Class ModelBuilder

  • public class ModelBuilder
    extends Object
    Builder to facilitate easier creation of new RDF Model objects via a fluent interface. All methods returning a ModelBuilder return an immutable reference to the current object, allowing method chaining.

    Usage example:

        ModelBuilder builder = new ModelBuilder();
        // set some namespaces
        builder.setNamespace("ex", "").setNamespace(FOAF.NS);
        // add a new named graph to the model
                   // add statements about resource ex:john
                      .add(FOAF.NAME, "John") // add the triple (ex:john, foaf:name "John") to the named graph
                      .add(FOAF.AGE, 42)
                      .add(FOAF.MBOX, "[email protected]");
         // add a triple to the default graph
        builder.defaultGraph().subject("ex:graph1").add(RDF.TYPE, "ex:Graph");
        // return the Model object
        Model m =;
    Jeen Broekstra
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModelBuilder

        public ModelBuilder()
        Create a new ModelBuilder.
      • ModelBuilder

        public ModelBuilder​(Model model)
        Create a new ModelBuilder which will append to the supplied Model.
        model -
    • Method Detail

      • setNamespace

        public ModelBuilder setNamespace​(String prefix,
                                         String namespace)
        Set the namespace mapping defined by the supplied prefix and name
        prefix - prefix of the namespace to add to the model.
        namespace - namespace name to add to the model.
        the ModelBuilder
      • subject

        public ModelBuilder subject​(Resource subject)
        Set the subject resource about which statements are to be added to the model.
        subject - the subject resource about which statements are to be added.
        the ModelBuilder
      • subject

        public ModelBuilder subject​(String prefixedNameOrIri)
        Set the subject about which statements are to be added to the model, defined by a prefixed name or an IRI reference.
        prefixedNameOrIri - the subject resource about which statements are to be added. This can be defined either as a prefixed name string (e.g. "ex:john"), or as a full IRI (e.g. ""). If supplied as a prefixed name, the ModelBuilder will need to have a namespace mapping for the prefix.
        the ModelBuilder
      • namedGraph

        public ModelBuilder namedGraph​(Resource namedGraph)
        Set the current graph in which to add new statements to the supplied named graph. This method resets the current subject.
        namedGraph - a named graph identifier
        this ModelBuilder
      • namedGraph

        public ModelBuilder namedGraph​(String prefixedNameOrIRI)
        Set the current graph in which to add new statements to the supplied named graph. This method clears the current subject.
        prefixedNameOrIRI - a named graph identifier. This can be defined either as a prefixed name string (e.g. "ex:john"), or as a full IRI (e.g. ""). If supplied as a prefixed name, the ModelBuilder will need to have a namespace mapping for the prefix.
        this ModelBuilder
      • defaultGraph

        public ModelBuilder defaultGraph()
        Set the current graph in which to add new statements to the default graph. This method clears the current subject.
        this ModelBuilder
      • add

        public ModelBuilder add​(String subject,
                                IRI predicate,
                                Object object)
        Add an RDF statement with the given subject, predicate and object to the model, using the current graph (either named or default).
        subject - the statement's subject. This can be defined either as a prefixed name string (e.g. "ex:john"), or as a full IRI (e.g. ""). If supplied as a prefixed name, the ModelBuilder will need to have a namespace mapping for the prefix.
        predicate - the statement's predicate
        object - the statement's object. If the supplied object is a BNode, IRI, or Literal, the object is used directly. If it is a prefixed name String with a known prefix, it is mapped to an IRI. Otherwise a typed Literal is created out of the supplied object, mapping the runtime type of the object to the appropriate XML Schema type. If no mapping is available, the method creates a literal with the string representation of the supplied object as the value, and XSD.STRING as the datatype. Recognized types are Boolean , Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short, XMLGregorianCalendar , and Date.
        this ModelBuilder
        See Also:
        namedGraph(Resource), defaultGraph(), Literals.createLiteral(ValueFactory, Object)
      • add

        public ModelBuilder add​(String subject,
                                String predicate,
                                Object object)
        Add an RDF statement with the given subject, predicate and object to the model, using the current graph (either named or default).
        subject - the statement's subject. This can be defined either as a prefixed name string (e.g. "ex:john"), or as a full IRI (e.g. ""). If supplied as a prefixed name, the ModelBuilder will need to have a namespace mapping for the prefix.
        predicate - the statement's predicate. This can be defined either as a prefixed name string (e.g. "ex:john"), or as a full IRI (e.g. ""). If supplied as a prefixed name, the ModelBuilder will need to have a namespace mapping for the prefix.
        object - the statement's object. If the supplied object is a BNode, IRI, or Literal, the object is used directly. If it is a prefixed name String with a known prefix, it is mapped to an IRI. Otherwise a typed Literal is created out of the supplied object, mapping the runtime type of the object to the appropriate XML Schema type. If no mapping is available, the method creates a literal with the string representation of the supplied object as the value, and XSD.STRING as the datatype. Recognized types are Boolean , Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short, XMLGregorianCalendar , and Date.
        this ModelBuilder
        See Also:
        namedGraph(Resource), defaultGraph(), Literals.createLiteral(ValueFactory, Object)
      • add

        public ModelBuilder add​(IRI predicate,
                                Object object)
        Add an RDF statement with the predicate and object to the model, using the current subject and graph (either named or default).
        predicate - the statement's predicate.
        object - the statement's object. If the supplied object is a BNode, IRI, or Literal, the object is used directly. If it is a prefixed name String with a known prefix, it is mapped to an IRI. Otherwise a typed Literal is created out of the supplied object, mapping the runtime type of the object to the appropriate XML Schema type. If no mapping is available, the method creates a literal with the string representation of the supplied object as the value, and XSD.STRING as the datatype. Recognized types are Boolean , Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short, XMLGregorianCalendar , and Date.
        this ModelBuilder
        ModelException - if the current subject is not set using subject(Resource) or subject(String).
      • add

        public ModelBuilder add​(String predicate,
                                Object object)
        Add an RDF statement with the predicate and object to the model, using the current subject and graph (either named or default).
        predicate - the statement's predicate. This can be defined either as a prefixed name string (e.g. "ex:john"), or as a full IRI (e.g. ""). If supplied as a prefixed name, the ModelBuilder will need to have a namespace mapping for the prefix.
        object - the statement's object. If the supplied object is a BNode, IRI, or Literal, the object is used directly. If it is a prefixed name String with a known prefix, it is mapped to an IRI. Otherwise a typed Literal is created out of the supplied object, mapping the runtime type of the object to the appropriate XML Schema type. If no mapping is available, the method creates a literal with the string representation of the supplied object as the value, and XSD.STRING as the datatype. Recognized types are Boolean , Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short, XMLGregorianCalendar , and Date.
        this ModelBuilder
        ModelException - if the current subject is not set using subject(Resource) or subject(String).