Interface OboService<S>

Type Parameters:
S - type returned by the obo(BotAuthSession) function.
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConnectionService, MessageService, PresenceService, SessionService, SignalService, StreamService, UserService

@API(status=STABLE) public interface OboService<S>
Interface which returns an OBO-enabled service class from a given OBO session.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    obo(BotAuthSession oboSession)
    Returns a new service instance with OBO-enabled endpoints from a given OBO session.
  • Method Details

    • obo

      S obo(BotAuthSession oboSession)
      Returns a new service instance with OBO-enabled endpoints from a given OBO session.
      oboSession - the OBO session
      the instance of the service class with OBO-enabled endpoints
    • checkAuthSession

      default void checkAuthSession(BotAuthSession oboSession)