Class ObjectBuildingQuery

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ObjectLevelReadQuery, ResultSetMappingQuery

    public abstract class ObjectBuildingQuery
    extends ReadQuery

    Purpose: Abstract class for all read queries that build objects and potentially manipulate the TopLink cache.

    Description: Contains common behavior for all read queries building objects.

    TopLink Essentials
    Gordon Yorke
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • referenceClass

        protected Class referenceClass
        The class of the target objects to be read from the database.
      • referenceClassName

        protected String referenceClassName
      • shouldRefreshIdentityMapResult

        protected boolean shouldRefreshIdentityMapResult
        Allows for the resulting objects to be refresh with the data from the database.
      • shouldRefreshRemoteIdentityMapResult

        protected boolean shouldRefreshRemoteIdentityMapResult
      • shouldRegisterResultsInUnitOfWork

        protected boolean shouldRegisterResultsInUnitOfWork
        INTERNAL: for bug 2612601 allow ability not to register results in UOW.
      • lockingClause

        protected ForUpdateClause lockingClause
        Used for pessimistic locking.
      • executionTime

        protected long executionTime
        Used to set the read time on objects that use this query. Should be set to the time the query returned from the database.
      • shouldUseExclusiveConnection

        protected boolean shouldUseExclusiveConnection
        Added for Exclusive Connection (VPD) support see accessor for information

        public static final String LOCK_RESULT_PROPERTY
        INTERNAL: This is the key for accessing unregistered and locked result in the query's properties. The uow and QueryBaseValueHolder use this property to record and to retrieve the result respectively.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • wasDefaultLockMode

        protected boolean wasDefaultLockMode
        PERF: Store if the query originally used the default lock mode.
      • shouldBuildNullForNullPk

        protected boolean shouldBuildNullForNullPk
        INTERNAL: If primary key is null ObjectBuilder.buildObject returns null in case this flag is set to true (instead of throwing exception).
      • requiresDeferredLocks

        protected Boolean requiresDeferredLocks
        When reading across relationships, queries may be set to acquire deferred locks This is used to ensure any Eagerly fetched object that is the target of a relationship with an object the acquires deferred locks behaves the same as its owner
      • isCacheCheckComplete

        protected boolean isCacheCheckComplete
        was a check early return completed
      • printInnerJoinInWhereClause

        protected Boolean printInnerJoinInWhereClause
        Indicates whether the query printer/normalizer changes the way that inner joins are printed in generated SQL for the database. With a value of true, inner joins are printed in the WHERE clause, if false, inner joins are printed in the FROM clause. If value is set it overrides printInnerJoinInWhereClause persistence unit property. Default value null - value from printInnerJoinInWhereClause persistence unit property is used
    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectBuildingQuery

        public ObjectBuildingQuery()
        INTERNAL: Initialize the state of the query
    • Method Detail

      • convertClassNamesToClasses

        public void convertClassNamesToClasses​(ClassLoader classLoader)
        INTERNAL: Convert all the class-name-based settings in this query to actual class-based settings. This method is used when converting a project that has been built with class names to a project with classes.
        convertClassNamesToClasses in class DatabaseQuery
        classLoader -
      • wasDefaultLockMode

        protected boolean wasDefaultLockMode()
        INTERNAL: Return if this query originally used the default lock mode.
      • setWasDefaultLockMode

        protected void setWasDefaultLockMode​(boolean wasDefaultLockMode)
        INTERNAL: Set if this query originally used the default lock mode.
      • deepClone

        public Object deepClone()
        INTERNAL: Clone the query, including its selection criteria.

        Normally selection criteria are not cloned here as they are cloned later on during prepare.

      • copyFromQuery

        public void copyFromQuery​(DatabaseQuery query)
        INTERNAL: Copy all setting from the query. This is used to morph queries from one type to the other. By default this calls prepareFromQuery, but additional properties may be required to be copied as prepareFromQuery only copies properties that affect the SQL.
        copyFromQuery in class ReadQuery
      • prepareCustomQuery

        protected void prepareCustomQuery​(DatabaseQuery customQuery)
        INTERNAL: Set the properties needed to be cascaded into the custom query including the translation row. This is used only for primary key queries, as the descriptor query manager stores a predefined query for this query to avoid having to re-prepare and allow for customization.
        prepareCustomQuery in class DatabaseQuery
      • prepareFromQuery

        public void prepareFromQuery​(DatabaseQuery query)
        INTERNAL: Prepare the query from the prepared query. This allows a dynamic query to prepare itself directly from a prepared query instance. This is used in the EJBQL parse cache to allow preparsed queries to be used to prepare dynamic queries. This only copies over properties that are configured through EJBQL.
        prepareFromQuery in class DatabaseQuery
      • dontRefreshIdentityMapResult

        public void dontRefreshIdentityMapResult()
        PUBLIC: When unset means perform read normally and dont do refresh.
      • dontRefreshRemoteIdentityMapResult

        public void dontRefreshRemoteIdentityMapResult()
        PUBLIC: When unset means perform read normally and dont do refresh.
      • hasExecutionFetchGroup

        public boolean hasExecutionFetchGroup()
        INTERNAL: Indicates whether a FetchGroup will be applied to the query.
      • getExecutionFetchGroup

        public FetchGroup getExecutionFetchGroup()
        INTERNAL: Returns FetchGroup that will be applied to the query. Note that the returned fetchGroup may be updated during preProcess.
      • getExecutionFetchGroup

        public FetchGroup getExecutionFetchGroup​(ClassDescriptor descriptor)
        INTERNAL: Returns FetchGroup that will be applied to the query. Note that the returned fetchGroup may be updated during preProcess.
      • getLoadGroup

        public LoadGroup getLoadGroup()
        Return the load group set in the query.
      • getLockMode

        public short getLockMode()
        PUBLIC: Return the current locking mode.
      • getDataResults

        public List getDataResults()
        INTERNAL: Return all of the rows fetched by the query, used for 1-m joining.
      • getExecutionTime

        public long getExecutionTime()
        INTERNAL: Return the time this query actually went to the database
      • getQueryPrimaryKey

        protected Object getQueryPrimaryKey()
        INTERNAL: Return the primary key stored in this query if there is one This is overridden by subclasses that actually hold a primary key
        See Also:
      • hasPartialAttributeExpressions

        public boolean hasPartialAttributeExpressions()
        INTERNAL: Return if partial attributes.
      • isLockQuery

        public boolean isLockQuery()
        PUBLIC: Answers if the query lock mode is known to be LOCK or LOCK_NOWAIT. In the case of DEFAULT_LOCK_MODE and the query reference class being a CMP entity bean, at execution time LOCK, LOCK_NOWAIT, or NO_LOCK will be decided.

        If a single joined attribute was configured for pessimistic locking then this will return true (after first execution) as the SQL contained a FOR UPDATE OF clause.

      • isObjectBuildingQuery

        public boolean isObjectBuildingQuery()
        PUBLIC: Return if this is an object building query.
        isObjectBuildingQuery in class DatabaseQuery
      • isRegisteringResults

        public boolean isRegisteringResults()
        INTERNAL: Answers if we are executing through a UnitOfWork and registering results. This is only ever false if using the conforming without registering feature.
      • refreshIdentityMapResult

        public void refreshIdentityMapResult()
        PUBLIC: Refresh the attributes of the object(s) resulting from the query. If cascading is used the private parts of the objects will also be refreshed.
      • refreshRemoteIdentityMapResult

        public void refreshRemoteIdentityMapResult()
        PUBLIC: Refresh the attributes of the object(s) resulting from the query. If cascading is used the private parts of the objects will also be refreshed.
      • registerIndividualResult

        public Object registerIndividualResult​(Object result,
                                               Object primaryKey,
                                               UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork,
                                               JoinedAttributeManager joinManager,
                                               ClassDescriptor concreteDescriptor)
        INTERNAL: Constructs the final (registered) object for every individual object queried via a UnitOfWork.

        Called for every object in a read all, the object in a read object, and every time the next or previous row is retrieved from a cursor.

        The (conform) without registering feature is implemented here, and may return an original non UnitOfWork registered result.

        Pessimistically locked objects are tracked here.

        a refreshed UnitOfWork queried object, unwrapped.
      • requiresDeferredLocks

        public boolean requiresDeferredLocks()
        INTERNAL: When reading across relationships, queries may be set to acquire deferred locks This is used to ensure any Eagerly fetched object that is the target of a relationship with an object the acquires deferred locks behaves the same as its owner
      • setExecutionTime

        public void setExecutionTime​(long executionTime)
        INTERNAL: Set the the time this query went to the database.
      • setLockMode

        public void setLockMode​(short lockMode)
        PUBLIC: Sets whether this is a pessimistically locking query.
        • ObjectBuildingQuery.LOCK: SELECT .... FOR UPDATE issued.
        • ObjectBuildingQuery.LOCK_NOWAIT: SELECT .... FOR UPDATE NO WAIT issued.
        • ObjectBuildingQuery.NO_LOCK: no pessimistic locking.
        • ObjectBuildingQuery.DEFAULT_LOCK_MODE (default) and you have a CMP descriptor: fine grained locking will occur.

        Fine Grained Locking: On execution the reference class and those of all joined attributes will be checked. If any of these have a PessimisticLockingPolicy set on their descriptor, they will be locked in a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE OF ... {NO WAIT}. Issues fewer locks and avoids setting the lock mode on each query.


        • LOCK: all employees in Ottawa and all referenced Ottawa addresses will be locked.
        • DEFAULT_LOCK_MODE: if address is a joined attribute, and only address has a pessimistic locking policy, only referenced Ottawa addresses will be locked.
        See Also:
      • setPrefetchedCacheKeys

        public void setPrefetchedCacheKeys​(Map<Object,​CacheKey> prefetchedCacheKeys)
      • setReferenceClass

        public void setReferenceClass​(Class aClass)
        REQUIRED: Set the reference class for the query.
      • setReferenceClassName

        public void setReferenceClassName​(String aClass)
        INTERNAL: Set the reference class for the query.
      • setRequiresDeferredLocks

        public void setRequiresDeferredLocks​(boolean cascadeDeferredLocks)
        INTERNAL: When reading across relationships, queries may be set to acquire deferred locks This is used to ensure any Eagerly fetched object that is the target of a relationship with an object the acquires deferred locks behaves the same as its owner
      • setShouldRefreshIdentityMapResult

        public void setShouldRefreshIdentityMapResult​(boolean shouldRefreshIdentityMapResult)
        PUBLIC: Set if the attributes of the object(s) resulting from the query should be refreshed. If cascading is used the private parts of the objects will also be refreshed.
      • setShouldRefreshRemoteIdentityMapResult

        public void setShouldRefreshRemoteIdentityMapResult​(boolean shouldRefreshIdentityMapResult)
        PUBLIC: Set if the attributes of the object(s) resulting from the query should be refreshed. If cascading is used the private parts of the objects will also be refreshed.
      • setShouldRegisterResultsInUnitOfWork

        public void setShouldRegisterResultsInUnitOfWork​(boolean shouldRegisterResultsInUnitOfWork)
        INTERNAL: Set to false to have queries conform to a UnitOfWork without registering any additional objects not already in that UnitOfWork.
        See Also:
      • setShouldUseExclusiveConnection

        public void setShouldUseExclusiveConnection​(boolean shouldUseExclusiveConnection)
        ADVANCED: If the user has isolated data and specified that the client session should use an exclusive connection then by setting this condition to true EclipseLink will ensure that the query is executed through the exclusive connection. This may be required in certain cases. An example being where database security will prevent a query joining to a secure table from returning the correct results when executed through the shared connection.
      • shouldRegisterResultsInUnitOfWork

        public boolean shouldRegisterResultsInUnitOfWork()
        INTERNAL: Allows one to do conforming in a UnitOfWork without registering. Queries executed on a UnitOfWork will only return working copies for objects that have already been registered.

        Extreme care should be taken in using this feature, for a user will get back a mix of registered and original (unregistered) objects.

        Best used with a WrapperPolicy where invoking on an object will trigger its registration (CMP). Without a WrapperPolicy registerExistingObject should be called on any object that you intend to change.

        true by default.
        See Also:
      • shouldUseExclusiveConnection

        public boolean shouldUseExclusiveConnection()
        ADVANCED: If the user has isolated data and specified that the client session should use an exclusive connection then by setting this condition to true EclipseLink will ensure that the query is executed through the exclusive connection. This may be required in certain cases. An example being where database security will prevent a query joining to a secure table from returning the correct results when executed through the shared connection.
      • shouldReadAllMappings

        public boolean shouldReadAllMappings()
        INTERNAL: Return if this is a full object query, not partial nor fetch group.
      • shouldReadMapping

        public boolean shouldReadMapping​(DatabaseMapping mapping,
                                         FetchGroup fetchGroup)
        INTERNAL: Check if the mapping is part of the partial attributes.
      • shouldRefreshIdentityMapResult

        public boolean shouldRefreshIdentityMapResult()
        PUBLIC: Set to a boolean. When set means refresh the instance variables of referenceObject from the database.
      • shouldRefreshRemoteIdentityMapResult

        public boolean shouldRefreshRemoteIdentityMapResult()
        PUBLIC: Set to a boolean. When set means refresh the instance variables of referenceObject from the database.
      • isAttributeJoined

        public boolean isAttributeJoined​(ClassDescriptor mappingDescriptor,
                                         String attributeName)
        INTERNAL: Return if the attribute is specified for joining.
      • isCacheCheckComplete

        public boolean isCacheCheckComplete()
        INTERNAL: Returns true if an early return cache check was completed
      • isClonePessimisticLocked

        public boolean isClonePessimisticLocked​(Object clone,
                                                UnitOfWorkImpl uow)
        INTERNAL: Helper method that checks if clone has been locked with uow.
      • recordCloneForPessimisticLocking

        public void recordCloneForPessimisticLocking​(Object clone,
                                                     UnitOfWorkImpl uow)
        INTERNAL: Helper method that records clone with uow if query is pessimistic locking.
      • isDefaultLock

        public boolean isDefaultLock()
        INTERNAL: Helper method to determine the default mode. If true and quey has a pessimistic locking policy, locking will be configured according to the pessimistic locking policy.
      • shouldBuildNullForNullPk

        public boolean shouldBuildNullForNullPk()
        INTERNAL: If primary key is null ObjectBuilder.buildObject returns null in case this flag is set to true (instead of throwing exception).
      • setShouldBuildNullForNullPk

        public void setShouldBuildNullForNullPk​(boolean shouldBuildNullForNullPk)
        INTERNAL: If primary key is null ObjectBuilder.buildObject returns null in case this flag is set to true (instead of throwing exception).
      • usesResultSetAccessOptimization

        public boolean usesResultSetAccessOptimization()
        INTERNAL: Return if the query uses ResultSet optimization.
      • shouldUseSerializedObjectPolicy

        public boolean shouldUseSerializedObjectPolicy()
        INTERNAL: Indicates whether the query should use SerializedObjectPolicy if descriptor has it.
      • printInnerJoinInWhereClause

        public Boolean printInnerJoinInWhereClause()
        INTERNAL: Indicates whether the query will change the way that inner joins are printed in generated SQL for the database. With a value of true, inner joins are printed in the WHERE clause, if false, inner joins are printed in the FROM clause.
      • setPrintInnerJoinInWhereClause

        public void setPrintInnerJoinInWhereClause​(boolean printInnerJoinInWhereClause)
        INTERNAL: Set a flag that indicates whether the query will change the way that inner joins are printed in generated SQL for the database. With a value of true, inner joins are printed in the WHERE clause, if false, inner joins are printed in the FROM clause.