
Acolyte DSL for JDBC.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def withPlayDB(handler: ScalaCompositeHandler): PlayJdbcContext

Returns a Play JDBC context, able to apply function Database => A. The handler is used to delegates query execution, as soon as the statement is matching withQueryDetection.

Returns a Play JDBC context, able to apply function Database => A. The handler is used to delegates query execution, as soon as the statement is matching withQueryDetection.

import acolyte.jdbc.{ QueryExecution, QueryResult }
import acolyte.jdbc.Implicits._

import acolyte.jdbc.AcolyteDSL.handleStatement

def aQueryResult: QueryResult = "lorem"
val otherResult = "ipsum"

 handleStatement withQueryHandler { (_: QueryExecution) => aQueryResult })

// With pattern matching ...
import acolyte.jdbc.{ ExecutedParameter => P }

def runner = withPlayDB(handleStatement withQueryHandler {
 _ match {
   case QueryExecution(
     "SELECT * FROM Test WHERE id = ?", P(1) :: Nil) =>

   case _ => otherResult

runner { (_: play.api.db.Database) =>
 // Any code using Play Database
def withPlayDBResult(res: QueryResult): PlayJdbcContext

Returns a Play JDBC context, able to apply function Database => A. The result is given to any query.

Returns a Play JDBC context, able to apply function Database => A. The result is given to any query.

import acolyte.jdbc.QueryResult
import acolyte.jdbc.Implicits._


def queryRes: QueryResult = "foo"
val str: String = withPlayDBResult(queryRes) { _ => "str" }