Interface ProviderBinding<T extends Provider<?>>

All Superinterfaces:
Binding<T>, Element

public interface ProviderBinding<T extends Provider<?>>
extends Binding<T>

A binding to a Provider that delegates to the binding for the provided type. This binding is used whenever a Provider<T> is injected (as opposed to injecting T directly).


Method Summary
 Key<?> getProvidedKey()
          Returns the key whose binding is used to provide instances.
Methods inherited from interface org.elasticsearch.common.inject.Binding
acceptScopingVisitor, acceptTargetVisitor, getKey, getProvider
Methods inherited from interface org.elasticsearch.common.inject.spi.Element
acceptVisitor, applyTo, getSource

Method Detail


Key<?> getProvidedKey()
Returns the key whose binding is used to provide instances. That binding can be retrieved from an injector using Injector.getBinding(providedKey)