Class DefaultBindingScopingVisitor<V>

  extended by org.elasticsearch.common.inject.spi.DefaultBindingScopingVisitor<V>
Type Parameters:
V - any type to be returned by the visit method. Use Void with return null if no return type is needed.
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultBindingScopingVisitor<V>
extends java.lang.Object
implements BindingScopingVisitor<V>

No-op visitor for subclassing. All interface methods simply delegate to visitOther(), returning its result.


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 V visitEagerSingleton()
          Visit an eager singleton or single instance.
 V visitNoScoping()
          Visit an unspecified or unscoped strategy.
protected  V visitOther()
          Default visit implementation.
 V visitScope(Scope scope)
          Visit a scope instance.
 V visitScopeAnnotation(java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> scopeAnnotation)
          Visit a scope annotation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultBindingScopingVisitor()
Method Detail


protected V visitOther()
Default visit implementation. Returns null.


public V visitEagerSingleton()
Description copied from interface: BindingScopingVisitor
Visit an eager singleton or single instance. This scope strategy is found on both module and injector bindings.

Specified by:
visitEagerSingleton in interface BindingScopingVisitor<V>


public V visitScope(Scope scope)
Description copied from interface: BindingScopingVisitor
Visit a scope instance. This scope strategy is found on both module and injector bindings.

Specified by:
visitScope in interface BindingScopingVisitor<V>


public V visitScopeAnnotation(java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> scopeAnnotation)
Description copied from interface: BindingScopingVisitor
Visit a scope annotation. This scope strategy is found only on module bindings. The instance that implements this scope is registered by Binder.bindScope().

Specified by:
visitScopeAnnotation in interface BindingScopingVisitor<V>


public V visitNoScoping()
Description copied from interface: BindingScopingVisitor
Visit an unspecified or unscoped strategy. On a module, this strategy indicates that the injector should use scoping annotations to find a scope. On an injector, it indicates that no scope is applied to the binding. An unscoped binding will behave like a scoped one when it is linked to a scoped binding.

Specified by:
visitNoScoping in interface BindingScopingVisitor<V>