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absRange(Range) - Static method in class org.epics.util.stats.Ranges
Returns the range of the absolute values within the range.
add(ListNumber, double) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListMath
Returns a new list where all elements are added to a constant.
add(ListNumber, ListNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListMath
Returns a list where each element is the sum of the elements of the two lists at the same index.
addDouble(double) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.CircularBufferDouble
Adds a new value.
addInt(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.BufferInteger
Adds a new value.
array - Variable in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper.Array
ArrayBoolean - Class in org.epics.util.array
Wraps a boolean[] into a ListBoolean.
ArrayBoolean(boolean...) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ArrayBoolean
A new read-only ArrayBoolean that wraps around the given array.
ArrayBoolean(boolean[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ArrayBoolean
A new ArrayBoolean that wraps around the given array.
ArrayByte - Class in org.epics.util.array
Non-resizable ListByte implementation backed by a byte[].
ArrayByte(CollectionNumber) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ArrayByte
Constructs a list containing the values provided by the specified collection in the order returned by its iterator.
arrayCopy(CollectionNumber, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Copies the content of the collection to an array at the desired position.
arrayCopy(CollectionNumber, double[], int) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Copies the content of the collection to an array at the desired position.
arrayCopy(CollectionNumber, float[], int) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Copies the content of the collection to an array at the desired position.
arrayCopy(CollectionNumber, int[], int) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Copies the content of the collection to an array at the desired position.
arrayCopy(CollectionNumber, long[], int) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Copies the content of the collection to an array at the desired position.
arrayCopy(CollectionNumber, short[], int) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Copies the content of the collection to an array at the desired position.
ArrayDouble - Class in org.epics.util.array
Non-resizable ListDouble implementation backed by a double[].
ArrayDouble(CollectionNumber) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ArrayDouble
Constructs a list containing the values provided by the specified collection in the order returned by its iterator.
ArrayFloat - Class in org.epics.util.array
Non-resizable ListFloat implementation backed by a float[].
ArrayFloat(ListNumber) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ArrayFloat
Constructs a list containing the values provided by the specified collection in the order returned by its iterator.
ArrayInteger - Class in org.epics.util.array
Non-resizable ListInteger implementation backed by a int[].
ArrayInteger(CollectionNumber) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ArrayInteger
Constructs a list containing the values provided by the specified collection in the order returned by its iterator.
ArrayLong - Class in org.epics.util.array
Non-resizable ListLong implementation backed by a long[].
ArrayLong(CollectionNumber) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ArrayLong
Constructs a list containing the values provided by the specified collection in the order returned by its iterator.
ArrayShort - Class in org.epics.util.array
Non-resizable ListShort implementation backed by a short[].
ArrayShort(CollectionNumber) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ArrayShort
Constructs a list containing the values provided by the specified collection in the order returned by its iterator.
ArrayUByte - Class in org.epics.util.array
Non-resizable ListUByte implementation backed by a byte[].
ArrayUByte(CollectionNumber) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUByte
Constructs a list containing the values provided by the specified collection in the order returned by its iterator.
ArrayUInteger - Class in org.epics.util.array
Non-resizable ListUInteger implementation backed by a int[].
ArrayUInteger(CollectionNumber) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUInteger
Constructs a list containing the values provided by the specified collection in the order returned by its iterator.
ArrayULong - Class in org.epics.util.array
Non-resizable ListULong implementation backed by a long[].
ArrayULong(CollectionNumber) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ArrayULong
Constructs a list containing the values provided by the specified collection in the order returned by its iterator.
ArrayUShort - Class in org.epics.util.array
Non-resizable ListUShort implementation backed by a short[].
ArrayUShort(CollectionNumber) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUShort
Constructs a list containing the values provided by the specified collection in the order returned by its iterator.
asListDouble(List<Object>) - Static method in class org.epics.util.text.FunctionParser
Convert the list of arguments to a ListDouble.
asListString(List<Object>) - Static method in class org.epics.util.text.FunctionParser
Convert the list of arguments to a List.
asScalarOrList(List<Object>) - Static method in class org.epics.util.text.FunctionParser
Converts the list of arguments into a scalar or an appropriate list.


between(Instant, Instant) - Static method in class org.epics.util.stats.TimeInterval
Returns the interval between the given timestamps.
bigIntegerValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.ULong
binarySearchValueOrHigher(ListNumber, double) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListNumbers
Finds the value in the list, or the one right above it.
binarySearchValueOrLower(ListNumber, double) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListNumbers
Finds the value in the list, or the one right below it.
BufferInteger - Class in org.epics.util.array
An implementation of a list on top of buffer.
BufferInteger() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.BufferInteger
Creates a new buffer.
BufferInteger(int) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.BufferInteger
Creates a new buffer.


CircularBufferDouble - Class in org.epics.util.array
An implementation of a list on top of a circular buffer.
CircularBufferDouble(int) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.CircularBufferDouble
Creates a new circular buffer with the given maximum capacity.
CircularBufferDouble(int, int) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.CircularBufferDouble
Creates a new circular buffer with the given initial and maximum capacity.
clear() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.BufferInteger
Removes all values from the buffer.
clear() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.CircularBufferDouble
Removes all values from the buffer.
CollectionByte - Interface in org.epics.util.array
A collection of bytes.
CollectionDouble - Interface in org.epics.util.array
A collection of doubles.
CollectionFloat - Interface in org.epics.util.array
A collection of floats.
CollectionInteger - Interface in org.epics.util.array
A collection of ints.
CollectionLong - Interface in org.epics.util.array
A collection of longs.
CollectionNumber - Interface in org.epics.util.array
A collection of numeric (primitive) elements.
CollectionNumbers - Class in org.epics.util.array
Utilities to work with number collections.
CollectionShort - Interface in org.epics.util.array
A collection of shorts.
CollectionUByte - Interface in org.epics.util.array
A collection of unsigned bytes.
CollectionUInteger - Interface in org.epics.util.array
A collection of unsigned ints.
CollectionULong - Interface in org.epics.util.array
A collection of unisgned longs.
CollectionUShort - Interface in org.epics.util.array
A collection of unsigned shorts.
combine(Range) - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Range
Determines the range that can contain both ranges.
concatenate(ListNumber...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListNumbers
Concatenates a sequence of lists into a single one.
contains(double) - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Range
Determines whether the value is contained by the range or not.
contains(Instant) - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.TimeInterval
True if the given time stamp is inside the interval.
contains(Range) - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Range
Determines whether the given range is contained by the range or not.


dft(ListNumber, ListNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListMath
XXX: This is just a prototype
divide(ListNumber, ListNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListMath
Returns a list where each element is the division of the elements of the two lists at the same index.
DOUBLE_REGEX - Static variable in class org.epics.util.text.StringUtil
The pattern of a double value.
DOUBLE_REGEX_WITH_NAN - Static variable in class org.epics.util.text.StringUtil
The pattern of a double value.
doubleValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UByte
doubleValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UInteger
doubleValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.ULong
doubleValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UShort


equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayBoolean
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayByte
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayDouble
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayFloat
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayInteger
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayLong
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayShort
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUByte
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUInteger
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayULong
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUShort
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListBoolean
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UByte
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UInteger
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.number.ULong
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UShort
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Range
equals(Object) - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.TimeInterval
Executors - Class in org.epics.util.concurrent
Factory and utility methods to for the Executor framework.
Executors() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.concurrent.Executors


floatValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UByte
floatValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UInteger
floatValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.ULong
floatValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UShort
FunctionParser - Class in org.epics.util.text
Utility class to parse string representations of functions with arguments.
FunctionParser() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.text.FunctionParser


getAverage() - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Statistics
The average value.
getBoolean(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayBoolean
getBoolean(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListBoolean
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
getByte(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayByte
getByte(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUByte
getByte(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
getByte(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
getByte(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
getByte(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
getByte(int) - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.ListNumber
Returns the element at the specified position in this list casted to a byte.
getByte(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
getByte(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
getByte(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
getByte(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
getCount() - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Statistics
The number of values (excluding NaN) included in the set.
getCurrentCapacity() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.BufferInteger
The maximum capacity for this buffer.
getCurrentCapacity() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.CircularBufferDouble
The maximum capacity for this circular buffer.
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayDouble
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.CircularBufferDouble
Returns the element at the specified position in this list casted to a double.
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
getDouble(int) - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.ListNumber
Returns the element at the specified position in this list casted to a double.
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.SortedListView
getEnd() - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.TimeInterval
Final value of the interval.
getFloat(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayFloat
getFloat(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
getFloat(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
getFloat(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
getFloat(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
getFloat(int) - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.ListNumber
Returns the element at the specified position in this list casted to a float.
getFloat(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
getFloat(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
getFloat(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
getFloat(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
getFloat(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
getIndexes() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.SortedListView
Returns the index map of the sorted view.
getInt(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayInteger
getInt(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUInteger
getInt(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.BufferInteger
Returns the element at the specified position in this list casted to an int.
getInt(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
getInt(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
getInt(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
getInt(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
getInt(int) - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.ListNumber
Returns the element at the specified position in this list casted to an int.
getInt(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
getInt(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
getInt(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
getInt(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
getLong(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayLong
getLong(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayULong
getLong(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
getLong(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
getLong(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
getLong(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
getLong(int) - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.ListNumber
Returns the element at the specified position in this list casted to a long.
getLong(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
getLong(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
getLong(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
getLong(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
getMaximum() - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Range
The maximum value.
getMinimum() - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Range
The minimum value.
getRange() - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Statistics
The range of the values.
getShort(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayShort
getShort(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUShort
getShort(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
getShort(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
getShort(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
getShort(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
getShort(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
getShort(int) - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.ListNumber
Returns the element at the specified position in this list casted to a short.
getShort(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
getShort(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
getShort(int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
getStart() - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.TimeInterval
Initial value of the interval.
getStdDev() - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Statistics
The standard deviation.


hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListBoolean
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UByte
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UInteger
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.ULong
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UShort
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Range
hashCode() - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.TimeInterval
hasNext() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorNumber
Returns true if the iteration has more elements.


intValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UByte
intValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UInteger
intValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.ULong
intValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UShort
inverseRescale(ListNumber, double, double) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListMath
Performs a linear transformation on inverse value of each number in a list.
isFinite() - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Range
Whether the range is finite and non-zero.
isLinear(ListNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListNumbers
Tests whether the list contains a equally spaced numbers.
isReversed() - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Range
Whether the range goes from min to max or from max to min.
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayByte
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayDouble
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayFloat
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayInteger
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayLong
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayShort
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUByte
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUInteger
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayULong
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUShort
iterator() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.CollectionByte
iterator() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.CollectionDouble
iterator() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.CollectionFloat
iterator() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.CollectionInteger
iterator() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.CollectionLong
iterator() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumber
Returns an iterator over the elements of the collection.
iterator() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.CollectionShort
iterator() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.CollectionUByte
iterator() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.CollectionUInteger
iterator() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.CollectionULong
iterator() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.CollectionUShort
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
iterator() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
IteratorByte - Interface in org.epics.util.array
An iterator of bytes.
IteratorDouble - Interface in org.epics.util.array
An iterator of doubles.
IteratorFloat - Interface in org.epics.util.array
An iterator of floats.
IteratorInteger - Interface in org.epics.util.array
An iterator of ints.
IteratorLong - Interface in org.epics.util.array
An iterator of longs.
IteratorNumber - Interface in org.epics.util.array
An iterator for a stream of primitive numbers, which allows to retrieve the value casted in the type you prefer.
IteratorShort - Interface in org.epics.util.array
An iterator of shorts.
IteratorUByte - Interface in org.epics.util.array
An iterator of unsigned bytes.
IteratorUInteger - Interface in org.epics.util.array
An iterator of unsigned ints.
IteratorULong - Interface in org.epics.util.array
An iterator of unsigned longs.
IteratorUShort - Interface in org.epics.util.array
An iterator of unsigned shorts.


lazyStatisticsOf(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.stats.StatisticsUtil
Creates the statistics, excluding NaN values, but the values are actually calculated when requested.
linearList(double, double, int) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListNumbers
Creates a list of equally spaced values given the first value, the step between element and the size of the list.
linearListFromRange(double, double, int) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListNumbers
Creates a list of equally spaced values given the range and the number of elements.
ListBoolean - Class in org.epics.util.array
An ordered collection of booleans.
ListBoolean() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ListBoolean
ListByte - Class in org.epics.util.array
An ordered collection of bytes.
ListByte() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
ListDouble - Class in org.epics.util.array
An ordered collection of doubles.
ListDouble() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
ListFloat - Class in org.epics.util.array
An ordered collection of floats.
ListFloat() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
ListInteger - Class in org.epics.util.array
An ordered collection of ints.
ListInteger() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
ListLong - Class in org.epics.util.array
An ordered collection of longs.
ListLong() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
ListMath - Class in org.epics.util.array
Math operations defined on lists of numbers.
ListNumber - Interface in org.epics.util.array
An ordered collection of numeric (primitive) elements.
ListNumbers - Class in org.epics.util.array
Utilities for manipulating ListNumbers.
ListNumbers() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ListNumbers
ListShort - Class in org.epics.util.array
An ordered collection of shorts.
ListShort() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
ListUByte - Class in org.epics.util.array
An ordered collection of unsigned bytes.
ListUByte() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
ListUInteger - Class in org.epics.util.array
An ordered collection of unsigned ints.
ListUInteger() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
ListULong - Class in org.epics.util.array
An ordered collection of longs.
ListULong() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
ListUShort - Class in org.epics.util.array
An ordered collection of shorts.
ListUShort() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
listView(ListNumber, ListInteger) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListNumbers
Returns a view of the given list that presents only the elements at the given indexes.
localThread() - Static method in class org.epics.util.concurrent.Executors
Executes tasks on the current thread.
longValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UByte
longValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UInteger
longValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.ULong
longValue() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UShort


minus(Duration) - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.TimeInterval
Returns a new interval shifted backward in time by the given duration.
multiply(ListNumber, ListNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListMath
Returns a list where each element is the product of the elements of the two lists at the same index.


namedPool(String) - Static method in class org.epics.util.concurrent.Executors
A thread factory where each new thread starts with the given name.
nextByte() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorDouble
nextByte() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorFloat
nextByte() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorInteger
nextByte() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorLong
nextByte() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorNumber
Returns the next element in the iteration casted to a byte.
nextByte() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorShort
nextByte() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorUInteger
nextByte() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorULong
nextByte() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorUShort
nextDouble() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorByte
nextDouble() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorFloat
nextDouble() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorInteger
nextDouble() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorLong
nextDouble() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorNumber
Returns the next element in the iteration casted to a double.
nextDouble() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorShort
nextDouble() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorUByte
nextDouble() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorUInteger
nextDouble() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorULong
nextDouble() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorUShort
nextFloat() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorByte
nextFloat() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorDouble
nextFloat() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorInteger
nextFloat() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorLong
nextFloat() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorNumber
Returns the next element in the iteration casted to a float.
nextFloat() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorShort
nextFloat() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorUByte
nextFloat() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorUInteger
nextFloat() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorULong
nextFloat() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorUShort
nextInt() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorByte
nextInt() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorDouble
nextInt() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorFloat
nextInt() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorLong
nextInt() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorNumber
Returns the next element in the iteration casted to an int.
nextInt() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorShort
nextInt() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorUByte
nextInt() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorULong
nextInt() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorUShort
nextLong() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorByte
nextLong() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorDouble
nextLong() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorFloat
nextLong() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorInteger
nextLong() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorNumber
Returns the next element in the iteration casted to a long.
nextLong() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorShort
nextLong() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorUByte
nextLong() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorUInteger
nextLong() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorUShort
nextShort() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorByte
nextShort() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorDouble
nextShort() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorFloat
nextShort() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorInteger
nextShort() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorLong
nextShort() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorNumber
Returns the next element in the iteration casted to a short.
nextShort() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorUByte
nextShort() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorUInteger
nextShort() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.IteratorULong
normalize(double) - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Range
Returns the value normalized within the range.
NumberFormats - Class in org.epics.util.text
Factory class for frequently used NumberFormats.


of(boolean...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayBoolean
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayBoolean wrapper for the given boolean array.
of(byte...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayByte
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayByte wrapper for the given byte array.
of(byte...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUByte
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayUByte wrapper for the given unsigned byte array.
of(double...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayDouble
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayDouble wrapper for the given double array.
of(double, double) - Static method in class org.epics.util.stats.Range
Range from given min and max.
of(float...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayFloat
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayFloat wrapper for the given float array.
of(int...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayInteger
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayInteger wrapper for the given int array.
of(int...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUInteger
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayUInteger wrapper for the given int array.
of(long...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayLong
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayLong wrapper for the given long array.
of(long...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayULong
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayULong wrapper for the given long array.
of(short...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayShort
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayShort wrapper for the given short array.
of(short...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUShort
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayUShort wrapper for the given short array.
org.epics.util.array - package org.epics.util.array
Provides support for iteration and read-only references to collections and arrays of primitives, without having to code for each individual case.
org.epics.util.concurrent - package org.epics.util.concurrent
Provides utility classes for concurrency.
org.epics.util.number - package org.epics.util.number
Provides unsigned integer types and related conversions.
org.epics.util.stats - package org.epics.util.stats
Defines classes to handle statistical information.
org.epics.util.text - package org.epics.util.text
Provides utilities for test parsing.
overlap(Range, Range) - Static method in class org.epics.util.stats.Ranges
Percentage, from 0 to 1, of the first range that is contained by the second range.


parseCSVLine(String, String) - Static method in class org.epics.util.text.StringUtil
Parses a line of text representing comma separated values and returns the values themselves.
parseFunctionAnyParameter(String) - Static method in class org.epics.util.text.FunctionParser
Parses the string and returns the name of the function plus the list of arguments.
parseFunctionAnyParameter(String, String) - Static method in class org.epics.util.text.FunctionParser
Parses the string and returns the name of the function plus the list of arguments.
parseFunctionWithScalarOrArrayArguments(String, String) - Static method in class org.epics.util.text.FunctionParser
Parse a function that accepts a scalar value (number or string) or an array value (number or string).
parseFunctionWithScalarOrArrayArguments(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.epics.util.text.FunctionParser
Parse a function that accepts a scalar value (number or string) or an array value (number or string).
pow(double, ListNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListMath
Raises a value to the power of each value in a list.
pow(ListNumber, double) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListMath
Raises each value in a list to the same power.
precisionFormat(int) - Static method in class org.epics.util.text.NumberFormats
Returns a number format that formats a number with the given number of precision digits.
printfFormat(String) - Static method in class org.epics.util.text.NumberFormats
ProcessingQueue<T> - Class in org.epics.util.concurrent
Allows to submit data to be processed on another thread, allowing for batch processing if there are more elements in the queue.
ProcessingQueue(Executor, Consumer<List<T>>) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.concurrent.ProcessingQueue


QUOTED_STRING_REGEX - Static variable in class org.epics.util.text.StringUtil
The pattern of a string, including double quotes.


Range - Class in org.epics.util.stats
A range of numeric values.
Ranges - Class in org.epics.util.stats
Utility classes to compute ranges.
Ranges() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.stats.Ranges
readSafeByteArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
Returns a byte array that contains the elements of the collection meant for read-only - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT MAY EXPOSE THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION Returns either the wrapped array (if exists and matches the type) or a copy.
readSafeDoubleArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
Returns a double array that contains the elements of the collection meant for read-only - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT MAY EXPOSE THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION Returns either the wrapped array (if exists and matches the type) or a copy.
readSafeFloatArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
Returns a float array that contains the elements of the collection meant for read-only - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT MAY EXPOSE THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION Returns either the wrapped array (if exists and matches the type) or a copy.
readSafeIntArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
Returns a int array that contains the elements of the collection meant for read-only - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT MAY EXPOSE THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION Returns either the wrapped array (if exists and matches the type) or a copy.
readSafeLongArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
Returns a long array that contains the elements of the collection meant for read-only - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT MAY EXPOSE THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION Returns either the wrapped array (if exists and matches the type) or a copy.
readSafeShortArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
Returns a short array that contains the elements of the collection meant for read-only - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT MAY EXPOSE THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION Returns either the wrapped array (if exists and matches the type) or a copy.
rescale(double) - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Range
Takes a normalized value and returns a proportional value within the range.
rescale(ListNumber, double, double) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListMath
Performs a linear transformation on the data.


setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayByte
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayDouble
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayFloat
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayInteger
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayLong
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayShort
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUByte
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUInteger
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayULong
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUShort
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.ListNumber
Changes the elements starting at the specified position, taking them based on the internal representation.
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
setAll(int, ListNumber) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayBoolean
setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListBoolean
Changes the element at the specified position.
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayByte
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUByte
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
setByte(int, byte) - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.ListNumber
Changes the element at the specified position, casting to the internal representation.
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayDouble
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
setDouble(int, double) - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.ListNumber
Changes the element at the specified position, casting to the internal representation.
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayFloat
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
setFloat(int, float) - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.ListNumber
Changes the element at the specified position, casting to the internal representation.
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
setInt(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayInteger
setInt(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUInteger
setInt(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
setInt(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
setInt(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
setInt(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
setInt(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
setInt(int, int) - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.ListNumber
Changes the element at the specified position, casting to the internal representation.
setInt(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
setInt(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
setInt(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
setInt(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
setInt(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
setLong(int, long) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayLong
setLong(int, long) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayULong
setLong(int, long) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
setLong(int, long) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
setLong(int, long) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
setLong(int, long) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
setLong(int, long) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
setLong(int, long) - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.ListNumber
Changes the element at the specified position, casting to the internal representation.
setLong(int, long) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
setLong(int, long) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
setLong(int, long) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
setLong(int, long) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
setLong(int, long) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
setShort(int, short) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayShort
setShort(int, short) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUShort
setShort(int, short) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
setShort(int, short) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
setShort(int, short) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
setShort(int, short) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
setShort(int, short) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
setShort(int, short) - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.ListNumber
Changes the element at the specified position, casting to the internal representation.
setShort(int, short) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
setShort(int, short) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
setShort(int, short) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
setShort(int, short) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
setShort(int, short) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
shrink(double) - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Range
Returns a new range with the same center value and width equal to the original width multiplied by the given factor.
SINGLEQUOTED_STRING_REGEX - Static variable in class org.epics.util.text.StringUtil
The pattern of a string using single quotes.
size - Variable in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper.Array
size() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayBoolean
size() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayByte
size() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayDouble
size() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayFloat
size() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayInteger
size() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayLong
size() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayShort
size() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUByte
size() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUInteger
size() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayULong
size() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUShort
size() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.BufferInteger
Returns the number of elements in the collection.
size() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.CircularBufferDouble
Returns the number of elements in the collection.
size() - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumber
Returns the number of elements in the collection.
size() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListBoolean
Returns the number of elements in the collection.
size() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.SortedListView
SortedListView - Class in org.epics.util.array
A sorted view of a list.
sortedView(ListNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListNumbers
Creates a sorted view of the given ListNumber.
sortedView(ListNumber, ListInteger) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListNumbers
Creates a sorted view of the given ListNumber based on the indexes provided.
startIndex - Variable in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper.Array
Statistics - Class in org.epics.util.stats
The statistics of a given set of numbers.
Statistics() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.stats.Statistics
statisticsOf(List<Statistics>) - Static method in class org.epics.util.stats.StatisticsUtil
Aggregates statistical information.
statisticsOf(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.stats.StatisticsUtil
Calculates data statistics, excluding NaN values.
StatisticsUtil - Class in org.epics.util.stats
Utility class to calculate statistical information.
StatisticsUtil() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.stats.StatisticsUtil
STRING_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_REGEX - Static variable in class org.epics.util.text.StringUtil
The pattern of a string fragment with escape sequences.
StringUtil - Class in org.epics.util.text
A set of utilities to parse strings.
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayByte
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayDouble
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayFloat
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayInteger
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayLong
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayShort
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUByte
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUInteger
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayULong
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUShort
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
subList(int, int) - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.ListNumber
Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
submit(T) - Method in class org.epics.util.concurrent.ProcessingQueue
subtract(ListNumber, ListNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.ListMath
Returns a list where each element is the difference of the elements of the two lists at the same index.
swingEDT() - Static method in class org.epics.util.concurrent.Executors
Executes tasks on the Swing Event Dispatch Thread using SwingUtilities.invokeLater().


TimeInterval - Class in org.epics.util.stats
A period of time that spans two instants (included) at the nanosecond precision.
toArray(T) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayByte
toArray(T) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayDouble
toArray(T) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayFloat
toArray(T) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayLong
toArray(T) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayShort
toArray(T) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUByte
toArray(T) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayULong
toArray(T) - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ArrayUShort
toArray(T) - Method in interface org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumber
toBigInteger(long) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UnsignedConversions
Converts an unsigned long to a BigInteger.
toDouble(byte) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UnsignedConversions
Converts an unsigned byte to a double.
toDouble(int) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UnsignedConversions
Converts an unsigned int to a double.
toDouble(long) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UnsignedConversions
Converts an unsigned long to a double.
toDouble(short) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UnsignedConversions
Converts an unsigned short to a double.
toFloat(byte) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UnsignedConversions
Converts an unsigned byte to a float.
toFloat(int) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UnsignedConversions
Converts an unsigned int to a float.
toFloat(long) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UnsignedConversions
Converts an unsigned long to a float.
toFloat(short) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UnsignedConversions
Converts an unsigned short to a float.
toInt(byte) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UnsignedConversions
Converts an unsigned byte to a int.
toInt(short) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UnsignedConversions
Converts an unsigned short to a int.
toList(Object) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Takes a primitive array and wraps it into the appropriate mutable array wrapper.
toListByte(byte...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Takes a byte array and wraps it into an ArrayByte.
toListDouble(double...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Takes a double array and wraps it into an ArrayDouble.
toListFloat(float...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Takes a float array and wraps it into an ArrayFloat.
toListInt(int...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Takes an int array and wraps it into an ArrayInteger.
toListLong(long...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Takes a long array and wraps it into an ArrayLong.
toListShort(short...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Takes a short array and wraps it into an ArrayShort.
toListUByte(byte...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Takes an unsigned byte array and wraps it into an ArrayUByte.
toListUInt(int...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Takes an unsigned int array and wraps it into an ArrayUInteger.
toListULong(long...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Takes an unsigned long array and wraps it into an ArrayULong.
toListUShort(short...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Takes an unsigned short array and wraps it into an ArrayUShort.
toLong(byte) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UnsignedConversions
Converts an unsigned byte to a long.
toLong(int) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UnsignedConversions
Converts an unsigned int to a long.
toLong(short) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UnsignedConversions
Converts an unsigned short to a long.
toShort(byte) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UnsignedConversions
Converts an unsigned byte to a short.
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListByte
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListDouble
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListFloat
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListInteger
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListLong
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListShort
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUByte
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUInteger
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListULong
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.array.ListUShort
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UByte
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UInteger
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.ULong
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.number.UShort
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.Range
toString() - Method in class org.epics.util.stats.TimeInterval
toString(byte) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UByte
Returns a new String object representing the specified unsigned byte.
toString(int) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UInteger
Returns a new String object representing the specified unsigned int.
toString(long) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.ULong
Returns a new String object representing the specified unsigned long.
toString(short) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UShort
Returns a new String object representing the specified unsigned short.
toStringFormat() - Static method in class org.epics.util.text.NumberFormats
Returns the NumberFormat that uses the standard text representation (toString) for numbers.


UByte - Class in org.epics.util.number
A wrapper for a unsigned byte value.
UByte(byte) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.number.UByte
Constructs a newly allocated UByte object that represent the specified unsigned byte value.
UInteger - Class in org.epics.util.number
A wrapper for a unsigned int value.
UInteger(int) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.number.UInteger
Constructs a newly allocated UInteger object that represent the specified unsigned int value.
ULong - Class in org.epics.util.number
A wrapper for a unsigned long value.
ULong(long) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.number.ULong
Constructs a newly allocated ULong object that represent the specified unsigned long value.
undefined() - Static method in class org.epics.util.stats.Range
An undefined range.
unescapeString(String) - Static method in class org.epics.util.text.StringUtil
Takes an escaped string and returns the unescaped version
unmodifiableList(ArrayByte) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified list.
unmodifiableList(ArrayDouble) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified list.
unmodifiableList(ArrayFloat) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified list.
unmodifiableList(ArrayInteger) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified list.
unmodifiableList(ArrayLong) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified list.
unmodifiableList(ArrayShort) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified list.
unmodifiableList(ListByte) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified list.
unmodifiableList(ListDouble) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified list.
unmodifiableList(ListFloat) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified list.
unmodifiableList(ListInteger) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified list.
unmodifiableList(ListLong) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified list.
unmodifiableList(ListNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified list.
unmodifiableList(ListShort) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified list.
unmodifiableListByte(byte...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayByte wrapper for the given byte array.
unmodifiableListDouble(double...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayDouble wrapper for the given double array.
unmodifiableListFloat(float...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayFloat wrapper for the given float array.
unmodifiableListInt(int...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayInteger wrapper for the given int array.
unmodifiableListLong(long...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayLong wrapper for the given long array.
unmodifiableListShort(short...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayShort wrapper for the given short array.
unmodifiableListUByte(byte...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayUByte wrapper for the given unsigned byte array.
unmodifiableListUInt(int...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayUInteger wrapper for the given unsigned int array.
unmodifiableListULong(long...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayULong wrapper for the given unsigned long array.
unmodifiableListUShort(short...) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.CollectionNumbers
Returns an unmodifiable ArrayUShort wrapper for the given unsigned short array.
unquote(String) - Static method in class org.epics.util.text.StringUtil
Takes a single quoted or double quoted String and returns the unquoted and unescaped version of the string.
UnsafeUnwrapper - Class in org.epics.util.array
A set of utilities that allows, when really needed, to get the primitive array wrapped by the ArrayXxx classes.
UnsafeUnwrapper() - Constructor for class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
UnsafeUnwrapper.Array<T> - Class in org.epics.util.array
A primitive array together with the starting index and the number of elements to be read from the starting index.
UnsignedConversions - Class in org.epics.util.number
Conversion utilities between unsigned primitives and standard Java primitives.
UShort - Class in org.epics.util.number
A wrapper for a unsigned short value.
UShort(short) - Constructor for class org.epics.util.number.UShort
Constructs a newly allocated UShort object that represent the specified unsigned short value.


valueOf(byte) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UByte
A wrapper for the given unsigned byte.
valueOf(int) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UInteger
A wrapper for the given unsigned int.
valueOf(long) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.ULong
A wrapper for the given unsigned long.
valueOf(short) - Static method in class org.epics.util.number.UShort
A wrapper for the given unsigned short.


wrappedArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
If available, return the array wrapped by the collection - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT EXPOSES THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION.
wrappedByteArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
If available, return the array wrapped by the collection - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT EXPOSES THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION.
wrappedDoubleArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
If available, return the array wrapped by the collection - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT EXPOSES THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION.
wrappedFloatArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
If available, return the array wrapped by the collection - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT EXPOSES THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION.
wrappedIntArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
If available, return the array wrapped by the collection - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT EXPOSES THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION.
wrappedLongArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
If available, return the array wrapped by the collection - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT EXPOSES THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION.
wrappedShortArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
If available, return the array wrapped by the collection - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT EXPOSES THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION.
writeSafeByteArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
Returns a byte array that contains the elements of the collection meant - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT MAY EXPOSE THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION Returns either the wrapped array (if exists and matches the type and the collection is modifiable) or a copy.
writeSafeDoubleArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
Returns a double array that contains the elements of the collection meant - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT MAY EXPOSE THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION Returns either the wrapped array (if exists and matches the type and the collection is modifiable) or a copy.
writeSafeFloatArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
Returns a float array that contains the elements of the collection meant - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT MAY EXPOSE THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION Returns either the wrapped array (if exists and matches the type and the collection is modifiable) or a copy.
writeSafeIntArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
Returns a int array that contains the elements of the collection meant - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT MAY EXPOSE THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION Returns either the wrapped array (if exists and matches the type and the collection is modifiable) or a copy.
writeSafeLongArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
Returns a long array that contains the elements of the collection meant - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT MAY EXPOSE THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION Returns either the wrapped array (if exists and matches the type and the collection is modifiable) or a copy.
writeSafeShortArray(CollectionNumber) - Static method in class org.epics.util.array.UnsafeUnwrapper
Returns a short array that contains the elements of the collection meant - USE WITH CAUTION AS IT MAY EXPOSE THE INTERNAL STATE OF THE COLLECTION Returns either the wrapped array (if exists and matches the type and the collection is modifiable) or a copy.
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