Interface Procedures.Procedure6<P1,​P2,​P3,​P4,​P5,​P6>

  • Type Parameters:
    P1 - the first argument that is passed to the closure
    P2 - the second argument that is passed to the closure
    P3 - the third argument that is passed to the closure
    P4 - the fourth argument that is passed to the closure
    P5 - the fifth argument that is passed to the closure
    P6 - the sixth argument that is passed to the closure
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Procedures.Procedure6<P1,​P2,​P3,​P4,​P5,​P6>
    A procedure that takes six arguments.
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        void apply​(P1 p1,
                   P2 p2,
                   P3 p3,
                   P4 p4,
                   P5 p5,
                   P6 p6)