Class SettingsConfig.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static class SettingsConfig.Builder extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • setMaxPageSearchSize

      public SettingsConfig.Builder setMaxPageSearchSize(Integer maxPageSearchSize)
      Sets the paging maximum paging maxPageSearchSize that transform can use when pulling the data from the source index. If OOM is triggered, the paging maxPageSearchSize is dynamically reduced so that the transform can continue to gather data.
      maxPageSearchSize - Integer value between 10 and 10_000
      the SettingsConfig.Builder with the paging maxPageSearchSize set.
    • setRequestsPerSecond

      public SettingsConfig.Builder setRequestsPerSecond(Float documentsPerSecond)
      Sets the docs per second that transform can use when pulling the data from the source index. This setting throttles transform by issuing queries less often, however processing still happens in batches. A value of 0 disables throttling (default).
      documentsPerSecond - Integer value
      the SettingsConfig.Builder with requestsPerSecond set.
    • setDatesAsEpochMillis

      public SettingsConfig.Builder setDatesAsEpochMillis(Boolean datesAsEpochMillis)
      Whether to write the output of a date aggregation as millis since epoch or as formatted string (ISO format). Transforms created before 7.11 write dates as epoch_millis. The new default is ISO string. You can use this setter to configure the old style writing as epoch millis. An explicit `null` resets to default.
      datesAsEpochMillis - true if dates should be written as epoch_millis.
      the SettingsConfig.Builder with datesAsEpochMilli set.
    • setAlignCheckpoints

      public SettingsConfig.Builder setAlignCheckpoints(Boolean alignCheckpoints)
      Whether to align transform checkpoint ranges with date histogram interval. An explicit `null` resets to default.
      alignCheckpoints - true if checkpoint ranges should be aligned with date histogram interval.
      the SettingsConfig.Builder with alignCheckpoints set.
    • build

      public SettingsConfig build()