Interface Server

  • All Superinterfaces:
    CoreSession<ClassDescriptor,​Login,​Platform,​Project,​SessionEventManager>, DatabaseSession, Session
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Server
    extends DatabaseSession

    Purpose: A single session that supports multiple user/clients connection at the same time.

    Description: This session supports a shared session that can be used by multiple users or clients in a three-tiered application. It brokers client sessions to allow read and write access through a unified object cache. The server session uses a single connection pool by default, but allows multiple connection pools and separate read/write pools to be configured. All changes to objects and the database must be done through a unit of work acquired from the client session, this allows the changes to occur in a transactional object space and under a exclusive database connection.


    • Connection pooling.
    • Reading objects and maintaining the object cache.
    • Brokering client sessions.
    • Requiring the UnitOfWork to be used for modification.
    See Also:
    Server, ClientSession, UnitOfWork
    • Method Detail

      • acquireClientSession

        ClientSession acquireClientSession()
                                    throws DatabaseException
        PUBLIC: Return a client session for this server session. Each user/client connected to this server session must acquire there own client session to communicate to the server through. This method allows for a client session to be acquired sharing the same login as the server session.
      • acquireClientSession

        ClientSession acquireClientSession​(String poolName)
        PUBLIC: Return a client session for this server session. Each user/client connected to this server session must acquire there own client session to communicate to the server through. This method allows for a client session to be acquired sharing its connection from a pool of connection allocated on the server session. By default this uses a lazy connection policy.
      • acquireClientSession

        ClientSession acquireClientSession​(Login login)
        PUBLIC: Return a client session for this server session. Each user/client connected to this server session must acquire there own client session to communicate to the server through. The client must provide its own login to use, and the client session returned will have its own exclusive database connection. This connection will be used to perform all database modification for all units of work acquired from the client session. By default this does not use a lazy connection policy.
      • acquireClientSession

        ClientSession acquireClientSession​(ConnectionPolicy connectionPolicy)
        PUBLIC: Return a client session for this server session. The connection policy specifies how the client session's connection will be acquired.
      • addConnectionPool

        void addConnectionPool​(String poolName,
                               Login login,
                               int minNumberOfConnections,
                               int maxNumberOfConnections)
        PUBLIC: Add the connection pool. Connections are pooled to share and restrict the number of database connections.
      • addConnectionPool

        void addConnectionPool​(ConnectionPool pool)
        PUBLIC: Connection are pooled to share and restrict the number of database connections.
      • getConnectionPool

        ConnectionPool getConnectionPool​(String poolName)
        PUBLIC: Return the pool by name.
      • getDefaultConnectionPolicy

        ConnectionPolicy getDefaultConnectionPolicy()
        PUBLIC: The default connection policy is used by default by the acquireClientConnection() protocol. By default it uses the default connection pool.
      • getDefaultConnectionPool

        ConnectionPool getDefaultConnectionPool()
        PUBLIC: Return the default connection pool.
      • getMaxNumberOfNonPooledConnections

        int getMaxNumberOfNonPooledConnections()
        PUBLIC: Return the number of non-pooled database connections allowed. This can be enforced to make up for the resource limitation of most JDBC drivers and database clients. By default this is 50.
      • setDefaultConnectionPolicy

        void setDefaultConnectionPolicy​(ConnectionPolicy defaultConnectionPolicy)
        PUBLIC: The default connection policy is used by default by the acquireClientConnection() protocol. By default it uses the default connection pool.
      • setMaxNumberOfNonPooledConnections

        void setMaxNumberOfNonPooledConnections​(int maxNumberOfNonPooledConnections)
        PUBLIC: Set the number of non-pooled database connections allowed. This can be enforced to make up for the resource limitation of most JDBC drivers and database clients. By default this is 50.
      • useExclusiveReadConnectionPool

        void useExclusiveReadConnectionPool​(int minNumberOfConnections,
                                            int maxNumberOfConnections)
        PUBLIC: Sets the read connection pool to be a separate exclusive ConnectionPool with the minimum and maximum number of connections.

        A separate read connection pool is not used by default, by default the default connection pool is used for reading. A separate read connection pool can be used to dedicate a pool of connections only for reading. It can also be used to use a non-JTA DataSource for reading to avoid JTA overhead, or to use a different user login for reading.

        See Also:
        getReadConnectionPool(), setReadConnectionPool(ConnectionPool), useReadConnectionPool(int, int), useExternalReadConnectionPool()
      • useExclusiveReadConnectionPool

        void useExclusiveReadConnectionPool​(int initialNumberOfConnections,
                                            int minNumberOfConnections,
                                            int maxNumberOfConnections)
        PUBLIC: Sets the read connection pool to be a separate exclusive ConnectionPool with the initial, minimum and maximum number of connections.

        A separate read connection pool is not used by default, by default the default connection pool is used for reading. A separate read connection pool can be used to dedicate a pool of connections only for reading. It can also be used to use a non-JTA DataSource for reading to avoid JTA overhead, or to use a different user login for reading.

        See Also:
        getReadConnectionPool(), setReadConnectionPool(ConnectionPool), useReadConnectionPool(int, int), useExternalReadConnectionPool()
      • useReadConnectionPool

        void useReadConnectionPool​(int minNumberOfConnections,
                                   int maxNumberOfConnections)
        PUBLIC: Sets the read connection pool to be a separate shared ConnectionPool with the minimum and maximum number of connections.

        A separate read connection pool is not used by default, by default the default connection pool is used for reading. A separate read connection pool can be used to dedicate a pool of connections only for reading. It can also be used to use a non-JTA DataSource for reading to avoid JTA overhead, or to use a different user login for reading.

        Since read connections are not used for writing, multiple users can theoretically use the same connection at the same time. However some JDBC drivers do not allow this, or have poor concurrency when this is done.

        Use this read connection pool to take advantage of concurrent reading.

        minNumberOfConnections -
        maxNumberOfConnections - As multiple readers can use the same connection concurrently fewer connections are needed.
        See Also:
        getReadConnectionPool(), setReadConnectionPool(ConnectionPool), useExternalReadConnectionPool(), useExclusiveReadConnectionPool(int, int)
      • useReadConnectionPool

        void useReadConnectionPool​(int initialNumberOfConnections,
                                   int minNumberOfConnections,
                                   int maxNumberOfConnections)
        PUBLIC: Sets the read connection pool to be a separate shared ConnectionPool with the minimum and maximum number of connections.

        A separate read connection pool is not used by default, by default the default connection pool is used for reading. A separate read connection pool can be used to dedicate a pool of connections only for reading. It can also be used to use a non-JTA DataSource for reading to avoid JTA overhead, or to use a different user login for reading.

        Since read connections are not used for writing, multiple users can theoretically use the same connection at the same time. However some JDBC drivers do not allow this, or have poor concurrency when this is done.

        Use this read connection pool to take advantage of concurrent reading.

        initialNumberOfConnections - connections connected at startup
        minNumberOfConnections - connections that are pooled
        maxNumberOfConnections - As multiple readers can use the same connection concurrently fewer connections are needed.
        See Also:
        getReadConnectionPool(), setReadConnectionPool(ConnectionPool), useExternalReadConnectionPool(), useExclusiveReadConnectionPool(int, int)