Class MapperBuilderContext


public class MapperBuilderContext extends Object
Holds context for building Mapper objects from their Builders
  • Method Details

    • root

      public static MapperBuilderContext root(boolean isSourceSynthetic, boolean isDataStream)
      The root context, to be used when building a tree of mappers
    • createChildContext

      public MapperBuilderContext createChildContext(String name)
      Creates a new MapperBuilderContext that is a child of this context
      name - the name of the child context
      a new MapperBuilderContext with this context as its parent
    • buildFullName

      public String buildFullName(String name)
      Builds the full name of the field, taking into account parent objects
    • isSourceSynthetic

      public boolean isSourceSynthetic()
      Is the _source field being reconstructed on the fly?
    • isDataStream

      public boolean isDataStream()
      Are these mappings being built for a data stream index?