Class ClientYamlSuiteRestSpec


public class ClientYamlSuiteRestSpec extends Object
Holds the specification used to turn do actions in the YAML suite into REST api calls.
  • Method Details

    • getApi

      public ClientYamlSuiteRestApi getApi(String api)
    • getApis

    • isGlobalParameter

      public boolean isGlobalParameter(String param)
      Returns whether the provided parameter is one of those parameters that are supported by all Elasticsearch api
    • isClientParameter

      public boolean isClientParameter(String name)
      Returns whether the provided parameter is one of those parameters that are supported by the Elasticsearch language clients, meaning that they influence the client behaviour and don't get sent to Elasticsearch
    • load

      public static ClientYamlSuiteRestSpec load(String classpathPrefix) throws Exception
      Parses the complete set of REST spec available under the provided directories