


package reactivemongo

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class BDoc(underlying: BSONDocument) extends Product with Serializable

    BSONDocument wrapper for pattern matching

  2. sealed trait ComposeWithCompletion[Out] extends AnyRef
  3. sealed trait ConnectionHandler extends AnyRef

    Connection handler.

  4. trait ConnectionManager[T] extends AnyRef

    Connection manager

  5. trait DriverManager extends AnyRef

    Driver manager

    Driver manager

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  6. sealed trait LowPriorityCompose extends AnyRef
  7. trait PreparedResponse extends AnyRef

    Response prepared for Mongo request executed with Acolyte driver.

  8. case class Property(name: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Extractor for BSON property, allowing partial and un-ordered match by name.

    Extractor for BSON property, allowing partial and un-ordered match by name. Rich match syntax ~(Property(name), ...) requires use of http://acolyte.eu.org/scalac-plugin.html

    import reactivemongo.api.bson.{ BSONInteger, BSONString }
    import acolyte.reactivemongo.{
      PreparedResponse, Property, Request, SimpleBody, ValueDocument, &
    val EmailXtr = Property("email") // Without scalac plugin
    def resultA: PreparedResponse = ???
    def resultB: PreparedResponse = ???
    def resultC: PreparedResponse = ???
    def resultD: PreparedResponse = ???
    def resultE: PreparedResponse = ???
    def check(request: Request) = request match {
      case Request("db.col", SimpleBody(~(Property("email"), BSONString(e)))) =>
        // Request on db.col with an "email" string property,
        // anywhere in properties (possibly with others which are ignored there),
        // with `e` bound to extracted string value.
      case Request("db.col", SimpleBody(EmailXtr(BSONString(e)))) =>
        // Request on db.col with an "email" string property,
        // anywhere in properties (possibly with others which are ignored there),
        // with `e` bound to extracted string value.
        resultB // similar to case resultA without scalac plugin
      case Request("db.col", SimpleBody(
        ~(Property("name"), BSONString("eman")))) =>
        // Request on db.col with an "name" string property with "eman" as value,
        // anywhere in properties (possibly with others which are ignored there).
      case Request(colName, SimpleBody(
        ~(Property("age"), BSONInteger(age)) &
        ~(Property("email"), BSONString(v)))) =>
        // Request on any collection, with an "age" integer property
        // and an "email" string property, possibly not in this order.
      case Request(colName, SimpleBody(
        ~(Property("age"), ValueDocument(
          ~(Property("\$gt"), BSONInteger(minAge)))) &
        ~(Property("email"), BSONString("[email protected]")))) =>
        // Request on any collection, with an "age" property with itself
        // a operator property "\$gt" having an integer value, and an "email"
        // property (at the same level as age), without order constraint.
    See also



  9. sealed trait QueryHandler extends (ChannelId, Request) ⇒ Option[Try[Response]]

    Query handler.

  10. trait QueryResponseMaker[T] extends (ChannelId, T) ⇒ Option[Try[Response]]

    Creates a query response for given channel ID and result.

    Creates a query response for given channel ID and result.


    Result type

  11. trait Request extends AnyRef

    Request executed against Mongo connection.

  12. trait WithCollection extends AnyRef

    Functions to work with a Mongo collection (provided DB functions).

  13. trait WithDB extends AnyRef

    Functions to work with MongoDB (provided driver functions).

  14. trait WithDriver extends AnyRef

    Functions to work with driver.

  15. trait WithHandler extends AnyRef

    Functions to work with handler (provided driver functions).

  16. trait WithResult extends AnyRef

    Functions to work with result (provided collection functions).

  17. sealed trait WriteHandler extends (ChannelId, WriteOp, Request) ⇒ Option[Try[Response]]

    Write handler.

  18. sealed trait WriteOp extends AnyRef

    Operator, along with request when writing.

  19. trait WriteResponseMaker[T] extends (ChannelId, T) ⇒ Option[Try[Response]]

    Creates a write response for given channel ID and result.

    Creates a write response for given channel ID and result.


    Result type

Value Members

  1. object &

    Meta-extractor, to combine extractor on BSON properties.

    Meta-extractor, to combine extractor on BSON properties.

    See also



  2. object AcolyteDSL extends WithDriver with WithDB with WithCollection with WithHandler with WithResult

    Acolyte DSL for ReactiveMongo.

  3. object CommandRequest

    Request extractor for any command (at DB or collection level)

  4. object ComposeWithCompletion extends LowPriorityCompose
  5. object ConnectionHandler

    Companion object for connection handler.

  6. object ConnectionManager

    Connection manage companion.

  7. object CountRequest

    Body extractor for Count request.

    Body extractor for Count request.

    See also


  8. object DeleteOp extends WriteOp with Product with Serializable

    Delete operator

  9. object DeleteRequest

    Delete request

  10. object DriverManager

    Driver manage companion.

  11. object FindAndModifyRequest

    Request extractor for the findAndModify command

  12. object InClause

    In clause extractor ($in with BSONArray; e.g.

    In clause extractor ($in with BSONArray; e.g. { '$in': [ ... ] })

  13. object InsertOp extends WriteOp with Product with Serializable

    Insert operator

  14. object InsertRequest

    Insert request

  15. object MongoDB
  16. object NotInClause

    Not-In clause extractor.

    Not-In clause extractor. ($nin with BSONArray; e.g. { '$nin': [ ... ] })

  17. object QueryHandler

    Query handler companion.

  18. object QueryResponse

    Query response factory.

  19. object QueryResponseMaker

    Response maker companion.

  20. object Request

    Request companion

  21. object RequestBody

    Complete request body extractor; Matches body with many documents.

  22. object SimpleBody

    Body extractor for simple request, with only one document.

    Body extractor for simple request, with only one document. If there are more than one document, matching just ignore extra ones.

  23. object UpdateElement

    Update request

  24. object UpdateOp extends WriteOp with Product with Serializable

    Update operator

  25. object UpdateRequest

    Update request

  26. object ValueDocument

    Extractor of properties for a document used a BSON value (when operator is used, e.g.

    Extractor of properties for a document used a BSON value (when operator is used, e.g. { 'age': { '$gt': 10 } }).

    See also



  27. object ValueList

    Extracts values of BSON array as list.

    Extracts values of BSON array as list.

    See also


  28. object WriteHandler

    Write handler companion.

  29. object WriteResponse

    Write response factory.

  30. object WriteResponseMaker

    Response maker companion.
