Class VBooleanArray

    • Constructor Detail

      • VBooleanArray

        public VBooleanArray()
    • Method Detail

      • getData

        public abstract org.epics.util.array.ListBoolean getData()
        Return the object containing the array data.

        This method will either return a List or a ListNumber depending of the array type. A collection is returned, instead of an array, so that the type implementation can be immutable or can at least try to prevent modifications. ListNumber has also several advantages over the Java arrays, including the ability to iterate the list regardless of numeric type.

        If a numeric array is actually needed, refer to CollectionNumbers.

        Specified by:
        getData in class Array
        the data
      • of

        public static VBooleanArray of​(org.epics.util.array.ListBoolean data,
                                       Alarm alarm,
                                       Time time)
        Creates a new VBooleanArray.
        data - the value
        alarm - the alarm
        time - the time
        the new value