean isDirectQueryKey()
        INTERNAL: override the isDirectQueryKey() method in the superclass to return true.
        isDirectQueryKey in class QueryKey
      • setField

        public void setField​(DatabaseField field)
        INTERNAL: Set the field for the query key.
      • setFieldName

        public void setFieldName​(String fieldName)
        PUBLIC: Set the field name for the query key.