Interface IHiddenRegionFormatter

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void autowrap()
      Configure autowrap.
      void autowrap​(int triggerLength)
      Configure autowrap.
      FormatterRequest getRequest()
      Returns teh current formatter request and allows to read configuration settings.
      void highPriority()
      When merging, treat this configuration with a high priority.
      void indent()  
      void lowPriority()
      When merging, treat this configuration with a low priority.
      void newLine()
      Forces a line break in this hidden region.
      void noAutowrap()
      Suppresses auto wrap in this hidden region.
      void noIndentation()
      Resets the indentation level to zero.
      void noSpace()
      Format this hidden region with using no space (zero characters).
      void oneSpace()
      One space is added at this hidden region.
      void setNewLines​(int newLines)
      Forces the number of newlines in this hidden region.
      void setNewLines​(int minNewLines, int defaultNewLines, int maxNewLines)
      Configures the given new lines for this hidden region.
      void setOnAutowrap​(IAutowrapFormatter formatter)
      Callback if autowrapping was applied.
      void setPriority​(int priority)
      Sets the priority of this formatting configuration.
      void setSpace​(java.lang.String space)
      The given space is used for this hidden region.
    • Method Detail

      • autowrap

        void autowrap()
        Configure autowrap. Same as autowrap(0).
      • autowrap

        void autowrap​(int triggerLength)
        Configure autowrap. The triggerLength allows to shift the wrapping point beyond its actual position in the file. If a line has multiple wrapping points it will scan backwards for the first autowrapped region. The triggerLength moves this region logically such it will be found earlier.
      • noAutowrap

        void noAutowrap()
        Suppresses auto wrap in this hidden region.
      • setOnAutowrap

        void setOnAutowrap​(IAutowrapFormatter formatter)
        Callback if autowrapping was applied.
      • getRequest

        FormatterRequest getRequest()
        Returns teh current formatter request and allows to read configuration settings.
      • highPriority

        void highPriority()
        When merging, treat this configuration with a high priority.
        See Also:
        lowPriority(), HIGH_PRIORITY
      • lowPriority

        void lowPriority()
        When merging, treat this configuration with a low priority.
        See Also:
        highPriority(), LOW_PRIORITY
      • setPriority

        void setPriority​(int priority)
        Sets the priority of this formatting configuration. Used when two configurations should be merged. The priority of this formatter; the default value is NORMAL_PRIORITY.
      • noIndentation

        void noIndentation()
        Resets the indentation level to zero.
      • indent

        void indent()
      • newLine

        void newLine()
        Forces a line break in this hidden region. Same as setNewLines(1).
      • setNewLines

        void setNewLines​(int newLines)
        Forces the number of newlines in this hidden region. Same as setNewLines(nl, nl, nl)
      • setNewLines

        void setNewLines​(int minNewLines,
                         int defaultNewLines,
                         int maxNewLines)
        Configures the given new lines for this hidden region. Keeps the current configuration if it is in the valid boundaries of minNewLines and maxNewLines. Applies defaultNewLines otherwise.
      • noSpace

        void noSpace()
        Format this hidden region with using no space (zero characters). Same as setSpace("").
      • oneSpace

        void oneSpace()
        One space is added at this hidden region. Same as setSpace(" ").
      • setSpace

        void setSpace​(java.lang.String space)
        The given space is used for this hidden region.