Class TextQueryBuilder

  extended by org.elasticsearch.index.query.xcontent.BaseQueryBuilder
      extended by org.elasticsearch.index.query.xcontent.TextQueryBuilder
All Implemented Interfaces:
ToXContent, QueryBuilder, XContentQueryBuilder

public class TextQueryBuilder
extends BaseQueryBuilder

Text query is a query that analyzes the text and constructs a query as the result of the analysis. It can construct different queries based on the type provided.

Nested Class Summary
static class TextQueryBuilder.Operator
static class TextQueryBuilder.Type
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContent
ToXContent.MapParams, ToXContent.Params
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContent
Constructor Summary
TextQueryBuilder(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object text)
          Constructs a new text query.
Method Summary
 TextQueryBuilder analyzer(java.lang.String analyzer)
          Explicitly set the analyzer to use.
 void doXContent(XContentBuilder builder, ToXContent.Params params)
 TextQueryBuilder fuzziness(java.lang.Object fuzziness)
          Sets the minimum similarity used when evaluated to a fuzzy query type.
 TextQueryBuilder maxExpansions(int maxExpansions)
          When using fuzzy or prefix type query, the number of term expansions to use.
 TextQueryBuilder operator(TextQueryBuilder.Operator operator)
          Sets the operator to use when using a boolean query.
 TextQueryBuilder slop(int slop)
          Set the phrase slop if evaluated to a phrase query type.
 TextQueryBuilder type(TextQueryBuilder.Type type)
          Sets the type of the text query.
Methods inherited from class org.elasticsearch.index.query.xcontent.BaseQueryBuilder
buildAsBytes, buildAsBytes, buildAsUnsafeBytes, buildAsUnsafeBytes, toXContent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TextQueryBuilder(java.lang.String name,
                        java.lang.Object text)
Constructs a new text query.

Method Detail


public TextQueryBuilder type(TextQueryBuilder.Type type)
Sets the type of the text query.


public TextQueryBuilder operator(TextQueryBuilder.Operator operator)
Sets the operator to use when using a boolean query. Defaults to OR.


public TextQueryBuilder analyzer(java.lang.String analyzer)
Explicitly set the analyzer to use. Defaults to use explicit mapping config for the field, or, if not set, the default search analyzer.


public TextQueryBuilder slop(int slop)
Set the phrase slop if evaluated to a phrase query type.


public TextQueryBuilder fuzziness(java.lang.Object fuzziness)
Sets the minimum similarity used when evaluated to a fuzzy query type. Defaults to "0.5".


public TextQueryBuilder maxExpansions(int maxExpansions)
When using fuzzy or prefix type query, the number of term expansions to use. Defaults to unbounded so its recommended to set it to a reasonable value for faster execution.


public void doXContent(XContentBuilder builder,
                       ToXContent.Params params)
Specified by:
doXContent in class BaseQueryBuilder