
Interpreters backed by sttp.

Type members


trait BuiltInErrors[R[_]] extends BuiltInErrors
class Endpoints[R[_]](val host: String, val backend: SttpBackend[R, Any]) extends Endpoints with EndpointsWithCustomErrors[R] with BuiltInErrors[R]

An interpreter for endpoints4s.algebra.Endpoints that builds a client issuing requests using a sttp’s com.softwaremill.sttp.SttpBackend, and uses algebra.BuiltInErrors to model client and server errors.

An interpreter for endpoints4s.algebra.Endpoints that builds a client issuing requests using a sttp’s com.softwaremill.sttp.SttpBackend, and uses algebra.BuiltInErrors to model client and server errors.

Doest not support streaming responses for now

Type parameters:

The monad wrapping the response. It is defined by the backend

Value parameters:

The underlying backend to use


Base of the URL of the service that implements the endpoints (e.g. "http://foo.com")

An interpreter for endpoints4s.algebra.Endpoints that builds a client issuing requests using a sttp’s com.softwaremill.sttp.SttpBackend.

An interpreter for endpoints4s.algebra.Endpoints that builds a client issuing requests using a sttp’s com.softwaremill.sttp.SttpBackend.

Type parameters:

The monad wrapping the response. It is defined by the backend

Interpreter for endpoints4s.algebra.JsonEntitiesFromCodecs that encodes JSON request

Interpreter for endpoints4s.algebra.JsonEntitiesFromCodecs that encodes JSON request

trait Methods extends Methods

algebra.Methods interpreter that builds URLs.

algebra.Methods interpreter that builds URLs.

trait MuxEndpoints[R[_]] extends Endpoints
trait StatusCodes extends StatusCodes
trait Urls extends Urls