Interface IteratorULong

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default byte nextByte()
      Returns the next element in the iteration casted to a byte.
      default double nextDouble()
      Returns the next element in the iteration casted to a double.
      default float nextFloat()
      Returns the next element in the iteration casted to a float.
      default int nextInt()
      Returns the next element in the iteration casted to an int.
      default short nextShort()
      Returns the next element in the iteration casted to a short.
    • Method Detail

      • nextFloat

        default float nextFloat()
        Description copied from interface: IteratorNumber
        Returns the next element in the iteration casted to a float.
        Specified by:
        nextFloat in interface IteratorNumber
        the next element in the iteration
      • nextDouble

        default double nextDouble()
        Description copied from interface: IteratorNumber
        Returns the next element in the iteration casted to a double.
        Specified by:
        nextDouble in interface IteratorNumber
        the next element in the iteration
      • nextByte

        default byte nextByte()
        Description copied from interface: IteratorNumber
        Returns the next element in the iteration casted to a byte.
        Specified by:
        nextByte in interface IteratorNumber
        the next element in the iteration
      • nextShort

        default short nextShort()
        Description copied from interface: IteratorNumber
        Returns the next element in the iteration casted to a short.
        Specified by:
        nextShort in interface IteratorNumber
        the next element in the iteration
      • nextInt

        default int nextInt()
        Description copied from interface: IteratorNumber
        Returns the next element in the iteration casted to an int.
        Specified by:
        nextInt in interface IteratorNumber
        the next element in the iteration