Class SingleHiddenRegionFormatter

    • Method Detail

      • autowrap

        public void autowrap​(int triggerLength)
        Description copied from interface: IHiddenRegionFormatter
        Configure autowrap. The triggerLength allows to shift the wrapping point beyond its actual position in the file. If a line has multiple wrapping points it will scan backwards for the first autowrapped region. The triggerLength moves this region logically such it will be found earlier.
      • getRequest

        public FormatterRequest getRequest()
        Description copied from interface: IHiddenRegionFormatter
        Returns teh current formatter request and allows to read configuration settings.
      • indent

        public void indent()
      • noAutowrap

        public void noAutowrap()
        Description copied from interface: IHiddenRegionFormatter
        Suppresses auto wrap in this hidden region.
      • noIndentation

        public void noIndentation()
        Description copied from interface: IHiddenRegionFormatter
        Resets the indentation level to zero.
      • setNewLines

        public void setNewLines​(int minNewLines,
                                int defaultNewLines,
                                int maxNewLines)
        Description copied from interface: IHiddenRegionFormatter
        Configures the given new lines for this hidden region. Keeps the current configuration if it is in the valid boundaries of minNewLines and maxNewLines. Applies defaultNewLines otherwise.
      • setPriority

        public void setPriority​(int priority)
        Description copied from interface: IHiddenRegionFormatter
        Sets the priority of this formatting configuration. Used when two configurations should be merged. The priority of this formatter; the default value is IHiddenRegionFormatter.NORMAL_PRIORITY.
      • setSpace

        public void setSpace​(java.lang.String space)
        Description copied from interface: IHiddenRegionFormatter
        The given space is used for this hidden region.