Class ImmutableSettings

  extended by org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ImmutableSettings
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ImmutableSettings
extends java.lang.Object
implements Settings

An immutable implementation of Settings.

Nested Class Summary
static class ImmutableSettings.Builder
          A builder allowing to put different settings and then an immutable settings implementation.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
 java.lang.String get(java.lang.String setting)
          Returns the setting value associated with the setting key.
 java.lang.String get(java.lang.String setting, java.lang.String defaultValue)
          Returns the setting value associated with the setting key.
 java.lang.String[] getAsArray(java.lang.String settingPrefix)
          The values associated with a setting prefix as an array.
 java.lang.String[] getAsArray(java.lang.String settingPrefix, java.lang.String[] defaultArray)
          The values associated with a setting prefix as an array.
 java.lang.Boolean getAsBoolean(java.lang.String setting, java.lang.Boolean defaultValue)
          Returns the setting value (as boolean) associated with the setting key.
 ByteSizeValue getAsBytesSize(java.lang.String setting, ByteSizeValue defaultValue)
          Returns the setting value (as size) associated with the setting key.
<T> java.lang.Class<? extends T>
getAsClass(java.lang.String setting, java.lang.Class<? extends T> defaultClazz)
          Returns the setting value (as a class) associated with the setting key.
<T> java.lang.Class<? extends T>
getAsClass(java.lang.String setting, java.lang.Class<? extends T> defaultClazz, java.lang.String prefixPackage, java.lang.String suffixClassName)
          Returns the setting value (as a class) associated with the setting key.
 java.lang.Double getAsDouble(java.lang.String setting, java.lang.Double defaultValue)
          Returns the setting value (as double) associated with the setting key.
 java.lang.Float getAsFloat(java.lang.String setting, java.lang.Float defaultValue)
          Returns the setting value (as float) associated with the setting key.
 java.lang.Integer getAsInt(java.lang.String setting, java.lang.Integer defaultValue)
          Returns the setting value (as int) associated with the setting key.
 java.lang.Long getAsLong(java.lang.String setting, java.lang.Long defaultValue)
          Returns the setting value (as long) associated with the setting key.
 org.elasticsearch.common.collect.ImmutableMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getAsMap()
          The settings as a Map.
 SizeValue getAsSize(java.lang.String setting, SizeValue defaultValue)
          Returns the setting value (as size) associated with the setting key.
 TimeValue getAsTime(java.lang.String setting, TimeValue defaultValue)
          Returns the setting value (as time) associated with the setting key.
 Settings getByPrefix(java.lang.String prefix)
          A settings that are filtered (and key is removed) with the specified prefix.
 java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader()
          The class loader associated with this settings.
 Settings getComponentSettings(java.lang.Class component)
          Component settings for a specific component.
 Settings getComponentSettings(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.Class component)
          Component settings for a specific component.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Settings> getGroups(java.lang.String settingPrefix)
          Returns group settings for the given setting prefix.
 int hashCode()
static Settings readSettingsFromStream(StreamInput in)
static ImmutableSettings.Builder settingsBuilder()
          Returns a builder to be used in order to build settings.
static void writeSettingsToStream(Settings settings, StreamOutput out)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader()
Description copied from interface: Settings
The class loader associated with this settings.

Specified by:
getClassLoader in interface Settings


public org.elasticsearch.common.collect.ImmutableMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getAsMap()
Description copied from interface: Settings
The settings as a Map.

Specified by:
getAsMap in interface Settings


public Settings getComponentSettings(java.lang.Class component)
Description copied from interface: Settings
Component settings for a specific component. Returns all the settings for the given class, where the FQN of the class is used, without the org.elasticsearch prefix. If there is no org.elasticsearch prefix, then the prefix used is the first part of the package name (org / com / ...)

Specified by:
getComponentSettings in interface Settings


public Settings getComponentSettings(java.lang.String prefix,
                                     java.lang.Class component)
Description copied from interface: Settings
Component settings for a specific component. Returns all the settings for the given class, where the FQN of the class is used, without provided prefix.

Specified by:
getComponentSettings in interface Settings


public Settings getByPrefix(java.lang.String prefix)
Description copied from interface: Settings
A settings that are filtered (and key is removed) with the specified prefix.

Specified by:
getByPrefix in interface Settings


public java.lang.String get(java.lang.String setting)
Description copied from interface: Settings
Returns the setting value associated with the setting key.

Specified by:
get in interface Settings
setting - The setting key
The setting value, null if it does not exists.


public java.lang.String get(java.lang.String setting,
                            java.lang.String defaultValue)
Description copied from interface: Settings
Returns the setting value associated with the setting key. If it does not exists, returns the default value provided.

Specified by:
get in interface Settings
setting - The setting key
defaultValue - The value to return if no value is associated with the setting
The setting value, or the default value if no value exists


public java.lang.Float getAsFloat(java.lang.String setting,
                                  java.lang.Float defaultValue)
Description copied from interface: Settings
Returns the setting value (as float) associated with the setting key. If it does not exists, returns the default value provided.

Specified by:
getAsFloat in interface Settings
setting - The setting key
defaultValue - The value to return if no value is associated with the setting
The (float) value, or the default value if no value exists.


public java.lang.Double getAsDouble(java.lang.String setting,
                                    java.lang.Double defaultValue)
Description copied from interface: Settings
Returns the setting value (as double) associated with the setting key. If it does not exists, returns the default value provided.

Specified by:
getAsDouble in interface Settings
setting - The setting key
defaultValue - The value to return if no value is associated with the setting
The (double) value, or the default value if no value exists.


public java.lang.Integer getAsInt(java.lang.String setting,
                                  java.lang.Integer defaultValue)
Description copied from interface: Settings
Returns the setting value (as int) associated with the setting key. If it does not exists, returns the default value provided.

Specified by:
getAsInt in interface Settings
setting - The setting key
defaultValue - The value to return if no value is associated with the setting
The (int) value, or the default value if no value exists.


public java.lang.Long getAsLong(java.lang.String setting,
                                java.lang.Long defaultValue)
Description copied from interface: Settings
Returns the setting value (as long) associated with the setting key. If it does not exists, returns the default value provided.

Specified by:
getAsLong in interface Settings
setting - The setting key
defaultValue - The value to return if no value is associated with the setting
The (long) value, or the default value if no value exists.


public java.lang.Boolean getAsBoolean(java.lang.String setting,
                                      java.lang.Boolean defaultValue)
Description copied from interface: Settings
Returns the setting value (as boolean) associated with the setting key. If it does not exists, returns the default value provided.

Specified by:
getAsBoolean in interface Settings
setting - The setting key
defaultValue - The value to return if no value is associated with the setting
The (boolean) value, or the default value if no value exists.


public TimeValue getAsTime(java.lang.String setting,
                           TimeValue defaultValue)
Description copied from interface: Settings
Returns the setting value (as time) associated with the setting key. If it does not exists, returns the default value provided.

Specified by:
getAsTime in interface Settings
setting - The setting key
defaultValue - The value to return if no value is associated with the setting
The (time) value, or the default value if no value exists.
See Also:
TimeValue.parseTimeValue(String, org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue)


public ByteSizeValue getAsBytesSize(java.lang.String setting,
                                    ByteSizeValue defaultValue)
                             throws SettingsException
Description copied from interface: Settings
Returns the setting value (as size) associated with the setting key. If it does not exists, returns the default value provided.

Specified by:
getAsBytesSize in interface Settings
setting - The setting key
defaultValue - The value to return if no value is associated with the setting
The (size) value, or the default value if no value exists.
SettingsException - Failure to parse the setting
See Also:
ByteSizeValue.parseBytesSizeValue(String, org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue)


public SizeValue getAsSize(java.lang.String setting,
                           SizeValue defaultValue)
                    throws SettingsException
Description copied from interface: Settings
Returns the setting value (as size) associated with the setting key. If it does not exists, returns the default value provided.

Specified by:
getAsSize in interface Settings
setting - The setting key
defaultValue - The value to return if no value is associated with the setting
The (size) value, or the default value if no value exists.
SettingsException - Failure to parse the setting
See Also:
ByteSizeValue.parseBytesSizeValue(String, org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue)


public <T> java.lang.Class<? extends T> getAsClass(java.lang.String setting,
                                                   java.lang.Class<? extends T> defaultClazz)
                                        throws NoClassSettingsException
Description copied from interface: Settings
Returns the setting value (as a class) associated with the setting key. If it does not exists, returns the default class provided.

Specified by:
getAsClass in interface Settings
Type Parameters:
T - The type of the class
setting - The setting key
defaultClazz - The class to return if no value is associated with the setting
The class setting value, or the default class provided is no value exists
NoClassSettingsException - Failure to load a class


public <T> java.lang.Class<? extends T> getAsClass(java.lang.String setting,
                                                   java.lang.Class<? extends T> defaultClazz,
                                                   java.lang.String prefixPackage,
                                                   java.lang.String suffixClassName)
                                        throws NoClassSettingsException
Description copied from interface: Settings
Returns the setting value (as a class) associated with the setting key. If the value itself fails to represent a loadable class, the value will be appended to the prefixPackage and suffixed with the suffixClassName and it will try to be loaded with it.

Specified by:
getAsClass in interface Settings
Type Parameters:
T - The type of the class
setting - The setting key
defaultClazz - The class to return if no value is associated with the setting
prefixPackage - The prefix package to prefix the value with if failing to load the class as is
suffixClassName - The suffix class name to prefix the value with if failing to load the class as is
The class represented by the setting value, or the default class provided if no value exists
NoClassSettingsException - Failure to load the class


public java.lang.String[] getAsArray(java.lang.String settingPrefix)
                              throws SettingsException
Description copied from interface: Settings
The values associated with a setting prefix as an array. The settings array is in the format of: settingPrefix.[index].

It will also automatically load a comma separated list under the settingPrefix and merge with the numbered format.

Specified by:
getAsArray in interface Settings
settingPrefix - The setting prefix to load the array by
The setting array values


public java.lang.String[] getAsArray(java.lang.String settingPrefix,
                                     java.lang.String[] defaultArray)
                              throws SettingsException
Description copied from interface: Settings
The values associated with a setting prefix as an array. The settings array is in the format of: settingPrefix.[index].

It will also automatically load a comma separated list under the settingPrefix and merge with the numbered format.

Specified by:
getAsArray in interface Settings
settingPrefix - The setting prefix to load the array by
The setting array values


public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Settings> getGroups(java.lang.String settingPrefix)
                                                   throws SettingsException
Description copied from interface: Settings
Returns group settings for the given setting prefix.

Specified by:
getGroups in interface Settings


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
equals in class java.lang.Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class java.lang.Object


public static Settings readSettingsFromStream(StreamInput in)


public static void writeSettingsToStream(Settings settings,
                                         StreamOutput out)


public static ImmutableSettings.Builder settingsBuilder()
Returns a builder to be used in order to build settings.