Interface FluentList<E extends FluentWebElement>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      <T extends FluentWebElement>
      as​(java.lang.Class<T> componentClass)
      Wrap all underlying elements in a component.
      default java.util.List<java.lang.String> attributes​(java.lang.String attribute)
      Return a custom attribute of elements on the list
      FluentWaitElementList await()
      Build a wait object to wait for a condition of this element list.
      FluentListConditions awaitUntilEach()
      Build a condition object on this element list that will match if each underlying element match, automatically waiting for condition to be verified.
      FluentListConditions awaitUntilOne()
      Build a condition object on this element list that will match if one or more underlying element match, automatically waiting for condition to be verified.
      void clear()
      Clear visible elements on the list
      FluentList<E> clearAll()
      Clear all elements on the list
      FluentList<E> clearAllReactInputs()
      Clear all React elements on the list
      void clearList()
      Calls List.clear() from underlying List implementation.
      FluentList<E> click()
      Click on all elements on the list Only the clickable elements are clicked
      FluentList<E> contextClick()
      context click on all elements on the list Only the clickable elements are clicked
      int count()
      Count elements without actually loading the lazy list.
      default java.util.List<org.openqa.selenium.Dimension> dimensions()
      Return the Dimension of elements on the list
      FluentList<E> doubleClick()
      double click on all elements on the list Only the clickable elements are clicked
      FluentListConditions each()
      Build a condition object on this element list that will match if each underlying element match.
      FluentList<E> find​(java.lang.String selector, SearchFilter... filters)
      find elements into the children with the corresponding filters
      FluentList<E> find​(SearchFilter... filters)
      find elements in the children with the corresponding filters
      E first()
      Retrieve the first element.
      default FluentList<E> hoverOver()
      Hovers the mouse over the current element.
      default java.util.List<java.lang.String> ids()
      Return the id of elements on the list
      E index​(int index)
      Retrieve an element at given index.
      E last()
      Retrieve the last element.
      default java.util.List<java.lang.String> names()
      Return the name of elements on the list
      FluentListConditions one()
      Build a condition object on this element list that will match if one or more underlying element match.
      E single()
      Retrieve the first element and checks is it exactly one element in the list
      FluentList<E> submit()
      submit on all elements on the list Only the visible elements are submitted
      default java.util.List<java.lang.String> tagNames()
      Return the tag name of elements on the list
      default java.util.List<java.lang.String> textContents()
      Return the text contents of list elements
      default java.util.List<java.lang.String> texts()
      Return the texts of list elements
      default java.util.List<org.openqa.selenium.WebElement> toElements()
      Creates a list of Selenium WebElement from this list
      default java.util.List<java.lang.String> values()
      Return the value of elements on the list
      FluentList<E> write​(java.lang.String... with)
      Fill all elements on the list with the corresponding cell in the with array.
      • Methods inherited from interface java.util.Collection

        parallelStream, removeIf, stream, toArray
      • Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable

      • Methods inherited from interface java.util.List

        add, add, addAll, addAll, contains, containsAll, equals, get, hashCode, indexOf, isEmpty, iterator, lastIndexOf, listIterator, listIterator, remove, remove, removeAll, replaceAll, retainAll, set, size, sort, spliterator, subList, toArray, toArray
    • Method Detail

      • first

        E first()
        Retrieve the first element.
        first element
      • single

        E single()
        Retrieve the first element and checks is it exactly one element in the list
        first element
      • last

        E last()
        Retrieve the last element.
        last element
      • index

        E index​(int index)
        Retrieve an element at given index.
        index - position of the element to retrieve
        element at given index
      • toElements

        default java.util.List<org.openqa.selenium.WebElement> toElements()
        Creates a list of Selenium WebElement from this list
        list of selenium elements
      • write

        FluentList<E> write​(java.lang.String... with)
        Fill all elements on the list with the corresponding cell in the with array. Only the visible elements are filled If there are more elements on the list than in the with array, the last element of the table is repeated
        Specified by:
        write in interface FluentActions<FluentList<E extends FluentWebElement>,​E extends FluentWebElement>
        with - one or many text to send.
        the current instance of FluentList to provide capability for chaining calls
        See Also:
      • values

        default java.util.List<java.lang.String> values()
        Return the value of elements on the list
        list of string values
      • ids

        default java.util.List<java.lang.String> ids()
        Return the id of elements on the list
        list of string values
      • attributes

        default java.util.List<java.lang.String> attributes​(java.lang.String attribute)
        Return a custom attribute of elements on the list
        attribute - attribute name
        list of string values
      • names

        default java.util.List<java.lang.String> names()
        Return the name of elements on the list
        list of string values
      • dimensions

        default java.util.List<org.openqa.selenium.Dimension> dimensions()
        Return the Dimension of elements on the list
        list of Dimensions
      • tagNames

        default java.util.List<java.lang.String> tagNames()
        Return the tag name of elements on the list
        list of string values
      • texts

        default java.util.List<java.lang.String> texts()
        Return the texts of list elements
        list of string values
      • textContents

        default java.util.List<java.lang.String> textContents()
        Return the text contents of list elements
        list of string values
      • find

        FluentList<E> find​(java.lang.String selector,
                           SearchFilter... filters)
        find elements into the children with the corresponding filters
        Specified by:
        find in interface SearchControl<E extends FluentWebElement>
        selector - element name
        filters - set of filters
        extended by FluentWebElement objects list
      • count

        int count()
        Count elements without actually loading the lazy list.

        This method ignore defined hooks.

        elements count
      • clearAll

        FluentList<E> clearAll()
        Clear all elements on the list

        Only the visible elements are cleared.

        extended by FluentWebElement object
      • clearAllReactInputs

        FluentList<E> clearAllReactInputs()
        Clear all React elements on the list

        Only the visible elements are cleared.

        extended by FluentWebElement object
      • clear

        void clear()
        Clear visible elements on the list
        Specified by:
        clear in interface java.util.Collection<E extends FluentWebElement>
        Specified by:
        clear in interface java.util.List<E extends FluentWebElement>
      • clearList

        void clearList()
        Calls List.clear() from underlying List implementation.
        See Also:
      • as

        <T extends FluentWebElementFluentList<T> as​(java.lang.Class<T> componentClass)
        Wrap all underlying elements in a component.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of component
        componentClass - component class
        fluent list of elements as components.
      • each

        FluentListConditions each()
        Build a condition object on this element list that will match if each underlying element match.
        a condition object
      • one

        FluentListConditions one()
        Build a condition object on this element list that will match if one or more underlying element match.
        a condition object
      • await

        FluentWaitElementList await()
        Build a wait object to wait for a condition of this element list.
        a wait object
      • awaitUntilEach

        FluentListConditions awaitUntilEach()
        Build a condition object on this element list that will match if each underlying element match, automatically waiting for condition to be verified.
        a condition object
      • awaitUntilOne

        FluentListConditions awaitUntilOne()
        Build a condition object on this element list that will match if one or more underlying element match, automatically waiting for condition to be verified.
        a condition object