Class DB2ZPlatform

    • Constructor Detail

      • DB2ZPlatform

        public DB2ZPlatform()
    • Method Detail

      • getTableCreationSuffix

        public String getTableCreationSuffix()
        Description copied from class: DatabasePlatform
        PUBLIC: Get the String used on all table creation statements generated from the DefaultTableGenerator with a session using this project (DDL generation). This value will be appended to CreationSuffix strings stored on the DatabaseTable or TableDefinition.
        getTableCreationSuffix in class DatabasePlatform
      • initializePlatformOperators

        protected void initializePlatformOperators()
        INTERNAL: Initialize any platform-specific operators
        initializePlatformOperators in class DB2Platform
      • avgOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator avgOperator()
        Disable binding support.

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement cannot be executed because a parameter marker has been used 
         in an invalid way. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-418, SQLSTATE=42610
      • sumOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator sumOperator()
        Disable binding support.

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement cannot be executed because a parameter marker has been used 
         in an invalid way. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-418, SQLSTATE=42610
      • absOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator absOperator()
        Disable binding support.

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement cannot be executed because a parameter marker has been used 
         in an invalid way. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-418, SQLSTATE=42610
      • concatOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator concatOperator()
        DB2 z/OS requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement cannot be executed because a parameter marker has been used 
         in an invalid way. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-418, SQLSTATE=42610
        concatOperator in class DB2Platform
      • equalOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator equalOperator()
        DB2 z/OS requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement string specified as the object of a PREPARE contains a 
         predicate or expression where parameter markers have been used as operands of 
         the same operator—for example: ? > ?. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-417, SQLSTATE=42609
      • notEqualOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator notEqualOperator()
        DB2 z/OS requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement string specified as the object of a PREPARE contains a 
         predicate or expression where parameter markers have been used as operands of 
         the same operator—for example: ? > ?. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-417, SQLSTATE=42609
      • greaterThanOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator greaterThanOperator()
        DB2 z/OS requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement string specified as the object of a PREPARE contains a 
         predicate or expression where parameter markers have been used as operands of 
         the same operator—for example: ? > ?. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-417, SQLSTATE=42609
      • greaterThanEqualOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator greaterThanEqualOperator()
        DB2 z/OS requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement string specified as the object of a PREPARE contains a 
         predicate or expression where parameter markers have been used as operands of 
         the same operator—for example: ? > ?. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-417, SQLSTATE=42609
      • lessThanOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator lessThanOperator()
        DB2 z/OS requires that at least one argument be a known type

        For ALL, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement string specified as the object of a PREPARE contains a 
         predicate or expression where parameter markers have been used as operands of 
         the same operator—for example: ? > ?. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-417, SQLSTATE=42609
      • lessThanEqualOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator lessThanEqualOperator()
        DB2 z/OS requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement string specified as the object of a PREPARE contains a 
         predicate or expression where parameter markers have been used as operands of 
         the same operator—for example: ? > ?. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-417, SQLSTATE=42609
      • isNullOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator isNullOperator()
        Disable binding support.

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement string specified as the object of a PREPARE contains a 
         predicate or expression where parameter markers have been used as operands of 
         the same operator—for example: ? > ?. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-417, SQLSTATE=42609
      • isNotNullOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator isNotNullOperator()
        Disable binding support.

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement string specified as the object of a PREPARE contains a 
         predicate or expression where parameter markers have been used as operands of 
         the same operator—for example: ? > ?. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-417, SQLSTATE=42609
      • betweenOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator betweenOperator()
        DB2 z/OS requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement string specified as the object of a PREPARE contains a 
         predicate or expression where parameter markers have been used as operands of 
         the same operator—for example: ? > ?. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-417, SQLSTATE=42609
      • notBetweenOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator notBetweenOperator()
        DB2 z/OS requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement string specified as the object of a PREPARE contains a 
         predicate or expression where parameter markers have been used as operands of 
         the same operator—for example: ? > ?. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-417, SQLSTATE=42609
      • likeEscapeOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator likeEscapeOperator()
        DB2 z/OS support for binding the LIKE ESCAPE character depends on database configuration (mixed vs DBCS). Since we cannot know how the database in configured, we will disable parameter binding for the ESCAPE

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement string specified as the object of a PREPARE contains a 
         predicate or expression where parameter markers have been used as operands of 
         the same operator for example: ? > ?. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-417, SQLSTATE=42609
      • notLikeEscapeOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator notLikeEscapeOperator()
        DB2 z/OS support for binding the LIKE ESCAPE character depends on database configuration (mixed vs DBCS). Since we cannot know how the database in configured, we will disable parameter binding for the ESCAPE

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement string specified as the object of a PREPARE contains a 
         predicate or expression where parameter markers have been used as operands of 
         the same operator for example: ? > ?. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-417, SQLSTATE=42609
      • locateOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator locateOperator()
        Disable binding support.

        With all binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement cannot be executed because a parameter marker has been used 
         in an invalid way. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-418, SQLSTATE=42610

        With some binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The data type, the length, or the value of an argument of a scalar function 
         is incorrect. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-171, SQLSTATE=42815
      • locate2Operator

        protected ExpressionOperator locate2Operator()
        Disable binding support.

        With all binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement cannot be executed because a parameter marker has been used 
         in an invalid way. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-418, SQLSTATE=42610

        With some binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The data type, the length, or the value of an argument of a scalar function 
         is incorrect. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-171, SQLSTATE=42815
      • modOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator modOperator()
        Disable binding support.

        With all binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement cannot be executed because a parameter marker has been used 
         in an invalid way. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-418, SQLSTATE=42610

        With some binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The data type, the length, or the value of an argument of a scalar function 
         is incorrect. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-171, SQLSTATE=42815
      • sqrtOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator sqrtOperator()
        Disable binding support.

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement cannot be executed because a parameter marker has been used 
         in an invalid way. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-418, SQLSTATE=42610
      • trimOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator trimOperator()
        Disable binding support.

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement cannot be executed because a parameter marker has been used 
         in an invalid way. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-418, SQLSTATE=42610
      • trim2

        protected ExpressionOperator trim2()
        Disable binding support.

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The data type, the length, or the value of an argument of a scalar function 
         is incorrect. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-171, SQLSTATE=42815
        trim2 in class DB2Platform
      • ltrimOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator ltrimOperator()
        Disable binding support.

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement cannot be executed because a parameter marker has been used 
         in an invalid way. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-418, SQLSTATE=42610
      • ltrim2Operator

        protected ExpressionOperator ltrim2Operator()
        Disable binding support.

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The data type, the length, or the value of an argument of a scalar function 
         is incorrect. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-171, SQLSTATE=42815
        ltrim2Operator in class DB2Platform
      • rtrimOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator rtrimOperator()
        Disable binding support.

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement cannot be executed because a parameter marker has been used 
         in an invalid way. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-418, SQLSTATE=42610
      • rtrim2Operator

        protected ExpressionOperator rtrim2Operator()
        Disable binding support.

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The data type, the length, or the value of an argument of a scalar function 
         is incorrect. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-171, SQLSTATE=42815
        rtrim2Operator in class DB2Platform
      • inOperator

        protected ExpressionOperator inOperator()
        DB2 z/OS requires that at least one argument be a known type

        With binding enabled, DB2 z/OS will throw an error:

        The statement string specified as the object of a PREPARE contains a 
         predicate or expression where parameter markers have been used as operands of 
         the same operator—for example: ? > ?. DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-417, SQLSTATE=42609