Class ContainerPolicy

    • Field Detail

      • defaultContainerClass

        protected static Class<? extends Collection> defaultContainerClass
        Allow the default collection class to be set.
      • elementDescriptor

        protected transient ClassDescriptor elementDescriptor
        The descriptor is used to wrap and unwrap objects using the wrapper policy.
      • constructor

        protected transient Constructor constructor
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContainerPolicy

        protected ContainerPolicy()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultContainerClass

        public static Class<?> getDefaultContainerClass()
        ADVANCED: Return the default collection class.
      • setDefaultContainerClass

        public static void setDefaultContainerClass​(Class<? extends Collection> collectionClass)
        ADVANCED: Allow the default collection class to be set.
      • addAdditionalFieldsToQuery

        public void addAdditionalFieldsToQuery​(ReadQuery selectionQuery,
                                               Expression baseExpression)
        INTERNAL: Called when the selection query is being initialized to add any required additional fields to the query. By default, there are not additional fields required but this method is overridden by subclasses.
        See Also:
      • addFieldsForMapKey

        public void addFieldsForMapKey​(AbstractRecord joinRow)
        INTERNAL: Called when the insert query is being initialized to ensure the fields for the key are in the insert query
        See Also:
      • addInto

        public boolean addInto​(Object element,
                               Object container,
                               AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Add element to container. This is used to add to a collection independent of JDK 1.1 and 1.2. The session may be required to wrap for the wrapper policy. Return whether the container changed
        Specified by:
        addInto in interface CoreContainerPolicy<AbstractSession>
      • addInto

        public boolean addInto​(Object element,
                               Object container,
                               AbstractSession session,
                               AbstractRecord dbRow,
                               ObjectBuildingQuery query,
                               CacheKey parentCacheKey,
                               boolean isTargetProtected)
        INTERNAL: Add element to container. This is used to add to a collection independent of type. The session may be required to wrap for the wrapper policy. The row may be required by subclasses, such as MappedKeyMap. Return whether the container changed.
      • addAll

        public boolean addAll​(List elements,
                              Object container,
                              AbstractSession session,
                              List<AbstractRecord> dbRows,
                              ObjectBuildingQuery query,
                              CacheKey parentCacheKey,
                              boolean isTargetProtected)
        INTERNAL: This is used for ordered List containers to add all of the elements to the collection in the order of the index field in the row. This is currently only used by OrderListContainerPolicy, so this is just a stub. The passing of the query is to allow future compatibility with Maps (ordered Map).
      • addInto

        public boolean addInto​(Object element,
                               Object container,
                               AbstractSession session,
                               AbstractRecord row,
                               DataReadQuery query,
                               CacheKey parentCacheKey,
                               boolean isTargetProtected)
        INTERNAL: This is used for adding to a direct map or direct collection from the database. The row data may also be requires, as in the case of indexed ordered lists, or direct maps.
      • addAll

        public boolean addAll​(List elements,
                              Object container,
                              AbstractSession session,
                              List<AbstractRecord> rows,
                              DataReadQuery query,
                              CacheKey parentCacheKey,
                              boolean isTargetProtected)
        INTERNAL: This is used for ordered List containers to add all of the elements to the collection in the order of the index field in the row. This is currently only used by OrderListContainerPolicy, so this is just a stub. The passing of the query is to allow future compatibility with Maps (ordered Map).
      • addInto

        public boolean addInto​(Object key,
                               Object element,
                               Object container,
                               AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Add element to container. This is used to add to a collection independent of type. The session may be required to wrap for the wrapper policy. Return whether the container changed.
        Specified by:
        addInto in interface CoreContainerPolicy<AbstractSession>
      • addNestedJoinsQueriesForMapKey

        public void addNestedJoinsQueriesForMapKey​(JoinedAttributeManager joinManager,
                                                   ObjectLevelReadQuery query,
                                                   AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Used for joining. Add any queries necessary for joining to the join manager This method will be overridden by subclasses that handle map keys
      • addNextValueFromIteratorInto

        public void addNextValueFromIteratorInto​(Object valuesIterator,
                                                 Object parent,
                                                 CacheKey parentCacheKey,
                                                 Object toCollection,
                                                 CollectionMapping mapping,
                                                 Integer refreshCascade,
                                                 AbstractSession cloningSession,
                                                 boolean isExisting,
                                                 boolean isFromSharedCache)
        INTERNAL: This method is used to add the next value from an iterator built using ContainerPolicy's iteratorFor() method into the toCollection. This method is overridden by subclasses to provide extended functionality for map keys
        See Also:
      • buildCloneForKey

        public Object buildCloneForKey​(Object key,
                                       Object parent,
                                       CacheKey parentCacheKey,
                                       Integer refreshCascade,
                                       AbstractSession cloningSession,
                                       boolean isExisting,
                                       boolean isCacheCheckComplete)
        Build a clone for the key of a Map represented by this container policy if necessary. By default, the key is not cloned since in standard EclipseLink Mappings it will not be an Entity
      • buildCollectionEntry

        public Object buildCollectionEntry​(Object objectAdded,
                                           ObjectChangeSet changeSet)
        INTERNAL: Return an object representing an entry in the collection represented by this container policy This method will be overridden to allow MapContainerPolicy to return a construct that contains the key and the value
        See Also:
      • buildContainerFromVector

        public Object buildContainerFromVector​(Vector vector,
                                               AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Return a container populated with the contents of the specified Vector.
      • buildDefaultPolicy

        public static ContainerPolicy buildDefaultPolicy()
        INTERNAL: Return the appropriate container policy for the default container class.
      • buildPolicyFor

        public static ContainerPolicy buildPolicyFor​(Class<?> concreteContainerClass)
        INTERNAL: Return the appropriate container policy for the specified concrete container class.
      • buildPolicyFor

        public static ContainerPolicy buildPolicyFor​(Class<?> concreteContainerClass,
                                                     boolean hasOrdering)
        INTERNAL: Return the appropriate container policy for the specified concrete container class.
      • buildSelectionQueryForDirectCollectionMapping

        public ReadQuery buildSelectionQueryForDirectCollectionMapping()
        INTERNAL: This Certain key mappings favor different types of selection query. Return the appropriate type of selectionQuery
      • createChangeEvent

        public abstract CollectionChangeEvent createChangeEvent​(Object collectionOwner,
                                                                String propertyName,
                                                                Object collectionChanged,
                                                                Object elementChanged,
                                                                int changeType,
                                                                Integer index,
                                                                boolean isChangeApplied)
        INTERNAL: Creates a CollectionChangeEvent for the container
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object object)
        INTERNAL: Return if the policy is equal to the other. By default if they are the same class, they are considered equal. This is used for query parse caching.
        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • cascadeDiscoverAndPersistUnregisteredNewObjects

        public void cascadeDiscoverAndPersistUnregisteredNewObjects​(Object object,
                                                                    Map newObjects,
                                                                    Map unregisteredExistingObjects,
                                                                    Map visitedObjects,
                                                                    UnitOfWorkImpl uow,
                                                                    Set cascadeErrors)
        INTERNAL: Cascade DiscoverAndPersistUnregisteredNewObjects to any mappings managed by the container policy. Be default, this is a no-op, but will be overridden by subclasses
      • cascadePerformRemoveIfRequired

        public void cascadePerformRemoveIfRequired​(Object object,
                                                   UnitOfWorkImpl uow,
                                                   Map visitedObjects)
        INTERNAL: Cascade performRemove to any mappings managed by the container policy. Be default, this is a no-op, but will be overridden by subclasses
      • cascadeRegisterNewIfRequired

        public void cascadeRegisterNewIfRequired​(Object object,
                                                 UnitOfWorkImpl uow,
                                                 Map visitedObjects)
        INTERNAL: Cascade registerNew to any mappings managed by the container policy. Be default, this is a no-op, but will be overridden by subclasses
      • cloneFor

        public Object cloneFor​(Object container)
        INTERNAL: Return a clone of the specified container. Can only be called for select subclasses.
      • createChangeSetForKeys

        protected void createChangeSetForKeys​(Map originalKeyValues,
                                              CollectionChangeRecord changeRecord,
                                              AbstractSession session,
                                              ClassDescriptor referenceDescriptor)
        INTERNAL: Create change sets that contain map keys. This method will be overridden by subclasses that handle map keys
      • collectObjectForNewCollection

        protected void collectObjectForNewCollection​(Map originalKeyValues,
                                                     Map cloneKeyValues,
                                                     Object newCollection,
                                                     CollectionChangeRecord changeRecord,
                                                     AbstractSession session,
                                                     ClassDescriptor referenceDescriptor)
        INTERNAL: Iterate over the list of new objects and create change sets for them This method is overridden by subclasses to handle map keys
      • compareKeys

        public boolean compareKeys​(Object sourceKey,
                                   AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Return true if keys are the same in the source as the backup. False otherwise in the case of readonly compare against the original For non map container policies return true always, because these policies have no concepts of Keys
      • concatenateContainers

        public Object concatenateContainers​(Object firstContainer,
                                            Object secondContainer,
                                            AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Build a new container, add the contents of each of the specified containers to it, and return it. Both of the containers must use the same container policy (namely, this one).
      • containerInstance

        public Object containerInstance​(int initialCapacity)
        INTERNAL: Return an instance of the container class with the specified initial capacity. Null should never be returned. A ValidationException is thrown on error.
        Specified by:
        containerInstance in interface CoreContainerPolicy<AbstractSession>
      • contains

        protected boolean contains​(Object element,
                                   Object container)
        INTERNAL: Return whether element exists in container.
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(Object element,
                                Object container,
                                AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Check if the object is contained in the collection. This is used to check contains in a collection independent of JDK 1.1 and 1.2. The session may be required to unwrap for the wrapper policy.
        Specified by:
        contains in interface CoreContainerPolicy<AbstractSession>
      • convertClassNamesToClasses

        public void convertClassNamesToClasses​(ClassLoader classLoader)
        INTERNAL: Convert all the class-name-based settings in this ContainerPolicy to actual class-based settings This method is implemented by subclasses as necessary.
      • createWrappedObjectFromExistingWrappedObject

        public Object createWrappedObjectFromExistingWrappedObject​(Object wrappedObject,
                                                                   Object parent,
                                                                   ClassDescriptor referenceDescriptor,
                                                                   MergeManager mergeManager,
                                                                   AbstractSession targetSession)
        INTERNAL: This method will actually potentially wrap an object in two ways. It will first wrap the object based on the referenceDescriptor's wrapper policy. It will also potentially do some wrapping based on what is required by the container policy.
        parent - if this is an aggregate, the owner of the aggregate
        See Also:
      • deleteWrappedObject

        public void deleteWrappedObject​(Object objectDeleted,
                                        AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Delete the passed object This may be overridden by subclasses to deal with composite objects
        See Also:
      • execute

        public Object execute()
        INTERNAL: This can be used by collection such as cursored stream to gain control over execution.
      • getAdditionalTablesForJoinQuery

        public List<DatabaseTable> getAdditionalTablesForJoinQuery()
        INTERNAL: Return any tables that will be required when this mapping is used as part of a join query.
      • getAdditionalFieldsForJoin

        public List<DatabaseField> getAdditionalFieldsForJoin​(CollectionMapping baseMapping)
        INTERNAL: Return any additional fields required by the policy for a fetch join. This method will be overridden by ContainerPolicies that handle map keys.
      • getChangeValuesFrom

        public Iterator getChangeValuesFrom​(Map map)
        INTERNAL: Used to create an iterator on a the Map object passed to CollectionChangeRecord.addRemoveChange() to access the values to be removed. In the case of some container policies the values will actually be the keys.
      • getCloneDataFromChangeSet

        public Object getCloneDataFromChangeSet​(ObjectChangeSet changeSet)
        INTERNAL: Used when objects are added or removed during an update. This method returns either the clone from the ChangeSet or a packaged version of it that contains things like map keys.
      • getConstructor

        protected Constructor getConstructor()
        INTERNAL: Return the size constructor if available.
      • getContainerClass

        public Class<?> getContainerClass()
        INTERNAL: Return the class used for the container.
      • getContainerClassName

        public String getContainerClassName()
        INTERNAL: Used by the MW
      • getDescriptorForMapKey

        public ClassDescriptor getDescriptorForMapKey()
        INTERNAL: Return the reference descriptor for the map key if it exists
      • getElementDescriptor

        public ClassDescriptor getElementDescriptor()
        INTERNAL: Used for wrapping and unwrapping with the wrapper policy.
      • getIdentityFieldsForMapKey

        public List<DatabaseField> getIdentityFieldsForMapKey()
        INTERNAL: Return the fields that make up the identity of the key if this mapping is a list This method will be overridden by subclasses.
      • getKeyMappingDataForWriteQuery

        public Map getKeyMappingDataForWriteQuery​(Object object,
                                                  AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Add any non-Foreign-key data from an Object describe by a MapKeyMapping to a database row This is typically used in write queries to ensure all the data stored in the collection table is included in the query.
      • getKeySelectionCriteria

        public Expression getKeySelectionCriteria()
        INTERNAL: Get the selection criteria for the map key This will be overridden by container policies that allow maps
      • getKeyType

        public Object getKeyType()
        INTERNAL: Return the type of the map key, this will be overridden by container policies that allow maps.
      • hasElementDescriptor

        public boolean hasElementDescriptor()
        INTERNAL: Used for wrapping and unwrapping with the wrapper policy.
      • hasOrder

        public boolean hasOrder()
        INTERNAL: Returns true if the collection has order
      • initialize

        public void initialize​(AbstractSession session,
                               DatabaseTable keyTable)
        INTERNAL: Provide a hook to allow initialization of Container Policy parts
      • initializeConstructor

        public void initializeConstructor()
        INTERNAL: Find the size constructor. Providing a size is important for performance.
      • isCollectionPolicy

        public boolean isCollectionPolicy()
      • isCursoredStreamPolicy

        public boolean isCursoredStreamPolicy()
      • isScrollableCursorPolicy

        public boolean isScrollableCursorPolicy()
      • isCursorPolicy

        public boolean isCursorPolicy()
      • isDirectMapPolicy

        public boolean isDirectMapPolicy()
      • isOrderedListPolicy

        public boolean isOrderedListPolicy()
      • isMapPolicy

        public boolean isMapPolicy()
      • isMappedKeyMapPolicy

        public boolean isMappedKeyMapPolicy()
      • isMapKeyObject

        public boolean isMapKeyObject()
        INTERNAL: Return if the map key this container policy represents is a OneToOne.
      • isValidContainerType

        public boolean isValidContainerType​(Class<?> containerType)
        INTERNAL: Return whether the specified type is a valid container type.
      • iterateOnMapKey

        public void iterateOnMapKey​(DescriptorIterator iterator,
                                    Object element)
        INTERNAL: Used in Descriptor Iteration to iterate on map keys. This method is a no-op here, but will be overridden by subclasses
      • keyFromEntry

        public Object keyFromEntry​(Object entry)
        Get the key from the passed in Map.Entry This method will be overridden by ContainerPolicies that allows maps.
      • keyFromIterator

        public Object keyFromIterator​(Object iterator)
      • mergeCascadeParts

        public Object mergeCascadeParts​(ObjectChangeSet objectChanges,
                                        MergeManager mergeManager,
                                        AbstractSession targetSession)
        INTERNAL: Merge changes from the source to the target object. Because this is a collection mapping, values are added to or removed from the collection based on the change set.
      • mergeChanges

        public void mergeChanges​(CollectionChangeRecord changeRecord,
                                 Object valueOfTarget,
                                 boolean shouldMergeCascadeParts,
                                 MergeManager mergeManager,
                                 AbstractSession targetSession,
                                 boolean isSynchronizeOnMerge)
        INTERNAL: Merge changes from the source to the target object. Because this is a collection mapping, values are added to or removed from the collection based on the change set. Synchronize if system property is specified. If not, default to clone the target collection. No need to synchronize if the collection is new.
      • mergeChanges

        protected void mergeChanges​(CollectionChangeRecord changeRecord,
                                    Object valueOfTarget,
                                    boolean shouldMergeCascadeParts,
                                    MergeManager mergeManager,
                                    AbstractSession targetSession)
        INTERNAL: Merge changes from the source to the target object. Because this is a collection mapping, values are added to or removed from the collection based on the change set.
      • next

        protected abstract Object next​(Object iterator)
        INTERNAL: Return the next object on the queue. The iterator is the one returned from #iteratorFor(). Valid for some subclasses only.
        See Also:
      • next

        public Object next​(Object iterator,
                           AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Return the next object from the iterator. This is used to stream over a collection independent of JDK 1.1 and 1.2. The session may be required to unwrap for the wrapper policy.
        Specified by:
        next in interface CoreContainerPolicy<AbstractSession>
      • overridesRead

        public boolean overridesRead()
        This can be used by collection such as cursored stream to gain control over execution.
      • postInitialize

        public void postInitialize​(AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Some subclasses need to post initialize mappings associated with them
      • postCalculateChanges

        public void postCalculateChanges​(Object key,
                                         Object value,
                                         ClassDescriptor referenceDescriptor,
                                         DatabaseMapping mapping,
                                         UnitOfWorkImpl uow)
        INTERNAL: Add the provided object to the deleted objects list on the commit manager. This may be overridden by subclasses to process a composite object.
      • recordPrivateOwnedRemovals

        public void recordPrivateOwnedRemovals​(Object object,
                                               ClassDescriptor referenceDescriptor,
                                               UnitOfWorkImpl uow)
        INTERNAL: Add the provided object to the deleted objects list on the commit manager. This may be overridden by subclasses to process a composite object.
      • prepareForExecution

        public void prepareForExecution()
                                 throws QueryException
        Prepare and validate. Allow subclasses to override.
      • processAdditionalWritableMapKeyFields

        public void processAdditionalWritableMapKeyFields​(AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: This method is used to check the key mapping to ensure that it does not write to a field that is written by another mapping. This method will be overridden by subclasses that deal MapKeys
      • propogatePostDelete

        public void propogatePostDelete​(DeleteObjectQuery query,
                                        Object object)
        INTERNAL: Propagate the postDeleteEvent to any additional objects the query is aware of This method will be overridden by subclasses that deal MapKeys
      • propogatePostInsert

        public void propogatePostInsert​(WriteObjectQuery query,
                                        Object object)
        INTERNAL: Propagate the postDeleteEvent to any additional objects the query is aware of This method will be overridden by subclasses that deal MapKeys
      • propogatePostUpdate

        public void propogatePostUpdate​(WriteObjectQuery query,
                                        Object object)
        INTERNAL: Propagate the postDeleteEvent to any additional objects the query is aware of This method will be overridden by subclasses that deal MapKeys
      • propogatePreDelete

        public void propogatePreDelete​(DeleteObjectQuery query,
                                       Object object)
        INTERNAL: Propagate the postDeleteEvent to any additional objects the query is aware of This method will be overridden by subclasses that deal MapKeys
      • propogatePreInsert

        public void propogatePreInsert​(WriteObjectQuery query,
                                       Object object)
        INTERNAL: Propagate the postDeleteEvent to any additional objects the query is aware of This method will be overridden by subclasses that deal MapKeys
      • propogatePreUpdate

        public void propogatePreUpdate​(WriteObjectQuery query,
                                       Object object)
        INTERNAL: Propagate the postDeleteEvent to any additional objects the query is aware of This method will be overridden by subclasses that deal MapKeys
      • propagatesEventsToCollection

        public boolean propagatesEventsToCollection()
        INTERNAL: Returns false. Most container policies do not need to propagate events within the collections This will be overridden by subclasses
      • recordAddToCollectionInChangeRecord

        public void recordAddToCollectionInChangeRecord​(ObjectChangeSet changeSetToAdd,
                                                        CollectionChangeRecord collectionChangeRecord)
        This method is used to bridge the behavior between Attribute Change Tracking and deferred change tracking with respect to adding the same instance multiple times. Each ContainerPolicy type will implement specific behavior for the collection type it is wrapping. These methods are only valid for collections containing object references
      • recordRemoveFromCollectionInChangeRecord

        public void recordRemoveFromCollectionInChangeRecord​(ObjectChangeSet changeSetToRemove,
                                                             CollectionChangeRecord collectionChangeRecord)
        This method is used to bridge the behavior between Attribute Change Tracking and deferred change tracking with respect to adding the same instance multiple times. Each ContainerPolicy type will implement specific behavior for the collection type it is wrapping. These methods are only valid for collections containing object references
      • recordUpdateToCollectionInChangeRecord

        public void recordUpdateToCollectionInChangeRecord​(CollectionChangeEvent event,
                                                           ObjectChangeSet changeSet,
                                                           CollectionChangeRecord collectionChangeRecord)
        This method is used to bridge the behavior between Attribute Change Tracking and deferred change tracking with respect to adding the same instance multiple times. Each ContainerPolicy type will implement specific behavior for the collection type it is wrapping. These methods are only valid for collections containing object references
      • remoteExecute

        public Object remoteExecute()
        This can be used by collection such as cursored stream to gain control over execution.
      • removeFrom

        protected boolean removeFrom​(Object key,
                                     Object element,
                                     Object container)
        INTERNAL: Remove element from container. Valid for some subclasses only.
      • removeFrom

        public boolean removeFrom​(Object key,
                                  Object element,
                                  Object container,
                                  AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Remove the object from the collection. This is used to remove from a collection independent of JDK 1.1 and 1.2. The session may be required to unwrap for the wrapper policy.
      • removeFrom

        public boolean removeFrom​(Object element,
                                  Object container,
                                  AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Remove the object from the collection. This is used to remove from a collection independent of JDK 1.1 and 1.2. The session may be required to unwrap for the wrapper policy.
        Specified by:
        removeFrom in interface CoreContainerPolicy<AbstractSession>
      • requiresDataModificationEvents

        public boolean requiresDataModificationEvents()
        INTERNAL: Returns whether this ContainerPolicy should requires data modification events when objects are added or deleted during update
      • setConstructor

        protected void setConstructor​(Constructor constructor)
        INTERNAL: Set the size constructor if available.
      • setContainerClassName

        public void setContainerClassName​(String containerClassName)
        INTERNAL: Used by the MW
      • setElementDescriptor

        public void setElementDescriptor​(ClassDescriptor elementDescriptor)
        INTERNAL: Used for wrapping and unwrapping with the wrapper policy.
      • setKeyName

        public void setKeyName​(String instanceVariableName,
                               String elementClassName)
        INTERNAL: It is illegal to send this message to this receiver. Try one of my subclasses. Throws an exception.
        See Also:
      • setKeyName

        public void setKeyName​(String instanceVariableName,
                               Class<?> elementClass)
        INTERNAL: Sets the key name to be used to generate the key in a Map type container class. The key name, may be the name of a field or method. An instance of the class is provided in the case when the descriptor is being built in code.
      • shouldAddAll

        public boolean shouldAddAll()
        INTERNAL: Indicates whether addAll method should be called to add entire collection, or it's possible to call addInto multiple times instead.
      • shouldIncludeKeyInDeleteEvent

        public boolean shouldIncludeKeyInDeleteEvent()
        INTERNAL: Return whether data for a map key must be included on a Delete data modification event This will be overridden by subclasses that handle maps.
      • shouldUpdateForeignKeysPostInsert

        public boolean shouldUpdateForeignKeysPostInsert()
        INTERNAL: Certain types of container policies require an extra update statement after a relationship is inserted. Return whether this update statement is required.
      • toStringInfo

        protected Object toStringInfo()
      • updateJoinedMappingIndexesForMapKey

        public int updateJoinedMappingIndexesForMapKey​(Map<DatabaseMapping,​Object> indexList,
                                                       int index)
        INTERNAL: Update the joined mapping indices This method is a no-op, but will be overridden by subclasses
      • updateChangeRecordForSelfMerge

        public void updateChangeRecordForSelfMerge​(ChangeRecord changeRecord,
                                                   Object source,
                                                   Object target,
                                                   ForeignReferenceMapping mapping,
                                                   UnitOfWorkChangeSet parentUOWChangeSet,
                                                   UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork)
        INTERNAL: Update a ChangeRecord to replace the ChangeSet for the old entity with the changeSet for the new Entity. This is used when an Entity is merged into itself and the Entity reference new or detached entities.
      • unwrapIteratorResult

        public Object unwrapIteratorResult​(Object object)
        INTERNAL: Depending on the container, the entries returned of iteration using the ContainerPolicy.iteratorFor() method may be wrapped. This method unwraps the values.
        See Also:
      • copyMapDataToRow

        public static void copyMapDataToRow​(Map mappingData,
                                            AbstractRecord databaseRow)
        INTERNAL: convenience method to copy the keys and values from a Map into an AbstractRecord
        mappingData - a Map containing a database field as the key and the value of that field as the value