Class FDB

  • public class FDB
    extends java.lang.Object
    The starting point for accessing FoundationDB.

    Setting API version

    The FoundationDB API is accessed with a call to selectAPIVersion(int). This call is required before using any other part of the API. The call allows an error to be thrown at this point to prevent client code from accessing a later library with incorrect assumptions from the current version. The latest supported API version is defined as ApiVersion.LATEST.

    FoundationDB encapsulates multiple versions of its interface by requiring the client to explicitly specify the version of the API it uses. The purpose of this design is to allow you to upgrade the server, client libraries, or bindings without having to modify client code. The client libraries support all previous versions of the API. The API version specified by the client is used to control the behavior of the binding. You can therefore upgrade to more recent packages (and thus receive various improvements) without having to change your code.

    Warning: When using the multi-version client API, setting an API version that is not supported by a particular client library will prevent that client from being used to connect to the cluster. In particular, you should not advance the API version of your application after upgrading your client until the cluster has also been upgraded.

    Getting a database

    Once the API version has been set, the easiest way to get a Database object to use is to call open().

    Client networking

    The network is started either implicitly with a call to a variant of open() or started explicitly with a call to startNetwork().
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService DEFAULT_EXECUTOR  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Cluster createCluster()
      Use open() instead.
      Cluster createCluster​(java.lang.String clusterFilePath)
      Use open(String) instead.
      Cluster createCluster​(java.lang.String clusterFilePath, java.util.concurrent.Executor e)
      void disableShutdownHook()
      Disables shutdown hook that stops network thread upon process shutdown.
      void enableDirectBufferQuery​(boolean enabled)
      Enables or disables use of DirectByteBuffers for getRange() queries.
      int getAPIVersion()
      Returns the API version that was selected by the selectAPIVersion() call.
      static FDB instance()
      Return the instance of the FDB API singleton.
      static boolean isAPIVersionSelected()
      Determines if the API version has already been selected.
      boolean isDirectBufferQueriesEnabled()
      Determines whether getRange() queries can use DirectByteBuffer from DirectBufferPool to copy results.
      Database open()
      Initializes networking if required and connects to the cluster specified by the default fdb.cluster file.

      A single client can use this function multiple times to connect to different clusters simultaneously, with each invocation requiring its own cluster file.
      Database open​(java.lang.String clusterFilePath)
      Initializes networking if required and connects to the cluster specified by clusterFilePath.

      A single client can use this function multiple times to connect to different clusters simultaneously, with each invocation requiring its own cluster file.
      Database open​(java.lang.String clusterFilePath, EventKeeper eventKeeper)
      Initializes networking if required and connects to the cluster specified by clusterFilePath.

      A single client can use this function multiple times to connect to different clusters simultaneously, with each invocation requiring its own cluster file.
      Database open​(java.lang.String clusterFilePath, java.util.concurrent.Executor e)
      Initializes networking if required and connects to the cluster specified by clusterFilePath.

      A single client can use this function multiple times to connect to different clusters simultaneously, with each invocation requiring its own cluster file.
      Database open​(java.lang.String clusterFilePath, java.util.concurrent.Executor e, EventKeeper eventKeeper)
      Initializes networking if required and connects to the cluster specified by clusterFilePath.

      A single client can use this function multiple times to connect to different clusters simultaneously, with each invocation requiring its own cluster file.
      NetworkOptions options()
      Returns a set of options that can be set on a the FoundationDB API.
      void resizeDirectBufferPool​(int poolSize, int bufferSize)
      Resizes the DirectBufferPool with given parameters, which is used by getRange() requests.
      static FDB selectAPIVersion​(int version)
      Select the version for the client API.
      void setUnclosedWarning​(boolean warnOnUnclosed)
      Enables or disables the stderr warning that is printed whenever an object with FoundationDB native resources is garbage collected without being closed.
      void startNetwork()
      Initializes networking.
      void startNetwork​(java.util.concurrent.Executor e)
      Initializes networking.
      void stopNetwork()
      Stops the FoundationDB networking engine.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService DEFAULT_EXECUTOR
    • Method Detail

      • options

        public NetworkOptions options()
        Returns a set of options that can be set on a the FoundationDB API. Generally, these options to the top level of the API affect the networking engine and therefore must be set before the network engine is started. The network is started by calls to startNetwork() or implicitly by a call to open() and and its variants.
        a set of options affecting this instance of the FoundationDB API
      • isAPIVersionSelected

        public static boolean isAPIVersionSelected()
        Determines if the API version has already been selected. That is, this will return true if the user has already called selectAPIVersion() and that call has completed successfully.
        true if an API version has been selected and false otherwise
      • instance

        public static FDB instance()
                            throws FDBException
        Return the instance of the FDB API singleton. This method will always return a non-null value for the singleton, but if the selectAPIVersion() method has not yet been called, it will throw an FDBException indicating that an API version has not yet been set.
        the FoundationDB API object
        FDBException - if selectAPIVersion() has not been called
      • selectAPIVersion

        public static FDB selectAPIVersion​(int version)
                                    throws FDBException
        Select the version for the client API. An exception will be thrown if the requested version is not supported by this implementation of the API. As only one version can be selected for the lifetime of the JVM, the result of a successful call to this method is always the same instance of a FDB object.

        Warning: When using the multi-version client API, setting an API version that is not supported by a particular client library will prevent that client from being used to connect to the cluster. In particular, you should not advance the API version of your application after upgrading your client until the cluster has also been upgraded.
        version - the API version required
        the FoundationDB API object
      • disableShutdownHook

        public void disableShutdownHook()
        Disables shutdown hook that stops network thread upon process shutdown. This is useful if you need to run your own shutdown hook that uses the FDB instance and you need to avoid race conditions with the default shutdown hook. Replacement shutdown hook should stop the network thread manually by calling stopNetwork().
      • setUnclosedWarning

        public void setUnclosedWarning​(boolean warnOnUnclosed)
        Enables or disables the stderr warning that is printed whenever an object with FoundationDB native resources is garbage collected without being closed. By default, this feature is enabled.
        warnOnUnclosed - Whether the warning should be printed for unclosed objects
      • getAPIVersion

        public int getAPIVersion()
        Returns the API version that was selected by the selectAPIVersion() call. This can be used to guard different parts of client code against different versions of the FoundationDB API to allow for libraries using FoundationDB to be compatible across several versions.
        the FoundationDB API version that has been loaded
      • enableDirectBufferQuery

        public void enableDirectBufferQuery​(boolean enabled)
        Enables or disables use of DirectByteBuffers for getRange() queries.
        enabled - Whether DirectByteBuffer should be used for getRange() queries.
      • isDirectBufferQueriesEnabled

        public boolean isDirectBufferQueriesEnabled()
        Determines whether getRange() queries can use DirectByteBuffer from DirectBufferPool to copy results.
        true if direct buffer queries have been enabled and false otherwise
      • resizeDirectBufferPool

        public void resizeDirectBufferPool​(int poolSize,
                                           int bufferSize)
        Resizes the DirectBufferPool with given parameters, which is used by getRange() requests.
        poolSize - Number of buffers in pool
        bufferSize - Size of each buffer in bytes
      • createCluster

        public Cluster createCluster()
                              throws java.lang.IllegalStateException,
        Use open() instead.
        Connects to the cluster specified by the default fdb.cluster file. If the FoundationDB network has not been started, it will be started in the course of this call as if startNetwork() had been called.
        a CompletableFuture that will be set to a FoundationDB Cluster.
        FDBException - on errors encountered starting the FoundationDB networking engine
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the network had been previously stopped
      • createCluster

        public Cluster createCluster​(java.lang.String clusterFilePath)
                              throws java.lang.IllegalStateException,
        Use open(String) instead.
        Connects to the cluster specified by clusterFilePath. If the FoundationDB network has not been started, it will be started in the course of this call as if startNetwork() had been called.
        clusterFilePath - the cluster file defining the FoundationDB cluster. This can be null if the default fdb.cluster file is to be used.
        a CompletableFuture that will be set to a FoundationDB Cluster.
        FDBException - on errors encountered starting the FoundationDB networking engine
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the network had been previously stopped
      • createCluster

        public Cluster createCluster​(java.lang.String clusterFilePath,
                                     java.util.concurrent.Executor e)
                              throws FDBException,
        Connects to the cluster specified by clusterFilePath. If the FoundationDB network has not been started, it will be started in the course of this call. The supplied Executor will be used as the default for the execution of all callbacks that are produced from using the resulting Cluster.
        clusterFilePath - the cluster file defining the FoundationDB cluster. This can be null if the default fdb.cluster file is to be used.
        e - used to run the FDB network thread
        a CompletableFuture that will be set to a FoundationDB Cluster.
        FDBException - on errors encountered starting the FoundationDB networking engine
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the network had been previously stopped
      • open

        public Database open()
                      throws FDBException
        Initializes networking if required and connects to the cluster specified by the default fdb.cluster file.

        A single client can use this function multiple times to connect to different clusters simultaneously, with each invocation requiring its own cluster file. To connect to multiple clusters running at different, incompatible versions, the multi-version client API must be used.
        a CompletableFuture that will be set to a FoundationDB Database
      • open

        public Database open​(java.lang.String clusterFilePath)
                      throws FDBException
        Initializes networking if required and connects to the cluster specified by clusterFilePath.

        A single client can use this function multiple times to connect to different clusters simultaneously, with each invocation requiring its own cluster file. To connect to multiple clusters running at different, incompatible versions, the multi-version client API must be used.
        clusterFilePath - the cluster file defining the FoundationDB cluster. This can be null if the default fdb.cluster file is to be used.
        a CompletableFuture that will be set to a FoundationDB Database
      • open

        public Database open​(java.lang.String clusterFilePath,
                             EventKeeper eventKeeper)
                      throws FDBException
        Initializes networking if required and connects to the cluster specified by clusterFilePath.

        A single client can use this function multiple times to connect to different clusters simultaneously, with each invocation requiring its own cluster file. To connect to multiple clusters running at different, incompatible versions, the multi-version client API must be used.
        clusterFilePath - the cluster file defining the FoundationDB cluster. This can be null if the default fdb.cluster file is to be used.
        eventKeeper - the EventKeeper to use for instrumentation calls, or null if no instrumentation is desired.
        a CompletableFuture that will be set to a FoundationDB Database
      • open

        public Database open​(java.lang.String clusterFilePath,
                             java.util.concurrent.Executor e)
                      throws FDBException
        Initializes networking if required and connects to the cluster specified by clusterFilePath.

        A single client can use this function multiple times to connect to different clusters simultaneously, with each invocation requiring its own cluster file. To connect to multiple clusters running at different, incompatible versions, the multi-version client API must be used.
        clusterFilePath - the cluster file defining the FoundationDB cluster. This can be null if the default fdb.cluster file is to be used.
        e - the Executor to use to execute asynchronous callbacks
        a CompletableFuture that will be set to a FoundationDB Database
      • open

        public Database open​(java.lang.String clusterFilePath,
                             java.util.concurrent.Executor e,
                             EventKeeper eventKeeper)
                      throws FDBException
        Initializes networking if required and connects to the cluster specified by clusterFilePath.

        A single client can use this function multiple times to connect to different clusters simultaneously, with each invocation requiring its own cluster file. To connect to multiple clusters running at different, incompatible versions, the multi-version client API must be used.
        clusterFilePath - the cluster file defining the FoundationDB cluster. This can be null if the default fdb.cluster file is to be used.
        e - the Executor to use to execute asynchronous callbacks
        eventKeeper - the EventKeeper to use to record instrumentation metrics, or null if no instrumentation is desired.
        a CompletableFuture that will be set to a FoundationDB Database
      • startNetwork

        public void startNetwork()
                          throws FDBException,
        Initializes networking. Can only be called once. This version of startNetwork() will create a new thread and execute the networking event loop on that thread. This method is called upon Database creation by default if the network has not yet been started. If one wishes to control what thread the network runs on, one should use the version of startNetwork() that takes an Executor.

        Configuration of the networking engine can be achieved through calls to the methods in NetworkOptions.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the network has already been stopped
        See Also:
      • startNetwork

        public void startNetwork​(java.util.concurrent.Executor e)
                          throws FDBException,
        Initializes networking. Can only be called once. The FoundationDB networking event loop will be run in the specified Executor. This event loop is a blocking operation that is not expected to terminate until the program is complete. This will therefore consume an entire thread from e if e is a thread pool or will completely block the single thread of a single-threaded Executor.

        Manual configuration of the networking engine can be achieved through calls on NetworkOptions. These options should be set before a call to this method.
        e - the Executor to use to execute network operations on
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the network has already been stopped
        See Also:
      • stopNetwork

        public void stopNetwork()
                         throws FDBException
        Stops the FoundationDB networking engine. This can be called only once -- the network cannot be restarted after this call. This call blocks for the completion of the FoundationDB networking engine.
        FDBException - on errors while stopping the network