Class AbstractClient

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Client, InternalClient
Direct Known Subclasses:
InternalTransportClient, NodeClient, TransportClient

public abstract class AbstractClient
extends java.lang.Object
implements InternalClient

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 BulkRequestBuilder prepareBulk()
          Executes a bulk of index / delete operations.
 CountRequestBuilder prepareCount(java.lang.String... indices)
          A count of all the documents matching a specific query.
 DeleteRequestBuilder prepareDelete()
          Deletes a document from the index based on the index, type and id.
 DeleteRequestBuilder prepareDelete(java.lang.String index, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String id)
          Deletes a document from the index based on the index, type and id.
 DeleteByQueryRequestBuilder prepareDeleteByQuery(java.lang.String... indices)
          Deletes all documents from one or more indices based on a query.
 GetRequestBuilder prepareGet()
          Gets the document that was indexed from an index with a type and id.
 GetRequestBuilder prepareGet(java.lang.String index, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String id)
          Gets the document that was indexed from an index with a type and id.
 IndexRequestBuilder prepareIndex()
          Index a document associated with a given index and type.
 IndexRequestBuilder prepareIndex(java.lang.String index, java.lang.String type)
          Index a document associated with a given index and type.
 IndexRequestBuilder prepareIndex(java.lang.String index, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String id)
          Index a document associated with a given index and type.
 PercolateRequestBuilder preparePercolate(java.lang.String index, java.lang.String type)
          Percolates a request returning the matches documents.
 SearchRequestBuilder prepareSearch(java.lang.String... indices)
          Search across one or more indices and one or more types with a query.
 SearchScrollRequestBuilder prepareSearchScroll(java.lang.String scrollId)
          A search scroll request to continue searching a previous scrollable search request.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.elasticsearch.client.internal.InternalClient
Methods inherited from interface org.elasticsearch.client.Client
admin, bulk, bulk, close, count, count, delete, delete, deleteByQuery, deleteByQuery, get, get, index, index, moreLikeThis, moreLikeThis, percolate, percolate, search, search, searchScroll, searchScroll

Constructor Detail


public AbstractClient()
Method Detail


public IndexRequestBuilder prepareIndex()
Description copied from interface: Client
Index a document associated with a given index and type.

The id is optional, if it is not provided, one will be generated automatically.

Specified by:
prepareIndex in interface Client


public IndexRequestBuilder prepareIndex(java.lang.String index,
                                        java.lang.String type)
Description copied from interface: Client
Index a document associated with a given index and type.

The id is optional, if it is not provided, one will be generated automatically.

Specified by:
prepareIndex in interface Client
index - The index to index the document to
type - The type to index the document to


public IndexRequestBuilder prepareIndex(java.lang.String index,
                                        java.lang.String type,
                                        java.lang.String id)
Description copied from interface: Client
Index a document associated with a given index and type.

The id is optional, if it is not provided, one will be generated automatically.

Specified by:
prepareIndex in interface Client
index - The index to index the document to
type - The type to index the document to
id - The id of the document


public DeleteRequestBuilder prepareDelete()
Description copied from interface: Client
Deletes a document from the index based on the index, type and id.

Specified by:
prepareDelete in interface Client


public DeleteRequestBuilder prepareDelete(java.lang.String index,
                                          java.lang.String type,
                                          java.lang.String id)
Description copied from interface: Client
Deletes a document from the index based on the index, type and id.

Specified by:
prepareDelete in interface Client
index - The index to delete the document from
type - The type of the document to delete
id - The id of the document to delete


public BulkRequestBuilder prepareBulk()
Description copied from interface: Client
Executes a bulk of index / delete operations.

Specified by:
prepareBulk in interface Client


public DeleteByQueryRequestBuilder prepareDeleteByQuery(java.lang.String... indices)
Description copied from interface: Client
Deletes all documents from one or more indices based on a query.

Specified by:
prepareDeleteByQuery in interface Client


public GetRequestBuilder prepareGet()
Description copied from interface: Client
Gets the document that was indexed from an index with a type and id.

Specified by:
prepareGet in interface Client


public GetRequestBuilder prepareGet(java.lang.String index,
                                    java.lang.String type,
                                    java.lang.String id)
Description copied from interface: Client
Gets the document that was indexed from an index with a type and id.

Specified by:
prepareGet in interface Client


public SearchRequestBuilder prepareSearch(java.lang.String... indices)
Description copied from interface: Client
Search across one or more indices and one or more types with a query.

Specified by:
prepareSearch in interface Client


public SearchScrollRequestBuilder prepareSearchScroll(java.lang.String scrollId)
Description copied from interface: Client
A search scroll request to continue searching a previous scrollable search request.

Specified by:
prepareSearchScroll in interface Client


public CountRequestBuilder prepareCount(java.lang.String... indices)
Description copied from interface: Client
A count of all the documents matching a specific query.

Specified by:
prepareCount in interface Client


public PercolateRequestBuilder preparePercolate(java.lang.String index,
                                                java.lang.String type)
Description copied from interface: Client
Percolates a request returning the matches documents.

Specified by:
preparePercolate in interface Client
index - The index to percolate the doc
type - The type of the doc