
Internal implementation detail, not ABI stable, do not touch. For use only by the [[org.ekrich.config]] package.

Internal implementation detail, not ABI stable, do not touch. For use only by the [[org.ekrich.config]] package.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def equalsHandlingNull(a: AnyRef, b: AnyRef): Boolean
def extractInitializerError(e: ExceptionInInitializerError): ConfigException
def isC0Control(codepoint: Int): Boolean
def isWhitespace(codepoint: Int): Boolean
def joinPath(elements: String*): String
def joinPath(elements: List[String]): String
def readOrigin(in: ObjectInputStream): SimpleConfigOrigin
def renderJsonString(s: String): String
def splitPath(path: String): List[String]
def syntaxFromExtension(filename: String): ConfigSyntax

Guess configuration syntax from given filename.

Guess configuration syntax from given filename.

Value Params

configuration filename


configuration syntax if a match is found. Otherwise, null.

def unicodeTrim(s: String): String
def writeOrigin(out: ObjectOutputStream, origin: ConfigOrigin): Unit