Interface IMarkerFactory.IMarker

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface IMarkerFactory.IMarker
    Represents a nestable parser state
    • Method Detail

      • rollback

        void rollback()
        Discard all recorded information. Rolls the parser's state back as it was before it was marked. The marker cannot be used any longer after a rollback.
      • commit

        void commit()
        Commit all recorded information. You cannot use a marker any longer, if you commit it's data.
      • flush

        void flush()
        Commit all recorded information. You can reuse a marker flushed marker. The flushed data cannot be rolled back by this marker.
      • fork

        IMarkerFactory.IMarker fork()
        Create another marker for the very same original state of the parser. A fork can be understood as an alternative branch in the decision tree. Before you commit or flush any of the alternatives, you have to ensure that they are rejoined. Otherwise will the commit be rejected.
      • join

        IMarkerFactory.IMarker join​(IMarkerFactory.IMarker forkedMarker)
        Join the forked marker and keep this one as the better one. Will discard all recorded information of the forked marker and reset the parsers state to this marker.