Class DiscoveryNodes

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<DiscoveryNode>, Diffable<DiscoveryNodes>, SimpleDiffable<DiscoveryNodes>, Writeable

public class DiscoveryNodes extends Object implements SimpleDiffable<DiscoveryNodes>, Iterable<DiscoveryNode>
This class holds all DiscoveryNode in the cluster and provides convenience methods to access, modify merge / diff discovery nodes.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • iterator

      public Iterator<DiscoveryNode> iterator()
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<DiscoveryNode>
    • isLocalNodeElectedMaster

      public boolean isLocalNodeElectedMaster()
      Returns true if the local node is the elected master node.
    • getSize

      public int getSize()
      Get the number of known nodes
      number of nodes
    • getNodes

      Get a Map of the discovered nodes arranged by their ids
      Map of the discovered nodes arranged by their ids
    • getDataNodes

      public ImmutableOpenMap<String,DiscoveryNode> getDataNodes()
      Get a Map of the discovered data nodes arranged by their ids
      Map of the discovered data nodes arranged by their ids
    • getMasterNodes

      public ImmutableOpenMap<String,DiscoveryNode> getMasterNodes()
      Get a Map of the discovered master nodes arranged by their ids
      Map of the discovered master nodes arranged by their ids
    • getIngestNodes

      public ImmutableOpenMap<String,DiscoveryNode> getIngestNodes()
      All the ingest nodes arranged by their ids
    • getMasterAndDataNodes

      public ImmutableOpenMap<String,DiscoveryNode> getMasterAndDataNodes()
      Get a Map of the discovered master and data nodes arranged by their ids
      Map of the discovered master and data nodes arranged by their ids
    • getCoordinatingOnlyNodes

      public ImmutableOpenMap<String,DiscoveryNode> getCoordinatingOnlyNodes()
      Get a Map of the coordinating only nodes (nodes which are neither master, nor data, nor ingest nodes) arranged by their ids
      Map of the coordinating only nodes arranged by their ids
    • getAllNodes

      public Collection<DiscoveryNode> getAllNodes()
      Return all the nodes as a collection
    • mastersFirstStream

      public Stream<DiscoveryNode> mastersFirstStream()
      Returns a stream of all nodes, with master nodes at the front
    • get

      public DiscoveryNode get(String nodeId)
      Get a node by its id
      nodeId - id of the wanted node
      wanted node if it exists. Otherwise null
    • nodeExists

      public boolean nodeExists(String nodeId)
      Determine if a given node id exists
      nodeId - id of the node which existence should be verified
      true if the node exists. Otherwise false
    • nodeExists

      public boolean nodeExists(DiscoveryNode node)
      Determine if a given node exists
      node - of the node which existence should be verified
      true if the node exists. Otherwise false
    • nodeExistsWithSameRoles

      public boolean nodeExistsWithSameRoles(DiscoveryNode discoveryNode)
      Determine if the given node exists and has the right roles. Supported roles vary by version, and our local cluster state might have come via an older master, so the roles may differ even if the node is otherwise identical.
    • getMasterNodeId

      public String getMasterNodeId()
      Get the id of the master node
      id of the master
    • getLocalNodeId

      public String getLocalNodeId()
      Get the id of the local node
      id of the local node
    • getLocalNode

      public DiscoveryNode getLocalNode()
      Get the local node
      local node
    • getMasterNode

      @Nullable public DiscoveryNode getMasterNode()
      Returns the master node, or null if there is no master node
    • findByAddress

      public DiscoveryNode findByAddress(TransportAddress address)
      Get a node by its address
      address - TransportAddress of the wanted node
      node identified by the given address or null if no such node exists
    • getSmallestNonClientNodeVersion

      public Version getSmallestNonClientNodeVersion()
      Returns the version of the node with the oldest version in the cluster that is not a client node If there are no non-client nodes, Version.CURRENT will be returned.
      the oldest version in the cluster
    • getMinNodeVersion

      public Version getMinNodeVersion()
      Returns the version of the node with the oldest version in the cluster.
      the oldest version in the cluster
    • getMaxNodeVersion

      public Version getMaxNodeVersion()
      Returns the version of the node with the youngest version in the cluster
      the youngest version in the cluster
    • resolveNode

      public DiscoveryNode resolveNode(String node)
      Resolve a node with a given id
      node - id of the node to discover
      discovered node matching the given id
      IllegalArgumentException - if more than one node matches the request or no nodes have been resolved
    • resolveNodes

      public String[] resolveNodes(String... nodes)
      Resolves a set of nodes according to the given sequence of node specifications. Implements the logic in various APIs that allow the user to run the action on a subset of the nodes in the cluster. See [Node specification] in the reference manual for full details. Works by tracking the current set of nodes and applying each node specification in sequence. The set starts out empty and each node specification may either add or remove nodes. For instance: - _local, _master and _all respectively add to the subset the local node, the currently-elected master, and all the nodes - node IDs, names, hostnames and IP addresses all add to the subset any nodes which match - a wildcard-based pattern of the form "attr*:value*" adds to the subset all nodes with a matching attribute with a matching value - role:true adds to the subset all nodes with a matching role - role:false removes from the subset all nodes with a matching role. An empty sequence of node specifications returns all nodes, since the corresponding actions run on all nodes by default.
    • delta

      public DiscoveryNodes.Delta delta(DiscoveryNodes other)
      Returns the changes comparing this nodes to the provided nodes.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • writeTo

      public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Writeable
      Write this into the StreamOutput.
      Specified by:
      writeTo in interface Writeable
    • readFrom

      public static DiscoveryNodes readFrom(StreamInput in, DiscoveryNode localNode) throws IOException
    • readDiffFrom

      public static Diff<DiscoveryNodes> readDiffFrom(StreamInput in, DiscoveryNode localNode) throws IOException
    • builder

      public static DiscoveryNodes.Builder builder()
    • builder

      public static DiscoveryNodes.Builder builder(DiscoveryNodes nodes)
    • addCommaSeparatedNodesWithoutAttributes

      public static void addCommaSeparatedNodesWithoutAttributes(Iterator<DiscoveryNode> iterator, StringBuilder stringBuilder)