Class JsonValueField<VALUE_FIELD extends IValueField<?>>

    • Field Detail


        public static final String EVENT_ACCEPT_INPUT
        This event is used when display-text has changed after field loses focus or when the display-text has changed while typing (this event is send after each key-press). You can distinct the two cases by looking on the while- Typing flag.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • handleUiAcceptInput

        protected void handleUiAcceptInput​(JsonEvent event)
      • handleUiDisplayTextChange

        protected void handleUiDisplayTextChange​(JSONObject data)
        Info: the handle*Change methods below are used by some sub-classes, but not by all sub-classes. Additionally IValueField does not define a getUIFacade() method. The implementations of the UIFacade interfaces are quite different from each other, so there's no easy way to add the method to IValueField and implement an IValueUIFacade.
      • setDisplayTextFromUI

        protected void setDisplayTextFromUI​(String displayText)
      • handleUiValueChange

        protected void handleUiValueChange​(JSONObject data)
      • setValueFromUI

        protected void setValueFromUI​(Object value)
      • jsonToValue

        protected Object jsonToValue​(Object jsonValue)
      • handleUiErrorStatusChange

        protected void handleUiErrorStatusChange​(JSONObject data)
      • setErrorStatusFromUI

        protected void setErrorStatusFromUI​(org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.status.IStatus status)
      • handleUiAcceptInputWhileTyping

        protected void handleUiAcceptInputWhileTyping​(String displayText)
        Called by the UI when the displayText has changed but the editing action has not yet finished ( whileTyping = true). The model field does not yet change its value. This method is usually only called when the IBasicField.PROP_UPDATE_DISPLAY_TEXT_ON_MODIFY flag is set.
      • handleUiAcceptInputAfterTyping

        protected void handleUiAcceptInputAfterTyping​(String displayText)
        Called by the UI when the displayText has changed and the editing action has finished ( whileTyping = false). The model field parses the displayText and updates its value.